Hello 420 Magazine forums!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I neglected my introductory post so thought I would correct that. I’ve been a member for a little while now and I am really enjoying the community and knowledge here, everyone is so generous!!

So, I live in Canada, and cannabis has been legalized for recreational use. There are widespread federal regulations, and the provinces have been tasked to implement their own systems to govern those regulations.

I have been thinking of growing since it was legalized, and finally, started my own grow.

My influence has been HygroHybrid. So I’ve attempted to replicate his Methods, but admittedly, I am falling short. But that’s what a learning curve is, and I look forward to perfecting my future grows.

I do have a grow journal for my first ever grow (linked in my signature) and while I don’t use cannabis, I look forward to making oils and perhaps even some hash to give to friends instead of the traditional bottles of wine ( those friends who partake).

It’s funny because I’ve never grown anything before, but this forum is proving to be an awesome resource to help me blunder through!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!
I just checked out your journal-
Here is a photo of the gals today..
things are looking happy and healthy over there!
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