Help: Top Leaves Yellowing


420 Member

ANY HELP APPRECIATED!!! Plants keep going yellow at the top, even purple-ish. I figured Out I have Very hard tap water, 400+ PPM. I use technaflora nutrients, with amounts that are directed in the recipe for success. Any help is appreciated. I water every other day, have been giving less as I have thought possibly over watering. I also just got an RO filter. Please any help is greatly appreciated
Hi @Foxfarm420 ! I see a couple of different deficiencies here, maybe more, ones that should not be affecting you since you are using the nutes as directed. This makes me think of pH. There are certain elements in the mix that will not be available to the plant if you have not correctly adjusted the pH of all of your fluids, and these will set up a domino effect as far as the availability of other nutrients. I suspect that you are not adjusting your pH to the correct number for your grow medium.

I also note a lot of clawed leaves, and this usually happens when a plant is over fed. Again, you told us that you are using the correct amount of nutes, so let me ask you this...
Assuming you are in soil, are you alternating giving nutes on one watering pass and then on every other pass giving only water? If you feed every time, your soil will build up unused nutes... it is very desirable to give that water only pass, pH adjusted of course, so that inbetween each feeding the soil gets a chance to clean itself up.
Hi @Foxfarm420 ! I see a couple of different deficiencies here, maybe more, ones that should not be affecting you since you are using the nutes as directed. This makes me think of pH. There are certain elements in the mix that will not be available to the plant if you have not correctly adjusted the pH of all of your fluids, and these will set up a domino effect as far as the availability of other nutrients. I suspect that you are not adjusting your pH to the correct number for your grow medium.

I also note a lot of clawed leaves, and this usually happens when a plant is over fed. Again, you told us that you are using the correct amount of nutes, so let me ask you this...
Assuming you are in soil, are you alternating giving nutes on one watering pass and then on every other pass giving only water? If you feed every time, your soil will build up unused nutes... it is very desirable to give that water only pass, pH adjusted of course, so that inbetween each feeding the soil gets a chance to clean itself up.
Emily, yea I’m PH testing and only do 6.2. However I noticed With the RO water I do not need any PH down when nutes as it reads 6.2 after nutrients.
Emily, yea I’m PH testing and only do 6.2. However I noticed With the RO water I do not need any PH down when nutes as it reads 6.2 after nutrients.
ok, first, is that soil? Second, are you doing f/w/f/w? Typically nutes will swing the pH down further than that, so your nutes must be trying to adjust that for you. That is a good thing.
ok, first, is that soil? Second, are you doing f/w/f/w? Typically nutes will swing the pH down further than that, so your nutes must be trying to adjust that for you. That is a good thing.
Happy Frog soil, Lately I’ll dialed back the nutrients to about half strength. Past 3 waters have been straight RO water. I am Wondering if my hard water could have caused this? I always Get calcium buildup in dishwasher so I’m concerned about that. Added salt to softener now too.
Just so I'm clear, you're PHing after you add the nutes (which is the correct way). Were you using hard water and are now using R/O water? The water softener water (salt) won't hurt IF it is then run through a reverse osmosis filter. With R/O water you'll need cal-mag, as the R/O process strips most everything out of the water. As Emilya said you've got some serious deficiencies/nute issues going, what nutes are you using? Somewhere along the line they got over fed, which is what caused the clawing. I'm thinking (always gets me in trouble) that if you're using synthetic nutes it might be time for a flush, to clear the soil of built up salts, but more info is needed.
Yea so, I JUST got the RO last week. But before, I’ve had these for over 10 weeks, using regular Tap 400+ppm. Yes I add MagiCal as well, Bc boost, bloom and grow and thrive alive red. I water nute water nute.
Happy Frog soil, Lately I’ll dialed back the nutrients to about half strength. Past 3 waters have been straight RO water. I am Wondering if my hard water could have caused this? I always Get calcium buildup in dishwasher so I’m concerned about that. Added salt to softener now too.
Here is the problem then... the instructions did not tell you to cut to half strength right as you were moving into bloom. The plant just tripled its needs, and you cut the nutes in half!

The calcium in your water is good for the plants... they will use all of it that comes in the water. Not sure why you are doing RO, but it is not necessary... I don't think your water is the problem, unless of course, you are watering downstream from the softener.
Here is the problem then... the instructions did not tell you to cut to half strength right as you were moving into bloom. The plant just tripled its needs, and you cut the nutes in half!

The calcium in your water is good for the plants... they will use all of it that comes in the water. Not sure why you are doing RO, but it is not necessary... I don't think your water is the problem, unless of course, you are watering downstream from the softener.
I guess I just figured since they’ve been in the pots so long, my hard water leaves salt like residue on everything over a little time. So I was Thinking could be over nutrients. If it was under nutrient would that cause the curling of leaves too?? Any help is appreciated
The two things that normally cause curled leaves are: too much nitrogen, too much water. The thin curled leaves are normally caused by too much N, "puffy" looking curled leaves are usually caused by too much water. But right now, for some reason it, it looks like you're either underfeeding or the nutes are not getting absorbed.
That severe leaf tip curl can also be caused by a severe potassium deficiency. Get back to the baseline... the nutes that the manufacturers recommend that you give. Lets see what happens once everything is the way they have designed their system to operate. Also, if you have cut back on the nutes and that leaves you with a 6.2 pH, adding the rest of the nutes is likely to drive the pH down way below 6.2. Be prepared to use your pH UP product to get back to where you need to be.
That severe leaf tip curl can also be caused by a severe potassium deficiency. Get back to the baseline... the nutes that the manufacturers recommend that you give. Lets see what happens once everything is the way they have designed their system to operate. Also, if you have cut back on the nutes and that leaves you with a 6.2 pH, adding the rest of the nutes is likely to drive the pH down way below 6.2. Be prepared to use your pH UP product to get back to where you need to be.
Any recs for nutes with Potassium?
Hi @Foxfarm420. Sorry to hear you have having problems with your plant. What is your pot size? I am feeling like a good move would be to let it dry out completely, and then flush with pure water for a while, but let it dry out well before each flush. For the flush, you could use different water. For example RO water from a drinking water vending machine. Or rainwater. Clip off all the yellow leaves, so you can see improvement clearly. If that goes well, you could continue with fert every other watering, and maybe just a high-N liquid fert... nothing else. Then start folding in your other nutes, but do so conservatively, and see how it goes. I am feeling the plant needs less water, and higher quality water. If your pot is too small, then up pot to at least 5 gal, with some fresh soil and Mykos in the hole. Consider adding coco coir to your soil mixture, and worm casting. Happy growing!
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