GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow Journal - 2012

Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

you hit the nail on the head with that comment, something i read by another grower and he said this, feed the soil not the plant, thats what he said is the best way to get the healthiest and best buds from these plants, its also why these tea's work, they feed the soil and not the plant, and if the soil is happy and thriving then the plant will also thrive, their is a grow on here called doc buds high brix grow, ill find the link, basically that journal is going into it in a technical way, they are using a machine to test the sugar in the leaves and buds, the higher the reading the better the plant and buds will be, so they are feeding the soil and not the plant and getting amazing results, i think vapedog is one of the growers doing this test, ill post a link if you cant find it in the grow journals, their doc bud high brix grow, vapedogs journal, if you dont come across them ill post the link as they show exactly what they are doing and how it affects the plants
Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

I found the posts you where talking about and it all sounds so complex for me right now lol but a good read none the less :thumb:

I will need to do loads of reading into this High Brix for sure.

Another thing that looks way impressive are the Super Roots Air Pots, Think I will get some of these for my next grow.

Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

the root pots look and work great, i did look into buying some but they are pretty expensive, but they do work, the roots start to grow out of the air holes and die off so this stops the pot becoming root bound while also letting the roots to grow as normal, it makes the plants a lot healthier and means you can have bigger plants in smaller pots, seems a great idea, just seems their still expensive, when i see any at the garden centers then ill buy some,
Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

A post or two back i was talking about using Molasses through the grow, well i have just given the girls the first application of the sweet stuff. I also added a drop or two of SuperThrive to the mix.

I used 1/2 tea spoon of Molasses and 2 drops of SuperThrive per 2L

Now it is quite hard to get the molasses to mix with room temp water so what i did was mix it in a cup with really warm water and then add it back with the rest. then just popped 2 drops of SuperThrive in for good measure. Gave it all a good shake up and let the girls have it. I will give it a couple of days and report back on if they effected in any way good or bad.

Now cast your mind back to when i topped the girls.. seams like ages now lol
Well i have noticed some new growth going on even though the original leafs are not looking good at all so hopefully i will be transplanting them in to pots in the next week or so.

Think i better get a start on the flower room some time soon then..

I am also waiting on a friends grow finishing so we can try and re-gen the plants and get some clones off them.
The 2 plants are Super Iced Grapefruit. the plants have had a hard life but have stayed fem all the way to the end so i just cant let the plants die off. that would just be a sham.

Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

i bought some pots from the local hydro store, pretty cheap guy said they were self pruning pots so thought why not lol.
Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

there 20l pots and they were only 3 quid each so i thought ill give em a go.
Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

Thats going to be the pots i keep the mthers in for my 2l hempy grow. Hopefully getting rooted cuttings this weekend if not im popping seeds
Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

So i had another little look at the clones i took and two have some nice bright white roots developing so i guess i will be transplanting them quicker that i originally thought. Only problem is i have no pots....:hmmmm::rofl: how did i space on that one lol

I think i have to improvise a little until i can get some more pots in.

Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

I have managed to get 3 rooted clones WOO FUCKIN HOO

Hey thats 100% success rate :thumb:

As for the improvising of pots, I have decided to use 3 2L milk jugs. I cut the top off them and made some holes in the bottom. This will just have to do until i have a spare coin or two.

I will be taking some pictures when i get back in today and do a photo update as soon as i can tonight.

Hey TM420 did you manage to get some clones rotted or are you going down the seed road?

Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

I had loads of trouble trying to upload pictures tonight. had to end up using my phone to do it in the end.


I have put these pictures up in pairs. The original plant and her clone

What i did notice is that the genetic traits stay the same in the cuttings as the original mother.
So the growth and rooting rate are the same as the original but i guess that's why its called a CLONE lol

I just thought i would state the obvious just in case :cheesygrinsmiley:







I have noticed that the girls are looking a little on the pale green side.
So my next feeding will put the Veg nute up a notch and see how they go.

Looks like i will be keeping a mother plant of this strain so i need to make a wee space for her somewhere...

Re: GlasgowGreen's 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow journal-2012

Ta much TM.

Fingers crossed they all pop quick so you can get going.
I'm at that itchy stage... not much to do but watch them grow. i am always looking for something to do with the girls.

Just have to chill a bit :rofl: like that is going to happen

Nothing much to report guys... things are growing a wee bit slow or its me looking at them every 5min lol
The clones are coming on well too.

They have just had a good watering so look a tad droopy but they will pop back up in about an hour or two.

So just a quick photo update.





Think i will be keeping the better sized clone as a mother.

Re: GlasgowGreen’s 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow Journal - 2012

thats why its good to take pictures, when my plants where flowering i thought they had stopped growing and hadnt flowered much, but then when i checked back through the pictures i realised things where moving quicker than i thought they was, when you look at them several times a day you dont notice them grow as much, but if you left them for say a week then you would notice a huge difference, its like watching your kids grow up, you dont notice how quick they grow up till they start school and you wonder where all the time went, but then when someone sees your kids that has not seen them in 12months they say how much they have grown, so i like to take pictures and even if i dont post them on here i can still look back and check the dates and be surprised at how quick the plants are actually growing
Re: GlasgowGreen’s 1st Grow Nirvana White Widow Journal - 2012

I look at them all the time lol

I will be changing over to MH lighting in the next week or so, so i can get some height on them before i flip to 12/12
CFL is great but keeps them on the shorter side.

Oh and new seeds are on the way.. Fruit Spirit from Royal Queen Seeds. She looks good on paper!

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