Help please, turning yellow

many good answers to your qestion - what about the old way : flush with H20 and let dry for 7days Then re-adjust nutes ?

they're wet and under fed right now. making them wetter and less fed may not be the way to go here.
hey @Kaldean,

Great responses here from everyone.

Your plants are lookin' good... possible nitrogen issue. The pale green new growth may be a sign of iron deficiency, which can cause nitrogen problems... yellowing. Are you feeding sufficient N? How about Fe?
Hi cbdhemp808, hope everything’s good, and I think it’s just lack of food, where I haven’t been able to feed as normal, like in the summer, so iv added kalmag last 2 feeds and upped the nutes, it looks like they are recovering, I will put some pics up so everyone can see, and yes mate, great response, it’s very much appreciated mate :thanks::thumb:
Hardness (Total) as CaCO3 mg/l - 238 266 297 min mean max the average for your water is 266ppm i think that is right someone else might be able to confirm that would be hard water 150ppm to 300 ppm is considered hard

Hardness as calcium carbonate No limits - Results are displayed as milligrams per litre. Hardness in the Thames Water area varies between 80 - 365 milligrams per litre. Hardness is caused by compounds of calcium and magnesium which occur naturally in the water. The minerals that dissolve into the water as it passes through chalk limestone rocks causes the water in the Thames region to be naturally hard. Total hardness comprises permanent and temporary hardness.

i just double checked it is correct it states it further down the page
Hi agedmaster, I’m totally lost with all this :rofl: I do know it’s hard water and I do adjust oh when feeding without nutes, I’m pretty sure with all the help in getting it’s just a case of not enough food, where I can’t feed them as often as I want to, but iv upped the feeding schedule and upped nutes, been adding kalmag and it’s looking like things are improving, just don’t wanna over water thou, but no signs of drooping yet, thank you for your time and help mate:thanks::thumb:
I'll take a Hurricane Fan (metal) with an Inkbird Controller over the new plastic crap that comes with controllers any day.
Only plastic fan I own is a $300 6" Vortex which I love because when you turn it off the blades fold in & stop air flow from going in or out. Had this thing for 6 years with no issues so it's paid it's dues. Max Fans are plastic but OK. Only bad part is you only have L/M/H settings & not a rotary type dial.
Hi buds buddy, I really am winging it here mate, iv got the black orchid 4 inch fan, did have the 6 inch one but the noise is an issue, with the neighbours, but yeah I haven’t put it in yet, cos now I’m thinking about the venting into the same room as the tent, what I am doing, think it needs to go outside, thanks for your time and help mate :thanks::thumb:
you're doing great with what you're running right now. you can overlight with led too. it's hard to know when to quit for some folk, and there's always a new one around the corner.

some of the cob rigs i built for folk are 10 + yrs old now. i've upgraded a couple over the years and swapped out drivers. if a rig i built doesn't last at least a good five yrs i get real pissed. i full warrantied for three when i sold them. never had a single claim..
Hi mate, and thanks, I’m trying lol, and iv seen these cob lights but wasn’t sure if they was any good for cannabis, obviously they are from your results, iv noticed you sent another message, will give you a rundown there mate, thank you for your help :thanks::thumb:
they're wet and under fed right now. making them wetter and less fed may not be the way to go here.
Hi bluter, I will tell ya what iv changed, was having heat problems and obviously the soil not drying out, iv turned up the heater tube I have in the tent near the pots, I only have it in at lights out but can always keep it in all the time if needed, notice yesterday that one I haven’t watered for 3 days was pretty dry, I tend in leaving then 4 days between feed, at night, lights off the temps are 66, and around 72 when lights are in, I can get it a bit higher with lights on thou by just keeping the heater tube on, and iv given kalmag 2 feeds running but gunna hold off for a week or so to see how they go, and iv pretty much stripped the plants, don’t know if it was a bit much but I can’t put the leaves back on so I’m hoping I haven’t done too much damage, thanks for all your help mate, very much appreciated :thanks::thumb:
Hi people, first off, thank you all for taking time to help me :thanks: I did forget to mention that I have 2 different strains, Girl Scout cookies and purple urkle, it’s the purple urkle that seems more effected, I did read that they do have problems with deficiencies, so yeah iv upped nutes and feeding schedule, added kalmag for 2 feeds, gunna hold off on that now, and iv taken a lot of the foliage off, dunno if that was the right thing but I did it anyway, here’s some pics of how there looking, and thank yous all once again:thanks::thumb:








Hi pal u must be adding the right amount ml wise as you dont have a ec stick if u had ec stick u add tap ec to nute ec it must be the wet dry cycle and what is the temps with lights off
Hi mate, temps with light off was 64, got it up to 66, I could do with a bit more and trying now, upped the radiator and heat tube, if I could get it to 70 that would be lovely
Hi mate, temps with light off was 64, got it up to 66, I could do with a bit more and trying now, upped the radiator and heat tube, if I could get it to 70 that would be lovely

your temps are ok is your floor area colder im using a tube heater now i had it on floor to start now ive got it under a large tub with plants on top bumped my temps up 3c

never mind your pots are high up

if u do grow in winter again use a hps and grow autos your temps will be fine then
your temps are ok is your floor area colder im using a tube heater now i had it on floor to start now ive got it under a large tub with plants on top bumped my temps up 3c

never mind your pots are high up

if u do grow in winter again use a hps and grow autos your temps will be fine then
Yeah mate there all off the off the floor, it’s too cold over here mate :rofl: And yeah someone else said I should grow autos in this weather, that would be a good idea with not having to turn the lights off, and yes I’m just waiting on a hps light now from a friend, but like you say, my temps ain’t too bad so I might just go with it and see how it goes:thanks::thumb:
Yeah mate there all off the off the floor, it’s too cold over here mate :rofl: And yeah someone else said I should grow autos in this weather, that would be a good idea with not having to turn the lights off, and yes I’m just waiting on a hps light now from a friend, but like you say, my temps ain’t too bad so I might just go with it and see how it goes:thanks::thumb:
A hps will also lower your humidity im in the uk like u the only thing u will need is a humidifier but it will be much cheaper than using a oil radiator and tube heater
A hps will also lower your humidity im in the uk like u the only thing u will need is a humidifier but it will be much cheaper than using a oil radiator and tube heater

drying it up a bit would help for sure.

colour is better but still looks like it could use a touch more nutes. they're gonna eat big now.
that's a big lollipop and defol ...
What humidifier you using mate, had a couple in the past but nowhere near good enough, just cheap ones
Im not using a humidifier at the minute u want one with two nosles though i was looking it was around 60 pound ive seen other people using the same one i would show u but i dont think u can show advertisements on here u would be good for humidity for flowering its just veg ive had 30% to 40% right from start im currently 3 weeks in
drying it up a bit would help for sure.

colour is better but still looks like it could use a touch more nutes. they're gonna eat big now.
that's a big lollipop and defol ...
Yes mate that’s my intentions, to dry it out more then I can feed more, and yep, I did over do it with the defoliation, but I’m thinking less leaves to feed then the nutes might work better, and yeah still a bit off but don’t wanna overdo it with nutes and kalmag, it’s only been a few days and like you say it looks like there is some improvement, but yeah, need more heat to dry them out quicker, thanks mate :thanks: :thumb:
What humidifier you using mate, had a couple in the past but nowhere near good enough, just cheap ones
I personally like the "Air Care Space Saver Humidifier". It's a 6 gal. whole room humidifier, but does a great job in my 4x8 tent. I'm in AZ. though with a really dry climate.
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