How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Also, I wanted to know if there is a way to "clean" an already made oil which probably consists of chlorophyll , plant waxes and other unwanted substances?
Damn I get notified of a post, check the forums and there's 4 new pages. That's great news Cajun, nothing like the convincing power of sick people. I have probably accomplished more in a few years towards legalization in my country than all my pothead friends combined.

I don't know what your living situation is but you should definitely try to stay there. Find a sponsor and try to get close to the juicing crowd to further boost your intake. Do you have anything to go back to?

As far as MS, smoking is probably the worst THC delivery method because of the high heat. You will notice that most people with illnesses that affect the central nervous system do get some benefits from smoking but get considerably better results with oil taken orally.

Gaurav, dissolve your oil back into ethanol, at least a liter and stick in your freezer for 48 hours then filter with coffee filters. A lot of your solids will clump with the cold and wont pass through your filter but alcohol will not freeze. You will take a hit on yield. This is called winterizing.

If the oil has already been decarbed, be wary of unconsciously decarbing by exposing your oil/alcohol to high heat while evaporating. Alcohol boils of at a low 170*F and decarbing starts at above 180*F so keep your temps low and be patient.
Hi Everyone,
A very happy Easter to everyone(belated)

Does anyone have any idea of making oil with Ganja that is available in India? or does anyone know someone who has made it.

Hi Gaurav,

Hope all is well. How is the Family doing (stateside)? The journey for your Mothers oil has been a hard road compadre.

Best regards,

Just FYI... I heard from Canna this morning and she is doing well and should be at her new job before the end of the month and hopefully back with us soon after that as the new job doesn't do random testing... She seems to be in good spirits and looking forward to getting back to her 420 home.....:circle-of-love:
Just FYI... I heard from Canna this morning and she is doing well and should be at her new job before the end of the month and hopefully back with us soon after that as the new job doesn't do random testing... She seems to be in good spirits and looking forward to getting back to her 420 home.....:circle-of-love:

Hi Dennise, Thank you so much for the update on Canna! So happy Canna got the job she wanted. She is a 'warrior' :thanks:
Hi Motoco, :high-five: Hi Dennise. :love: Cannafan is a great Warrior and one smart cookie. :Namaste:
Damn I get notified of a post, check the forums and there's 4 new pages. That's great news Cajun, nothing like the convincing power of sick people. I have probably accomplished more in a few years towards legalization in my country than all my pothead friends combined.

I don't know what your living situation is but you should definitely try to stay there. Find a sponsor and try to get close to the juicing crowd to further boost your intake. Do you have anything to go back to?

As far as MS, smoking is probably the worst THC delivery method because of the high heat. You will notice that most people with illnesses that affect the central nervous system do get some benefits from smoking but get considerably better results with oil taken orally.

Gaurav, dissolve your oil back into ethanol, at least a liter and stick in your freezer for 48 hours then filter with coffee filters. A lot of your solids will clump with the cold and wont pass through your filter but alcohol will not freeze. You will take a hit on yield. This is called winterizing.

If the oil has already been decarbed, be wary of unconsciously decarbing by exposing your oil/alcohol to high heat while evaporating. Alcohol boils of at a low 170*F and decarbing starts at above 180*F so keep your temps low and be patient.

Thanks LabRat.
Can I use 99.8% IPA instead of Ethanol?
Hi Motoco, thanks for the help kind Sir. :Namaste:
99.8% IPA is listed as toxic if ingested so I wouldn't use it or anything else that's toxic; use a food grade alcohol.

I do have to agree that there is a lot of misinformation out there and doctors rarely say "I don't know" so its hard to believe someone who never admits to being wrong or not knowing.

The loss of balance was a side effect of my nervous system "waking up". There was so much going on on my left side that it made it very hard to walk, kind of like too many signals at the same time. It did help with nausea and sleep and it also removed my erectile dysfunction; in fact in that department I'm like a 15 year old but I started having to reduce my dose after a while because it made me nauseous and dizzy.

With tinctures I could take fractions of a drop so I decreased my dosage enough to not feel bad but I feel like I should give it another try on my next batch. A bad day back then would be a good day now.

I just have to figure out how to get some product, at least half an ounce.
99.8% IPA is listed as toxic if ingested so I wouldn't use it or anything else that's toxic; use a food grade alcohol.

I do have to agree that there is a lot of misinformation out there and doctors rarely say "I don't know" so its hard to believe someone who never admits to being wrong or not knowing.

The loss of balance was a side effect of my nervous system "waking up". There was so much going on on my left side that it made it very hard to walk, kind of like too many signals at the same time. It did help with nausea and sleep and it also removed my erectile dysfunction; in fact in that department I'm like a 15 year old but I started having to reduce my dose after a while because it made me nauseous and dizzy.

With tinctures I could take fractions of a drop so I decreased my dosage enough to not feel bad but I feel like I should give it another try on my next batch. A bad day back then would be a good day now.

I just have to figure out how to get some product, at least half an ounce.

Hi Lab Rat, got to go to work soon at the Dr.s office. I wanted to finish my reply to your condition but got some calls coming in and had to sign off. If we get off early or have a chance at work I'll finish my reply. T/C
Lab Rat,

Understanding your condition as you mentioned nothing is going to fix/repair your issues but surgery (high risk factor?). Taking the oil via the gums though would certainly be a viable option. The mental mind set with a 'positive' attitude would be 'huge' in itself.

A final thought; cannot tell you how many times people say 'I cannot find this strain or this carrier'. Its in your country somewhere. Seek and you will find it. Hopefully you can grow in the future. Best of luck.
Hi my dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer, which it spread to bone on his leg. He broke the leg and has been fixed with metal rod but he got blood clots so doctor prescribed hi
Lenovox blood thinner. The cancer also spread to lung and ribs but tumors aren't so big. My question is can I use RSO oil with blood thinners? My dad doesn't want to do chemo so we want alternative treatment. He had surgery on his leg 12 days ago but his both legs got swollen because of the blood clots. Thank God he still have Icv so It blocked the clots flow through to lungs. He needs to take blood thinner cause he has trouble walking and has pain in legs, stomach, and viomite, and can't eat. I need help please
I've already had surgery twice and the last time it almost killed me; I had to be rushed to the hospital a few weeks later to get a relief valve installed to help drain my spinal fluid cause I was on the way to developing hydrocephalus. Doc says that without that relief valve my survival would have been measured in days.

If I had found RSO earlier, regardless of dosing method I would not have had that 2nd surgery cause overall I've gotten better results with it than surgery but alas that's what you get asking a surgeon for advice; no surgery, no money in his pocket.

I have several grower friends but they refuse to grow any strain with reduced THC and stuff that doesn't get you high is considered "bad weed" and has no value in the black market. I'm doing a lot more than most, been to congress like 5 times and I'm working with a congressman on a legalization bill. I'm also working with the head of oncology at a state hospital who has seen the analgesic effects on terminal patients.

No miraculous recoveries yet but people maxed out on morphine who were supposed to last less than 30 days are still alive 12 months later without taking any analgesics at all; just the oil.

I've decided to stop decarbing the product and use your method, I just need a metal cup to float over the veggie oil. I'll use the Nuwave to heat the oil.
yea i know, but I want to give the oil for my dad as quickly as possible. So im looking for a good oil in colorado.
i just hope that these people are selling great stuff. the guy says on his post that he has lab reports. and its 50$ a gram so i hope he sells good high thc stuff.
and I'm still waiting for respond, if i can take cannabis oil with blood thinner lenovox, together. My dad is taking 2 shots a day to thin his blood. he still has swollen legs and barely walk. Please can someone help me! Thank You
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