Has Anybody Grown Cinderella99 X Panama Red? - Info Please!


New Member
Hello everyone, i am currently with a girl named c99 x Panama Red.. I am interested in knowin abit about her growth and traits.. Any info appreciated guys,Cheers.. Smokemup:Namaste:
no I haven't but if you go to strain revuse or even type the name of cinderella it should at least take you to someone that has:peace:
Hello everyone, i am currently with a girl named c99 x Panama Red.. I am interested in knowin abit about her growth and traits.. Any info appreciated guys,Cheers.. Smokemup:Namaste:

cheers on your grow mate,just wanted to ask if you could provide a link to where you purchased such an amazing cross as i have been searching for at least some type of Panama Red.
Hi Nex:)
I obtained this seed from an old friend.. He had some seeds laying about, some just bagseed and some he had gotten for himself.
Anyways, over here ( Australia ) strain names and such are limited to a select few people, on the street level and even some experienced growers, DO NOT KNOW THE EXACT STRAIN OR DETAILS, so it s just passed off as 'Good weed ' and ' Bad weed ' :):)
Before our falling out, i was given a few seeds and i also selected a few of his good ones, i only selected ones i liked.
My last grow was NlxWW which was one of his regular grows, and had an abundance of these seeds!!
I pinched a couple out of his brown cotton bag, which had some old paper cuttings of a Dutch seed suppliers, and some smudged texta marks on lil seal bags. The bag i took had smudged writing on it, and i was trying to work out what it may be, and then after going thru what strain i thought it was and luckily :) I DID :) C99 x Panama Red - Dutch seeds.. I remembered him growing this few seasons ago, and telling me how he liked it, he had a nice greenhouse just down form the back of his shed, and he usually grew some nice smoke. But then he grew some not so good weed/seeds, with alot of leafy material, bland taste or lack of strength..
There is no doubt i too, have got some of these dud seeds he had.. As i kinda just grabbed a few from here few from there and a couple i got out of some smoko i got - IT HAD 92 SEEDS IN IT!! I SWEAR!! 3g of bud weight, once seed pods were popped to release the seed, i was only left with seed pods, a few tiny calyx and stem!! Weighed up - there was 1.03g of green crap outta 3:(
So im hoping this BIG BUD - is correct, either way, doesnt matter and ive got a very dark brown seed - dark chocolate in color i guess. It tapped first, followe a day later by the preferred looking grey/stripey seed that was fairly well sized.
Im not exactly sure of the companies name that may supply C99xPR, TRY A DUTCH SEED Co. OR ask some advertised companies on here?
There s a description of this strain in KGB STRAIN FILES or something like that, its a list of a lot of strains..
Sorry im not more specific.. IM RATTLED:)
Goodluck mate, Smokmeup
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