Hi(gh)...well, not yet


New Member
Still holding out hope for a change in TX availability. I'm a disabled, service connected, veteran with numerous health issues. Hit a dead end with the VA regarding pain control and severe arthritis, and stress, plus the 10 daily meds that seem to cause more discomfort and body damage than they help. When (and if) it becomes legal here, I am told that the Vicatin and 3 other liver damaging, debilitating meds can be eliminated. My mind set of abiding the existing laws is based on the fact that doing so minimizes stress, anxiety, and the financial woes that come along with arrest, and/or conviction. Found that controlling my environment has helped minimize undue exasperation of medical issues, eliminating the need for medication increases. So, I've become the neighborhoods "old coot hermit" who rarely leaves his house. But necessity is the mother of invention in the face of insurmountable odds. Please pray for change in Texas and continued change in our country.
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