@DRey , I know you've read some of my journal & a lot of the info you seek is there & more being added all the time.
Never the less, there are several ways to germinate a seed.
Some drop the seed in a shot glass of water for about 24 hours to get the seed to soften up & crack.
Some put there seed in a damp paper towel & place it in a sealed baggie & place that on something warm like a cable box.
Some use Rapid Rooter Grow Plugs & Grow Blocks in a Solo Cup.
Some start there seeds in Perlite even.
I'm old school & my seeds go straight in the soil. 1/4" deep & very little water right in the center till she sprouts. The entire cup of soil is not wet. Just the area in the center. Once she sprouts (3-5 days) I water the outer rim of the cup but not the center. Just water enough to make it a little it damp. Not wet.