How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil


The world is changing. Almost everyone knows about the government's lies and their patents. Thanks to Sanja Gupta and CNN.


:cheesygrinsmiley: :high-five:
High 420/710 Family.
I'm back home from the World Cannabis Week & the Cannabis Cup.
The seminar I spoke at was awesome. Met SO many great ppl.
I'm going to post all the pics/info on a new thread (in my sig now).
I definitely spread the word on our beloved oil.
I am here to help a friend in hospice. She is 94 pounds when healthy so she can't take anymore treatment (Not that it helped anyway). I am trying to help her get a non resident card for OR, but need tips on how to find quality product. We don't have growers here since it isn't legalized. Any tips would be amazing! She is a wonderful person and deserves this chance, and even if it is just to reduce her pain, it would be worth the effort.
Motoco I am here to help a friend in hospice. She is 94 pounds when healthy so she can't take anymore treatment (Not that it helped anyway). I am trying to help her get a non resident card for OR, but need tips on how to find quality product. We don't have growers here since it isn't legalized. Any tips would be amazing! She is a wonderful person and deserves this chance, and even if it is just to reduce her pain, it would be worth the effort.

Hi donnasfriend,

Welcome to 420Magazine! Understand your situation. Is it my understanding you want the flowers and make you own meds (recommended)?

Hi everyone..

I need some help making Cannabis Oil.
I know how to make it using buds but does anyone know how to make it with hash(hashish)?
It's the same process for the most part. The cleaner the hash the longer you can soak it in the carrier. I'm pretty sure Motoco will state this as well, but if you are tacking, whole flower should be considered a necessity.
:ciao: HI all you "oilers"! And everyone else too. ;-)

I'm back from what seems an eternity off site, lots of things happened. I'm looking forward to reading back on this thread and see what's been happening around here.

I'm not on the oil right now, I have to wait until I start another grow and harvest. All the oil and any signs of cannabis had to go away last December due to drug testing for jobs. (I lost my job of ten years in December)
I finally landed a great job and started last week, after a very long wait. Now I don't have to worry on the drug testing issue and I can get back to growing. Woo Hoo!

I did want to mention, for those who are using the oil for ailments such as IBS/IBD, I have a success story on that. The oil has cured me. There is a thread on Irritable Bowel Syndrome on the site, if you are interested in reading up on what members are doing to control it. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The follow up on the Colon tumor didn't happen, I ran out of health insurance and could not get it done. I will have great insurance again in two months and will be scheduling the follow up. I will say, I have no signs or symptoms of anything being wrong. I believe I was on the oil regimen long enough to heal. I won't know that for sure until I get the testing. I'm thinking absolutely positive, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that after 40 some years of suffering with this IBS/IBD issue, it is gone. The only thing that could have done that was the oil.

Sheesh, didn't mean to write a book. LOL

So happy to be back, and I wish all of you the best!

:ciao: HI all you "oilers"! And everyone else too. ;-)

I'm back from what seems an eternity off site, lots of things happened. I'm looking forward to reading back on this thread and see what's been happening around here.
I'm not on the oil right now, I have to wait until I start another grow and harvest. All the oil and any signs of cannabis had to go away last December due to drug testing for jobs. (I lost my job of ten years in December)
I finally landed a great job and started last week, after a very long wait. Now I don't have to worry on the drug testing issue and I can get back to growing. Woo Hoo!

I did want to mention, for those who are using the oil for ailments such as IBS/IBD, I have a success story on that. The oil has cured me. There is a thread on Irritable Bowel Syndrome on the site, if you are interested in reading up on what members are doing to control it.

The follow up on the Colon tumor didn't happen, I ran out of health insurance and could not get it done. I will have great insurance again in two months and will be scheduling the follow up. I will say, I have no signs or symptoms of anything being wrong. I believe I was on the oil regimen long enough to heal. I won't know that for sure until I get the testing. I'm thinking absolutely positive, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that after 40 some years of suffering with this IBS/IBD issue, it is gone. The only thing that could have done that was the oil.
Sheesh, didn't mean to write a book. LOL

So happy to be back, and I wish all of you the best!


Welcome home and joy to all your successes. I am so happy for you, I would just bear hug you if you were here. Welcome back on the journey.:love:

Welcome back Cannafan! We have missed you! What a journey you have been through! So glad you are back on the forums and happy for everything working out healthwise. Mo and I cannot wait for your test results as I'm sure you are also. You deserve a break from all you had to go through, we are just so happy for you!

Welcome back Cannafan! We have missed you! What a journey you have been through! So glad you are back on the forums and happy for everything working out healthwise. Mo and I cannot wait for your test results as I'm sure you are also. You deserve a break from all you had to go through, we are just so happy for you!


Hello again,
I want to ask about the effectiveness of ROSIN TECHNIQUE..

I think it is solventless method and it gets decarbed etc
But i want to know will it work for cancer patient ?
It is the simplest of all method i found. It will be really very very simple and helpfull and making the oil.
But can the oil be as effective as which was made using everclear ?

Fyi - i already posted about the solvents availability issue in our country and the danger attached to it
Hello again,
I want to ask about the effectiveness of ROSIN TECHNIQUE..

I think it is solventless method and it gets decarbed etc
But i want to know will it work for cancer patient ?
It is the simplest of all method i found. It will be really very very simple and helpfull and making the oil.
But can the oil be as effective as which was made using everclear ?

Fyi - i already posted about the solvents availability issue in our country and the danger attached to it

I personally have no knowledge of this method. Perhaps someone does on the Forums and pipe in. When I get a chance I'll review the video but just came in quickly to say something to Cannafan.
:ciao: HI all you "oilers"! And everyone else too. ;-)

I'm back from what seems an eternity off site, lots of things happened. I'm looking forward to reading back on this thread and see what's been happening around here.

I'm not on the oil right now, I have to wait until I start another grow and harvest. All the oil and any signs of cannabis had to go away last December due to drug testing for jobs. (I lost my job of ten years in December)
I finally landed a great job and started last week, after a very long wait. Now I don't have to worry on the drug testing issue and I can get back to growing. Woo Hoo!

I did want to mention, for those who are using the oil for ailments such as IBS/IBD, I have a success story on that. The oil has cured me. There is a thread on Irritable Bowel Syndrome on the site, if you are interested in reading up on what members are doing to control it. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The follow up on the Colon tumor didn't happen, I ran out of health insurance and could not get it done. I will have great insurance again in two months and will be scheduling the follow up. I will say, I have no signs or symptoms of anything being wrong. I believe I was on the oil regimen long enough to heal. I won't know that for sure until I get the testing. I'm thinking absolutely positive, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that after 40 some years of suffering with this IBS/IBD issue, it is gone. The only thing that could have done that was the oil.

Sheesh, didn't mean to write a book. LOL

So happy to be back, and I wish all of you the best!


Hi Cannafan, again, so glad you're back on the forums! So worried about you having to stop the oil. By the way, do you have any oil left? A grain of rice for preventive maintenance goes a long way to make sure. How long were you out of oil from stopping to now, I'm guessing six months? All your ailments just didn't decide to leave especially your IBS which you have been dealing with for years and years so we know its the oil :). So happy for you. Thank God you were on the oil long enough before you were forced out of employment. Mo and I have been climbing the walls thinking about you. Nothing in the world we have seen works on the autoimmune like the cannabis oil. Talking about people who have had to go to the ER every week most of their life and in a very short time have no problem eating anything they want now even though they have changed their eating habits for a healthier diet. Welcome back again!

Warmest regards,

Motoco & Mo
I personally have no knowledge of this method. Perhaps someone does on the Forums and pipe in. When I get a chance I'll review the video but just came in quickly to say something to Cannafan.

Wow, very interesting indeed! I think the pull wouldn't be as much as using solvent but the extract looks clean except for a few remnants of the flower. I'm chuckling to myself because what will come up next? I'm sending this link to a friend who is at witts end getting solvent and material where he lives. Just curious if this method would work on 'hashish' the easiest for him to find. Funny in life how things work. I was thinking of him and his Mother last night and now this pops up. It will give him hope now for his mother! It appears you would have to do this everyday for your treatment, no big deal though even making a dose at a time. Possibly though you would have to add a little grapeseed oil (my choice) just a drop per dose you make. Warm a stainless steel measuring cup up with the extract and a drop (1 per dose) mix it well with a cuticle pusher and dose. Crazy cool, tedious, but the results will speak for themselves and its already decarbed. Just don't exceed 250 degrees so I would get one that is wider than his flat iron and also I don't see why you could do more than one nug of flower at a time? Most definitely get a bigger nug (or multiple small ones) on a 2' one or wider if you can. Excellent when options run out! Nice find! And I'm off to get this link out to a friend. Thank you! Going to go try this now on a couple of nugs of Blue Dream so I can verify for you and my friend in India but have no parchment paper on hand so will post my results tomorrow so you guys can move forward.

Wow, very interesting indeed! I think the pull wouldn't be as much as using solvent but the extract looks clean except for a few remnants of the flower. I'm chuckling to myself because what will come up next? I'm sending this link to a friend who is at witts end getting solvent and material where he lives. Just curious if this method would work on 'hashish' the easiest for him to find. Funny in life how things work. I was thinking of him and his Mother last night and now this pops up. It will give him hope now for his mother! It appears you would have to do this everyday for your treatment, no big deal though even making a dose at a time. Possibly though you would have to add a little grapeseed oil (my choice) just a drop per dose you make. Warm a stainless steel measuring cup up with the extract and a drop (1 per dose) mix it well with a cuticle pusher and dose. Crazy cool, tedious, but the results will speak for themselves and its already decarbed. Just don't exceed 250 degrees so I would get one that is wider than his flat iron and also I don't see why you could do more than one nug of flower at a time? Most definitely get a bigger nug (or multiple small ones) on a 2' one or wider if you can. Excellent when options run out! Nice find! And I'm off to get this link out to a friend. Thank you! Going to go try this now on a couple of nugs of Blue Dream so I can verify for you and my friend in India but have no parchment paper on hand so will post my results tomorrow so you guys can move forward.


Wow. I'm so glad we are so close to find a method that can be used by anyone who has limited access to solvents.
Eagerly waiting for Motoco to run a test and provide his expert advice.
Hi Cannafan, again, so glad you're back on the forums! So worried about you having to stop the oil. By the way, do you have any oil left? A grain of rice for preventive maintenance goes a long way to make sure. How long were you out of oil from stopping to now, I'm guessing six months? All your ailments just didn't decide to leave especially your IBS which you have been dealing with for years and years so we know its the oil :). So happy for you. Thank God you were on the oil long enough before you were forced out of employment. Mo and I have been climbing the walls thinking about you. Nothing in the world we have seen works on the autoimmune like the cannabis oil. Talking about people who have had to go to the ER every week most of their life and in a very short time have no problem eating anything they want now even though they have changed their eating habits for a healthier diet. Welcome back again!

Warmest regards,

Motoco & Mo

Hi Motoco and MO,

You two are just the most wonderful people. I wish I could just pop over for a cuppa and give you both a hug. But, distance is in the way, so consider this to suffice:


On your question, I stopped the oil completely when I learned I was losing the job. I knew that there would be drug testing involved when possible new employers (and those blasted temp agencies) started any serious consideration for employment. It's almost the first thing they do here. I had to buy at home testing kits, and it took over two weeks to become completely clean of any sign. That slowed down my opportunities for employment and added to my predicament for sure.
Anyway, that was early December? The last few months are so hazy.

I don't have anything left here that is in any way processed or useable, no buds...nothing. That was due to a comment made at the old employer when things got bad the day I was told he would be closing down. It was suggesting that the "feds are always looking for a practice raid". I did not take that lightly, and got rid of every bit of anything processed or in process including medible/edibles/cannabutter in the freezer. I did keep and hide all of my seeds though. :) Although I am in a legal state, as we all know it is not Federally legal. We read all the time in this state about Federal raids to growers and patients. If that had happened here, the job I was waiting for all this time would never have come to be.

I kept my grow supplies, all except for having to sell my major lighting equipment, so I at least have some things left to get me started again.
I did have a short stint of what I thought was IBS/IBD symptoms somewhere around the time following the job loss, but I really feel that would have happened to anyone considering what happened and the fallout of everything else as a result. My mental condition was not good, and that affects the body.

My plan right now is to get the basement set back up for a small grow. Hopefully at the end of the month when I find out if I am going into foreclosure or not. If foreclosure is going to happen, there is no point in starting one here. I was out of work too long, and although I got the job I wanted, it came too late. It's complicated, (Yes, I've heard of people staying in their homes for years or more during foreclosure, but my situation won't be one of those) the mortgage company can legally get me out of here in 30 days if they choose to go that route.

Sorry about the book, but I want things to be clear for people to understand. LOL

I know that I felt so much more energetic and healthy when I was on the oil regimen, and although I feel healthy now, I really miss that extra boost of all over wellness that I got using the oil. I want to be back on that "maintenance dose" as soon as I can.

I hope that the video atlainta provided is a viable means of making oil that will have the same healing qualities as what we are currently doing. The expense of the Alcohol alone would be a tremendous save, and it would be possible for anyone to make it without equipment and heavy cost/time.

I look forward to your checking results on that Motoco! It did look very clean and pure, other than a couple of small signs of residual buds in there. I just wonder how it would be on tacking. Will it absorb the same way?

Take care you two, and everyone else here.
Don't think too much guys watch this video this guys did all the testing...

The last video contain the FLAT TSHIRT PRESS..
save our time...
Please do post if it can be used for cancer and such ilments... i am waiting on it.. :) very exited

effective method for cancer (yet not proved)
The test I did last night did work but the amount extracted was minimal. I think the bud's were too big (listening to the first video recently posted while typing). The small amount of extract I got was not as pliable as cannabis concentrated oil and figured as much. Also the amount pressed out from an 1/8 of a gram wasn't enough to add a drop of grape seed oil to make the extract more pliable for gum application. I kept thinking "will work for dose". Searching the net for flat irons I seen the shirt press (bottom video) and immediately began thinking of larger productions. Johnny gives a much more in debt detail than the first video. There will be all kinds of techniques with different apparatus I would imagine coming down the pipeline. The old ways of the Moroccans use, method, centrifuges this method have one thing in common the extract is in its purest form and needs something to make it more pliable. Pure Gold (a extract sold in Cali) uses the centrifuges to separate the cannabinoids and use grapeseed oil or glycerine to make the extract more pliable. Personally I like grapeseed oil because I've read that excessive use of glycerine can clog arteries and wouldn't be good for my heart condition (harding of the arteries) especially with my continually use for preventive maintenance. The amount of grapeseed/glycerine needed will be something you guys need to figure out. Like all methods practice will be needed and this method seems to be more labor intense but the extract should be pretty potent as far as statistics go. The yield is low but is clean. As mentioned once made more pliable this will work on the gums as I have used Pure Gold before making my own oil. When in situations where carriers cannot be obtained then this option is viable but will need a lot of product but may need less for treatment because of its purity? This is something that the people who cannot get carriers will have to experiment with.

@Highhopes, thanks for the compliment but I've learned in this industry 'expert' can be overrated and short lived. Cajuncelt reminded me the 'industry' changes everyday. Sadly for Mo and I we are so busy with helping the ill we rarely have time for research (same with anyone helping others). Seems like Mo spends most of her time researching man made meds and their side effects, new cancers coming out daily it seems that are rare types. We both have stayed focused on our dosing regimen and keep modifying it to make it more effective and just a few tweaks here and there and our regimen keeps improving. One thing we have learned the more times 'tacking' larger amounts has resulted in much quicker results and keeps the system on an even keel. Same with eating/hydrating. Because of limited time right now I cannot even watch all the vids. Only reason I'm doing this is for you guys who have been searching for months and for Cannafan getting back on the forums and getting her updates. No more post until we return Monday. You guys keep on this and gather all the info you can before spending any money that isn't necessary. Best of luck.
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