Panama, Hydro Flood & Drain By Gwhunran 2022

Day 51 since flip.

Morning check everything normal.

I just noticed some of the pictures from two days ago are mislabeled. They should have been Panama Day 49 flower. :rolleyes:

Buds growing beautifully. I haven't grown any strains that developed the way these flowers are. What will they be like mid November? :oops:

Panama Day 51 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 51 flower
Panama Day 51 flower (2).JPG
Panama, Day 51 flower. Tall ones green phenos, short ones red pheno

Panama Day 51 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 51 flower. red pheno

Panama Day 51 flower (4).JPG

Panama, Day 51 flower. Green pheno

Panama Day 51 flower (5).JPG

Panama, Day 51 flower. Green phenos.

Panama Day 51 flower (6).JPG

Panama, Day 51 flower. Red pheno

Panama Day 51 flower (7).JPG

Panama, Day 51 flower. Leaning green pheno in the back. :D

Panama Day 51 flower (8).JPG

Panama, Day 51 flower. Trying to get above them for an overhead pic. :yummy:
Day 52 since flip.

Reservoir change day.
Used a modified amount of General Hydroponics three part liquid nutes. In between Mid and Late Bloom. I am gradually decreasing "Grow" nutes (N), and gradually increasing "Bloom" nutes each reservoir change. Mainly because of the long flowering time involved with this strain.
Added 35ml KoolBloom and 60ml CalMag+.

The light is set at 475w out of 600w. The green phenos canopy is 9" below the light and measured 74K lux
The red pheno is 20" below the light and measured 46K lux.

The CO2 bucket still bubbling but slowly. Maybe because of cooler temps.

I am now tracking inside and outside low temps before lights on. Mainly to determine when to put the elec. radiator heater controlled by an inkbird into operation. I may not need it.

Outside Inside
57F (14C) 72F (22C)
53F (12C) 70F (21C)
48F (9C) 66F (19C)

I love looking at the developing buds on the stalks. This growth pattern is new to me. I could take video of these and put it on a loop and just look at these for hours.

Panama Day 52 flower.JPG

Panama, Day 52 flower

Panama Day 51 flower (4).JPG

Panama. Green pheno stalk taken on Day 51, yesterday.
Day 53 since flip.

Morning check everything normal.

I had a real head scratcher going yesterday. I found small amounts of water around my reservoir while doing my afternoon check.
I checked my inflow/return and overflow in the tray for blockage. Everything fine.
I dried everything up and stewed on it for several hours before realizing yesterday was res. change day and I use tap water. It was rather cold yesterday, so it was condensation running off my tote reservoir onto the floor. The other room's res. was changed too and same occurrence. :rolleyes:

Panama Day 53 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 53 flower.

Panama Day 53 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 53 flower.

Panama Day 53 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 53 flower. Closeup of a small section of that tall filled in stalk. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Day 55 since flip

Morning check everything operating normally.
High winds and rain last night, part of the tropical storm remnants. Lost power for awhile during lights out.

Girls are growing beautifully.

Panama Day 55 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 55 flower

Panama Day 55 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 55 flower. Taller green phenos, shorter red pheno on the right.

Panama Day 55 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 55 flower. Green pheno. These stalks are building buds like this, from the screen to the top of the limb. A couple of feet. :oops:

Panama Day 55 flower (4).JPG

Panama, Day 55 flower. Shorter red pheno, still building bud the entire length of the stem.

Panama Day 55 flower (5).JPG

Panama, Day 55 flower. Green pheno growing horizontally. It's got room so no worries. The buds are starting to change the direction of growth. How big will they get? :hmmmm:
Day 57 since flip

Morning check, everything operating normally.

Adding fresh CO2 bucket.

Buds are fattening nicely.

Panama Day 57 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 57 flower.

Panama Day 57 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 57 flower.

Panama Day 57 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 57 flower. Leaning green pheno.

Panama Day 57 flower (4).JPG

Panama, Day 57 flower. Green pheno.

Panama Day 57 flower (5).JPG

Panama, Day 57 flower. Green pheno.
Panama Day 57 flower (8).JPG

Panama, Day 57 flower. Green pheno.

Panama Day 57 flower (7).JPG

Panama, Day 57 flower. Red pheno.
Day 58 since flip.

Just a picture of one of my favorite buds, during the afternoon check.

I will be photographing the Headroom Incident daily until finish. I can zoom in on the closeup photos to get my best idea of trich development.

Panama Day 58 flower (1).JPG

Panama Day 58 flower. Several of these tall green pheno stalks, are 3 feet of solid bud that continues to build. :oops:
Day 59 since flip.

Afternoon check, everything running normally.

Reservoir change day. Added modified amounts of GH three part liquid nutrients. Decreasing amounts of "Grow" N and increasing amounts of "Bloom" headed toward "Late Bloom." PHed to 5.5-6.0. Added 35ml KoolBloom and 60ml of CalMag+.

I found most of the tall vertical limbs laying over towards the back of the room, they seem to be spaced well so that they should continue to grow. There should also be plenty of airflow. I lowered the light without changing the power levels, so the red pheno should now get more light. The plants on the front that are still vertical are close to the light but at it's periphery so we'll see if they are too close.

I didn't get good pictures but I will.

Panama Day 59 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 59 flower

Panama Day 59 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 59 flower

Panama Day 59 flower (4).JPG

Panama, Day 59 flower

Panama Day 59 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 59 flower

I’m late to the journal, but hooked on the sativas. Amazing phenos you got some real beauties. The buds are filling very fast just 2 weeks apart the pictures, incredible.

The stalks are nearly 3ft above the screens and the day before yesterday when I did a check most of the stalks had laid down towards the back. They appear to be okay and are not covering each other up so light should continue to be sufficient.
I love looking at them. Just continuous flowers from bottom to top.
The stalks are nearly 3ft above the screens and the day before yesterday when I did a check most of the stalks had laid down towards the back. They appear to be okay and are not covering each other up so light should continue to be sufficient.
I love looking at them. Just continuous flowers from bottom to top.

Sativa dominants I find very resilient, they bounce out of most issues, and when trained they just keep going, shooting up.

That branch growing horizontal is gonna be incredible you will see. Did you bend it like that? Or the plant bends on its own weight?

Also I was looking for a timing on preflowering for Sativa dominants like yours and after looking at your timeframe was on day 40 of flower (since flip) your phenos seemed to build up buds and had slowed the branch elongation. That would make sense that they would need 60 days to fully ripen making a total days pf flower close to 90-100 days.

I don’t have a genetics background on one of my Sativas but looking at your flowering stages, I’m thinking mine is somewhere around day 45-55.

Anyways amazing grow, looking forward to see your harvest flowers.

Sativa dominants I find very resilient, they bounce out of most issues, and when trained they just keep going, shooting up.

That branch growing horizontal is gonna be incredible you will see. Did you bend it like that? Or the plant bends on its own weight?

Also I was looking for a timing on preflowering for Sativa dominants like yours and after looking at your timeframe was on day 40 of flower (since flip) your phenos seemed to build up buds and had slowed the branch elongation. That would make sense that they would need 60 days to fully ripen making a total days pf flower close to 90-100 days.

I don’t have a genetics background on one of my Sativas but looking at your flowering stages, I’m thinking mine is somewhere around day 45-55.

Anyways amazing grow, looking forward to see your harvest flowers.

This is my first long flowering sativa so It's kinda new to me too. It took 16 days for these to show pistils. I was still able to keep scrogging for some time. I am planning on at least 100 days from flip.
The limbs that are leaning did it on their own. That 1st leaning one you referenced, has buds now growing vertical up and down it's length. It will be interesting to see if the ones that went horizontal two days ago will start growing vertical from the horizontal.
This is my first long flowering sativa so It's kinda new to me too. It took 16 days for these to show pistils. I was still able to keep scrogging for some time. I am planning on at least 100 days from flip.
The limbs that are leaning did it on their own. That 1st leaning one you referenced, has buds now growing vertical up and down it's length. It will be interesting to see if the ones that went horizontal two days ago will start growing vertical from the horizontal.

I know exactly what your talking about, I have a training method just like that where the idea is to keep the pheno low at height but grow exponentially horizontal. Once the branch changes the fiber and becomes Woody and solid it won’t move and all the side branches move upward.

For Sativa dominant cultivars this is my way to grow.
Day 61 since flip.

Morning check, everything running fine.

I can't seem to get good pictures of the way many of them have laid down in the back, but as I mentioned earlier they seem to be doing fine. No dying leaves.
The red pheno is picking up the pace but I don't believe it will match the green phenos for size.

Panama Day 61 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 61 flower

Panama Day 61 flower (5).JPG

Panama, Day 61 flower

Panama Day 61 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 61 flower. fallen green phenos

Panama Day 61 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 61 flower. Red pheno in front of a couple of laid over green phenos.

Panama Day 61 flower (4).JPG

Panama, Day 61 flower. Red pheno
Day 62 since flip.

Everything operating normally.

No pictures today.

I received the de-humidifier just before my evening check, so I had to get it running.

As I sit here looking at the readings from my sensors, the de-humidifier is dropping the rh over 30% constantly It's only been running a few hours. I'm anxious to see my readings right before lights on with room at it's coolest.
Thnks @LKABudMan. Running the Midea model no pump and using the tank.
Day 63 since flip

Morning check, everything running 4.0

Looking at the sensors this morning before lights on and was able to watch the humidity start to rise as the tank in the de-humidifier reached full and switched off. So, I should be able to empty the tank first thing in the morning and last thing before lights out and it should run without shutting off or only be off less than 30 minutes.
It's doing a great job of keeping the rh in the right spot.

The plants are doing fine, just continuing to build buds.

Panama Day 63 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 63 flower

Panama Day 63 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 63 flower

Panama Day 63 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 63 flower

Panama Day 63 flower (4).JPG

Panama, Day 63 flower

Panama Day 63 flower (5).JPG

Panama, Day 63 flower

Panama Day 63 flower (6).JPG

Panama, Day 63 flower
Day 64 since flip.

Morning check everything running normally.

I was able to dump the water from the de-humidifier before it shut itself off with a full tank this morning. I believe that if I empty it soon after lights on and right before light off, I can keep the tank from filling up and shutting off.

Another thing I've noticed since running the de-humidifier is that the plants are drinking about twice as much as before. I will top the reservoir up on my morning check as well as the afternoon check. I used to just top up in the evening.
I am concerned that the extra drinking will cause nute burn since I am at the maximum recommended nute amounts. So far they seem okay.

Panama Day 64 flower.JPG

Panama, Day 64 flower.
Day 64 since flip.

Afternoon check, everything operating normally.

Topped up res. for the 2nd time. No PH adjustment necessary.

No visible effects on buds from heavy drinking last couple of days,

Panama Day 64 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 64 flower.

Panama Day 64 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 64 flower. Green phenos.

Panama Day 64 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 64 flower. Red Pheno.
Day 66 since flip

Reservoir change today but waiting till the tap water warms up a bit.

Everything running normally.

Fresh CO2 bucket today.

Pictures from yesterday and today.

Panama Day 65 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 65 flower

Panama Day 65 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 65 flower

Panama Day 65 flower (3).JPG

Panama, Day 65 flower

Panama Day 66 flower (2).JPG

Panama, Day 66 flower, red pheno

Panama Day 66 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 66 flower, red pheno
Day 67 since flip.

Morning check, everything running 4.0

Reservoir change yesterday.
Slowly working towards General Hydroponics recommended amounts for "Late Bloom." Decreasing amounts of N and increasing amounts of Bloom with each change. Added PH down, 60ml CalMag+, and 35ml KoolBloom.

De-humidifier tank filled up before lights on. It's working well.

Got some beautiful buds building right now in the tray. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Panama Day 67 flower.JPG

Panama, Day 67 flower.

Panama Day 67 flower (1).JPG

Panama, Day 67 flower.

Panama Day 67 flower (5).JPG

Panama, Day 67 flower. green pheno

Panama Day 67 flower (4).JPG

Panama, Day 67 flower. red pheno
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