Growing 6 Plants - Vegging For 4 Months

Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

Happy Thurweed day yes it still is here lol :thumb:
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

maybe i might change the light time to where it gets its darkness in the day that way the lights on during the night will keep it warm and the warm temps of the day will keep it warm also. would i just switch there time at once or how would i do it. i was just thinking the next time i put them down for there 6 hrs of dark just go 12 then just start from there.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

Im gonna say change the light schedule to have more stable temperatures. you can do it gradually like a half hour every few days. In the meantime you can wrap the box with a sleeping bag or something to insulate it.

Im subbed and will try to help out if i can.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

i can't wrap it cause i have to leave the door cracked to keep the temp in the low 70's if i close it up it will get in the 90's. so i just always leave the door cracked 24/7 cause the lights turn on at 4 in the morning. I'm trying to figure out a way to do an intake fan and a out fan but its gonna be pretty hard cause of the way this thing is built.

i just thought if i change the light time to dark in the day I'm gonna have to move them to a different location cause the door still has to be cracked and that means light will get in. i guess its back to the drawing board.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

Low temps wont hurt the plant as long as they arent low for to long as there will be a stunt and tissue damage. Some people blast the plants with cold sometimes in order to get purple hues in their crop but I wouldnt advise it as temps below 65 the plant will start to conserve energy and eventually stop but will resume growth once temps reach acceptable levels. Another thing to consider is the cold will stress the plants and will make it more likely they will herm on you or switch sex altogether.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

Happy Freeweed day Joe and a Chronic Weekend to you :thumb:
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

You could but I personally prefer perlite in soil as the ph is neutral and the drainage qualities are great.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

Sure use what you are comfortable with. I just like perlite because it is neutral has buffering properties and retains water well. Use whatever means you are used to seeing success from is the best practice. Was just giving my thoughts :) Good luck you have a good handle on it.I will stop by often to look at your progress. I am curious how all that veg time will effect the final result.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

It may not be that I know more. I just love the properties of perlite. In my thinking better oxygen levels better buffering and better drainage is all aces in my book. Plus perlite helps form better healthier root balls(since the perlite attaches to the hairs) I mean I only grow indoors organic so I suppose I have more experience but you have grown outside so you have more growing experience on me in that regard. Everyone can teach anything and that is what its all about.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

Well either way i'm gonna try it i guess i can do 1/3 perlite and the rest soil. Im sure it can't hurt.

I would think indoor and outdoor is almost the same if you are growing in soil. You just pay more in electric than i do cause i use the sun. But at night i put them in my tent so i keep most of the cold air and dew off of them.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

I would love to grow outside but unfortunately that isnt practical. Was thinking of growing in a nearby park off all the paths but its just a dream. I would love to use the natural sun though.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

Also how do you stop plants from stretching i have the light real close to them but they seem to just keep growing. when it comes time to transplant can i just put the stem a lil deeper in the soil. so that way its not so tall.
You can bury the stem. I haven't done this but I've read in several threads, various grow journals, and the Rosenthal book that you can.

Although many general questions can be answered through these forums, threads, faqs - I'd like to know specifically how many hours of sun do you get per day outdoors in April where you grow? Also, vegging for 4 months indoors you plan on flowering outdoors starting in april?
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

How this look for a setup?


Wow, that's a great rig. I think you should put reflectors on those bulbs.
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

You can bury the stem. I haven't done this but I've read in several threads, various grow journals, and the Rosenthal book that you can.

Although many general questions can be answered through these forums, threads, faqs - I'd like to know specifically how many hours of sun do you get per day outdoors in April where you grow? Also, vegging for 4 months indoors you plan on flowering outdoors starting in april?

If you do decide to bury the stem you can take a fine razorblade and slice off the outer skin of the stem to expose it. To further help use a rooting agent and the fresh cut area buried in the soil will produce extra roots.(Same principle to cloning just a different cut)
Re: Growing 6 plants (Vegging for 4 months)

Perlite is good but so is coco. Like smoker joe stated already the perlite is ph neutral. Its up to you joedaddy.

How are they doing?

the plants are doing great they look nice and healthy and are starting on there second nodes.
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