Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

No that's why you take cuttings before you flip.

That makes sense. I am going to clean up my cutting then and try to get fewer branches and see what I can make out of it because they have their advantages.
Yep run a lot of clones in smaller pots to produce one huge colas per plant. Can produce really huge.

That sounds like a great system but our government is saving us from ourselves by limiting us to four plants and I would rather be legit because you never know who may show up. I have seen pics of plants like that that are just one big cola, very cool.
I gave my Cannatonic a good trimmage. Thanks for the push guys, I think that will be a lot better.



TaDa!!! :headbanger::party:

I understand, I wish we had home grow here but it's still prohibited

Sorry to hear that, I know it is un-nerving because I grew here many years ago when it was prohibited but back then they weren't too serious with the penalties even.
Day 51

The girls are filling out nicely now and should be ready for flip just when my next crop is about to be harvested so I got lucky with the timing. They seem to be stretching a lot less and filling out better so I don't know if it was just a phase or lowering my lights helped. I am at about 14" and am being vigilant looking for leaf burn but so far none.



Day 53 of Veg. :ciao:

I wasn’t sure how well just two plants under my 600 Watt budding LED light would fill up the area but I think they are going to do just fine by their size now. I am getting a good broad canopy and it is pretty much even or good enough I think.




I tried lowering my 300 W LED light a few inches to try to get the plants to stop stretching so much and of course it scorched the leaves right under it so I have it back up to 18 inches where I know it is safe. Damn LEDs, LOL.


Other than that everything is going swimmingly.
Sure must be some difference in LED's. I have mine (450) at eight inches above two week old plants and they are loving it.

That is odd because my 600W tend to burn any closer than 18" with mature plants?
I just came up from the garden and the light is 7 1/2" and they are reaching hard for it. Got one that's 12" across and 5" high with nodes at 1/4" spacing so not a lack of light. Sort of doesn't make sense.

At 7 1/2" inches away I am not surprised there is not a lack of light instead I would expect it to be burned to a crisp so I can't explain it either?
I ran my light at 14 to 16" last grow and it produced quite well. Decided to push the limits this time around to see what the difference would be. Sure didn't expect to get the light this close.

That is more the distance I run mine. I would assume the closer the better without burning your leaves but at that close a distance I would keep a close eye on them.
That is more the distance I run mine. I would assume the closer the better without burning your leaves but at that close a distance I would keep a close eye on them.
I definitely will be . They are growing into it fast and I will raise it later this evening or tomorrow morning. They are growing more out then up.
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