Panama, Hydro Flood & Drain By Gwhunran 2022


The sprouts are in a temporary home until the flood and drain opens up in less than two weeks.

I am now in the little diy dwc that fits in my small tent. It has holes for the six inch netpots so I can move them directly into the flood and drain without having to disturb them too much. I have had root troubles with my tupperware bubblers.
I think the trouble was caused by:
1.Any of the six air lines going into the tupperware and coming off an air stone and reducing bubbles from all the others due to pressure drop. It was like "wack a mole", different hoses would come off.
Remedy- hoses have been ziptied to stones. So far so good.
2. Some pathogen developed and caused a root disease.
Remedy- ordered Hydroguard but haven't received it yet.
Also I am making the roots grow deeper into the netpot with clay pebbles before getting into the water.

I plan on being in the flood and drain in 9 days if not sooner. Depending on the trays current occupant. Vanilla Kush.

Strain info from ACE:

Panama combines 3 excellent sativas from Panama. It is one of the most popular, powerful and high yielding sativa in our catalog.

Very elaborated hybrid of great potency and vegetative vigor. It produces beautiful, large, dense flowers full of trichomes, often showing reddish and pinkish pistils when flowering, traits usually associated with the mythic Panama Red and Colombia Punto Rojo strains.

Panama is probably the best American pure sativa hybrid bred in the last 20 years.

Its aroma and effect are reminiscent of the best Colombian and Panama Red sativas from the 70’s.

Sativa / Indica ratio
100 % sativa
21.47 %
Up to 3 %
Flowering indoors
9-12 weeks
Flowering outdoors
3rd week of October
Resistance against spider mites
Resistance against powder mildew
Resistance against botrytis
Resistance against white fly
Resistance against cold
Resistance against heat
Hybrid between 3 panamanian sativa strains.
Tall and branched sativa of great strength.
Penetrating organic aroma, mainly lemon, vanilla and incense. In some phenos sweeter, with strawberry aromas.
Very powerful, psychedelic and long lasting effect. The red pheno usually has a denser and heavier effect, while the green ones provide a much cleaner and energetic experience.
Terpene profile
It mainly contains the following monoterpenes: high amounts of terpinolene (almost 50%), followed by moderate contents of alpha pinene, beta pinene, limonene, and myrcene and trans-ocmene in smaller amounts. Sesquiterpenes: only guaiol.
Growing Tips
Excellent adaptability to indoor growing.
Very suitable for SOG crops due to its great yield in the main cola, or for SCROG, horizontal or network growing due to its excellent yield in the lateral branches and its vigorous reaction to pruning.

Outdoors, it is a very adaptable plant that has been grown for years in hot climates, and in climates with a mild start of autumn.

Genetic analyses show that Panama has a unique and uncommon genotype, of moderate genetic variability. Panama is one of the best pure sativas available for the development of very powerful, aromatic, resinous and high yielding hybrids, with moderate flowering time and with excellent adaptability to indoor growing.

It accepts high levels of nutrients, producing an enormous harvest when the conditions are adequate.

Three seeds were planted and three spouts came up one week ago. I am hoping to get a punta roja pheno but will be happy with big healthy females.
In my youth, one of my fondest marijuana memories was of the Colombian Red Bud. It showed up a couple of times and after that, it was the brown seedy stuff that usually kicked ass but didn't taste too good. I remember one bag of the good stuff having a chocolate taste on exhale.

Panama sprouted 3 days (1).JPG

Panama, Day One, breaking the surface

Panama Day 4 since sprout (3).JPG

Panama, Day four since sprout

Panama Day 4 since sprout (4).JPG

Panama, Day four since sprout

Panama Day 7 since sprout (2).JPG

Panama, Day seven since sprout

They are in aerated water with GH three part liquid nutes recommended for seedlings. PHed from 5.5-6.0.
All the air lines and air stones that I've used fit each other snugly. If you're experiencing blow-offs, my guess is that your air pump is too much for the devices you've got it connected to. Solution would be to equalize things (and not by getting a smaller pump, lol).

Insufficient airflow (caused by insufficient capacity air stone type devices, as inferred by the above) and, therefore, an insufficient DO level in your nutrient solution is most likely the reason for your root issues. Hydroguard and such... it's merely going to treat the symptom - not provide a solution to the problem. One cannot have a "sturdy" building without a sound foundation; a plant's root system IS its foundation. Oxygenate, oxygenate, oxygenate!
All the air lines and air stones that I've used fit each other snugly. If you're experiencing blow-offs, my guess is that your air pump is too much for the devices you've got it connected to. Solution would be to equalize things (and not by getting a smaller pump, lol).

Insufficient airflow (caused by insufficient capacity air stone type devices, as inferred by the above) and, therefore, an insufficient DO level in your nutrient solution is most likely the reason for your root issues. Hydroguard and such... it's merely going to treat the symptom - not provide a solution to the problem. One cannot have a "sturdy" building without a sound foundation; a plant's root system IS its foundation. Oxygenate, oxygenate, oxygenate!
You may be right. The air stones are the blue aquarium type. When the lines stay on, the water is full of small bubbles. So far, so good. I just need to make it nine days at most.
The 3 out of 4 from the last time I used the tupperware, that had the root problems, recovered and are now going strong. (Headroom Incident) They were delayed for sure.
My whole reason for using the tupperware, is as a way to get a head start before putting them into the flood and drain tray. Little plants don't need big lights and all.
Hey @gwhunran , I'd like to jump in and follow along.
When I started hydro a year and a half ago my reservoir temps regularly exceeded 75 deg F, causing root issues. I kept about a dozen planted fresh water aquariums for twenty years (none now) so I experienced quite a few water issues (different species have different requirements). I purchased one of these for my reservoir.
Dissolved oxygen/root health Hydro
and my root issues disappeared. I use standard, 3% H2O2. No need to worry about DO, temperature, or bacteria. My roots see a low temp of 74 deg and a high of 80 deg. Here are some photos of my current grow, Jack Herer Auto, fifteen days from poking her head above ground (rock wool).

Excellent @gwhunran
Thank you for a very clear, detailed post with properly labeled pictures 👍
I can actually find your pictures in Google now :cool:
Hey @gwhunran , I'd like to jump in and follow along.
When I started hydro a year and a half ago my reservoir temps regularly exceeded 75 deg F, causing root issues. I kept about a dozen planted fresh water aquariums for twenty years (none now) so I experienced quite a few water issues (different species have different requirements). I purchased one of these for my reservoir.
Dissolved oxygen/root health Hydro
and my root issues disappeared. I use standard, 3% H2O2. No need to worry about DO, temperature, or bacteria. My roots see a low temp of 74 deg and a high of 80 deg. Here are some photos of my current grow, Jack Herer Auto, fifteen days from poking her head above ground (rock wool).

I'm glad your following.
I really haven't had root issues in the flood and drain but my diy design is not ideal for dwc. For one it's not deep enough, but only requires two gallons of nuted water. The bottom of the net pots actually makes contact with the air stones. I put the three panamas into the pots after first putting in the clay pebbles in. 1st up to the 2 gallon line, then more pebbles were added until they stayed dry and then a few more were added. At that point I set the plants into the net pots and added pebbles until the plant was fully supported. When they go into the flood and drain, I'll add clay pebbles to the top of the net pots.
I looked at the product. I'll have to search for links about more info and purchase info.

Again, I've only had issues in the tupperware. The roots seem to love the flood and drain tray. My changes since adding the pvc tray cover included a maintenance hole, so I could reach into the tray and check the water pump inflow and overflow drain. I have had roots follow and fill them, interfering with proper draining.
Day 11 since sprout
Added a few more nutrients to make the solution fall between recommended levels of GH three part liquid nutes; Seedlings and Early Growth. Added 4ml of HydroGuard for two gallons.
Less than a week till they move to the tray after Vanilla Kush is harvested. They are something to behold.

Panama Day 11 since sprout.JPG

Panama, Day 11 since sprout.
Day 15 since sprout.

Tomorrow they will move in to their forever home. This will be the first time since I've started with LEDs that I've had plants of uniform size to begin in the tray/scrog.

Panama Day 15 since sprout (1).JPG

Panama, Day 15 since sprout. Last day in the little tent.

Panama Day 15 since sprout (3).JPG

Panama, Day 15 since sprout. Last day in the little tent.
Those are some nice healthy girls. They should fill the net nicely.
This will be my first grow with a potential 100+ days of flowering. I hope the cool nights of fall will help with color. I'm afraid my insulation job in the room is a little too good though. It stays warm in there despite the outside temps dropping twenty degrees. Not too warm mind you, the AC and exhaust fans keep that from happening.
Day 17 since sprout
Moved the plants into the flood and drain after harvesting the Vanilla Kush, giving the tray and reservoir a good scrubbing, then reloading.

Information about the grow room they will spend their lives in.

Nutrients- General Hydroponics three part liquid

Flood and Drain- 3x3 tray, water level at overflow tube 2", res. 18 gal., 35watt air pump with two 6x2 stones and one 4x2 stone

Scrog screen will be used (screen lowered to 7" from 9" of Vanilla Kush)

Light- HLG 600R LED, 600 actual dimmable watts, quantum board type

Room 4' wide x 4' deep x 8' tall grow area, and about 4' of walking around room.

Ventilation- 6" inline fan, exhausted out of space. Controlled by inkbird, set to only come on when temp exceeds variance of AC upper limit.

AC thermostatically temp control.

One 12" fan mounted at ceiling, blowing down on plants and light
One 20" box fan blowing directly at plant level

I will add CO2 bucket when plants start to fill screen.

Panama Day 17 veg (3).JPG

Panama, Day 17 since spout, veg.
Day 19 since sprout

Everything running normally. The plants seemed to have thickened up more than shooting up these last couple of days. May have gotten a little windburn on the front plant.

Panama Day 19 veg.JPG

Panama, Day 19 veg.
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