How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Do keep this in your todo list it is very very important for us because of the solventless procedure a novice can safely make the oil. The only disadvantage i see is more use of flower. But it is okay in my view.

Will wait for your output over it. Please do not forgot this method.
If some one can contribute a test result than it will be fantastic..
A comparision between extraction with everclear and with this rosin tech would be wonderfull...


I think i am expecting too much :)
Thank you Cajun I was wondering do you know how much simple dry leaf fans an smaller would it take to infuse some Butter,,or Oil for that matter any kinda extract :thumb: I would like to start saving them all up to do some thing a little ?? I am not sure what ,, any idea an method would be appreciated,it was just an idea after seeing some pile up a bit:thanks:
Thank you Cajun I was wondering do you know how much simple dry leaf fans an smaller would it take to infuse some Butter,,or Oil for that matter any kinda extract :thumb: I would like to start saving them all up to do some thing a little ?? I am not sure what ,, any idea an method would be appreciated,it was just an idea after seeing some pile up a bit:thanks:

Hey Jaga.
My 2¢ is that fan leaves might be used for juicing to drink, but unfortunately aren't adequate for oil or most other extracts.
Now sugar leaves are different. You can make some great infused butter or cooking oil.
Do you need a recipe for the butter?
So, back from oncologist & am happy to say that after almost 6 months of constant THC pressure, my tumor count is back down to 18. Not great as it should be under 6, but it was at 152 last month.
Damn tumors on the liver were stubborn.
Hope this holds up. Did last time for over a year.
So, back from oncologist & am happy to say that after almost 6 months of constant THC pressure, my tumor count is back down to 18. Not great as it should be under 6, but it was at 152 last month.
Damn tumors on the liver were stubborn.
Hope this holds up. Did last time for over a year.

Well, more good news this week. :cheer: That's comforting to read Cajun, and what a difference in the count compared to last month.
I'm sure it will hold up and get better. Tell the tumors how stubborn YOU are and they'll get sceert and run! :winkyface:
Keep up the great positive attitude you have. Love it.
Well, more good news this week. :cheer: That's comforting to read Cajun, and what a difference in the count compared to last month.
I'm sure it will hold up and get better. Tell the tumors how stubborn YOU are and they'll get sceert and run! :winkyface:
Keep up the great positive attitude you have. Love it.

Thanx sis. How are you doing physically now?
Thanx sis. How are you doing physically now?

Physically, I am feeling pretty damn good despite all that's gone on. LOL
I have zero signs of anything wrong. Last year it was exhaustingly tired constantly, anemic, pain, nausea, blood in the you know what, major weight loss even when eating like a horse, etc. etc. People told me I looked pale and "Are you feeling okay?" became a very irritating question at me constantly. All the signs....

Now there are NONE.
I'm taking that as an extreme positive.
Thanks Cajun Celt friend,,I was thinking as the last resort:Namaste:I will maybe try the Rosin Tech with hair straighteners,,and some of my next bunch of flowers,,,BUT can this be taken under the tongue or does it have to be swallowed :thanks:
So, back from oncologist & am happy to say that after almost 6 months of constant THC pressure, my tumor count is back down to 18. Not great as it should be under 6, but it was at 152 last month.
Damn tumors on the liver were stubborn.
Hope this holds up. Did last time for over a year.
Hi Cajuncelt

Do you now the test name that you have in order to get the tumor count? Is there any specific(technical) name for it?
I gotta say, when I have good days...I have REALLY good days. LOL

I was pulling out all of my growing supplies, nutrients and containers etc. etc., to set up my new grow and I opened one of the small plastic coffee containers that I used during my grows. Inside of that nestled in with some pipe cleaners I used for LST was an almost full syringe of oil!
I must have missed that when I cleaned every sign of MJ out of my house last December.
I was just ecstatic, and told Motoco about it.
So, I got to thinking a bit while skyping and I recalled having a ramekin of oil when I first started making it. I could not remember disposing of that. Think...think...think....
Into my freezer I went and lo and behold behind some cheese making cultures was my ramekin of oil! The very first batch I made.
It is very very thick, but I believe I will be able to add some jojoba or grape seed oil to thin it out some.
Will it still be useable after freezing? I hope...I hope....
Guessing I will have to start off in small doses to get back on the gram a day regimen, but at least now I won't have to wait for a grow to be done to start. Woo hoo!


What a fantastic morning this has turned out to be.
Hi Cajuncelt

Do you now the test name that you have in order to get the tumor count? Is there any specific(technical) name for it?

It's called a CEA Marker Test.
Nice find Sista, congratulations to you. :cheer::love::high-five:

AKA 60cal :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Cajun Celt friend,,I was thinking as the last resort:Namaste:I will maybe try the Rosin Tech with hair straighteners,,and some of my next bunch of flowers,,,BUT can this be taken under the tongue or does it have to be swallowed :thanks:

I hadn't realized they actually named this method. We use to do that when I was young with hotknives & mom's iron. Lol.
This is mainly for dabbing & is very inefficient compared to solvent methods.
I guess it works in a pinch if you've flowers to spare, but I wouldn't use this consistently/regularly. The yield just isn't worth it imho.
I hadn't realized they actually named this method. We use to do that when I was young with hotknives & mom's iron. Lol.
This is mainly for dabbing & is very inefficient compared to solvent methods.
I guess it works in a pinch if you've flowers to spare, but I wouldn't use this consistently/regularly. The yield just isn't worth it imho.

Thanks Cajun it was a thought :thumb:
I did think the high heat may be ruining it some how its a very quick method ? Hey I used to love hot knives in them days there was no shortage of great hash an charas:circle-of-love:
Hi everyone..

I need some help making Cannabis Oil.
I know how to make it using buds but does anyone know how to make it with hash(hashish)?

Hi everyone
I'm still looking for some advice from experts here. How do we make oil from hash?
There was a response to your question HighHope, in case you may have missed it. Just click the link, it will take you the post. Did that answer it for you, or are you looking for step by step? :)

How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil


Hi Cannafan

I read that reply but I was hoping to hear from someone who has actually done that.
Hi HighHope,

Just getting back into things and catching up. I'll get you a responce as soon as possible. SmokesDaKush gave you the lead. I'll go into detail as mentioned in a bit.
Hi HighHope,

Just getting back into things and catching up. I'll get you a responce as soon as possible. SmokesDaKush gave you the lead. I'll go into detail as mentioned in a bit.

Thank you so much Motoco. I'm eagerly waiting for your response.
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