Grateful Bud's Backyard Outdoor Grow - SFV OG

Yeah I see some yellowing but also crusty brown spots. Could be nothing.
But it might be a toomah (obscure Kindergartner Cop reference).
I think their colour looks good. I’m all about not over complicating things. If it’s just a couple of leaves, I go the wait and see approach. Just clock it and watch it.
I think their colour looks good. I’m all about not over complicating things. If it’s just a couple of leaves, I go the wait and see approach. Just clock it and watch it.
Yeah upper leaves look great!
May be nothing - will keep plugging along and follow the plan.
Watchful waiting is okay but nitrogen pulls from the lower leaves and shows up as yellowing there first. They seem a bit on the small side to already be dumping leaves from age.
Was following FF schedule - 2 tsp per gallon of water.
I also have some of this:
I'd skip that since it's not adding the Ca you need. I'd start by doubling the cal-mag and see if that alone helps.
Are they in their final pots? Could they be root bound?
Are they in their final pots? Could they be root bound?
Hi HG!

Definitely not root bound. I just recently up potted and roots looked good. I’ll move to the final 7 gallon pots in 2-3 weeks.

I’m thinking heat stress.
My outdoor plants are looking good!

They are getting used to the patio sun.

I last fed nutes on May 7th. No water until today (pots were light and saw lots of droopy leaves) so I mixed one gallon water plus:
  • 1 tsp. Cal Mag (double the advised amount)
  • 1 Tbsp. FF Big Bloom (per feeding schedule)
  • 1 Tbsp. FF Grow Big (FF feeding schedule said 2 tsp but I added another tsp).
Also added 2 tsp of the fish emulsion (for an added BOOST of Nitrogen). I gave this to the two mystery plants a few days ago and boy they loved it! Healthy green color a few days later:

This afternoon I saw a tiny grasshopper on one plant - along with a few chewed leaves. I smooshed him. Will spray Safer tomorrow am.

Thanks for stopping by!
Oh I forgot to mention that on April 30th I topped two plants - Tara SFV and Cindy OG. Above node 6. I'll post closeups in a few days. So far looking good but the wind is a bitch.
IKR? Came home and my wife had put big river rocks in my 1 gallon pots to hold them down!

Maybe I'm getting old but I don't remember it being this windy this often unless the Santa Ana's are blowing.
Dude I was telling my wife the same. It was never this windy and I’ve lived here my whole life. It is windy every single day now.
It's way windier here, too. I figure it's a result from climate change.

Your plants are looking good, GB. I couldn't tell where the sunburn was on the one though.
It's way windier here, too. I figure it's a result from climate change.

Your plants are looking good, GB. I couldn't tell where the sunburn was on the one though.
It was on several lower leaves. Very odd. I clipped off some of the worst. Seems to have rebounded nicely.
So I took several days off for a fishing trip in the Eastern Sierra's. Had a blast! It was hotter than hell while I was gone. And it got really windy again and apparently several plants got blown over. None are dead yet so thats a good thing. But they look unhappy. I sprayed neem this am because I saw several bugs. Later I saw a jumping black spider, about the size of a BB. He is my new best friend. Hoping he eats the interlopers.

It looks to me like both JH are trying to go into flower. Not sure what to do about that, other than put them back in the garage under the grow light for 16 hours a day. Hoping to avoid that. They are currently in the yard getting full sun for about 5 hours, then shade for rest of the day.

The 5 OG girls are looking just ok. Seeing more of the leaf damage. Assuming that is from my dumbass trying to grow plants where it gets hades hot. It was 96˚F on Saturday.
My neighbor has a huge eucalyptus tree that hangs over into my yard. Last year I noticed what looks like brown lady bugs. NOPE! They are eucalyptus beetles and they will chew on my plants. Saw one today on a leaf with damage. Little bastard. I smooshed him.
Glad you had a great time! Were those the leaves resting on the ground when they tipped over? That might be the reason for the burn in those spots.
I thought that - but I'm seeing damaged leaves that have not been touching soil. Odd.
Wondering if my soil is bad. Did not have this issue last two grows. Although last time I used FFOF + FF Coco Loco, not Happy Frog.

For the Jack Herer's I'd say either let them grow and reveg outside or stick them in the dark for 10 hours a day and then leave them outside starting June 21st.
So just leave them outside and they will reveg on their own?
They will definitely do something! The days are getting longer for another 35 days or so.
I think I had this same issue last year - not sure why.
Where the plants sit they get full sun from about 8am until 1pm. Then they are in shade. But the weird (or irrelevant) thing is when the sun sets they get a little bit of sun again around 430pm - the sun sneaks under my patio cover. Not sure if that matters at all.
They were at 24/0 when I had them so just being outside is enough to send them into flower, so I don't think it's about how many hours of direct sun they're getting.
Ahh. Shoot. I probably should have placed them under the grow light and gradually reduced hours to prepare for sunlight.
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