I need help badly


420 Member
I have never had this happen before and I dont no what it is. I have grown for decades but I'm stumped any info wood be a great help thanks


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Enter it in "Pic of the Month". surely different ... yet kind of cool looking at the same time. Wish I could say what happened but all I can think is that it's a mutant or something to do with the grow media pH effecting nutrient uptake causing weird growth.
"pronounced leaf rolling under a water deficit condition after K addition "
I just now came accross this line and googling it I thought of your post here. Looks very similar the plant is responding to drought or it thinks it is.
It is a clone and have grown it for years it was indoor just pout it outside thay are seeding long seeds that are not even in the seed pods all my different strains are doing it the black tuna and the pineapple Express and the harlequin the Greece monkey violator kush
"pronounced leaf rolling under a water deficit condition after K addition "
I just now came accross this line and googling it I thought of your post here. Looks very similar the plant is responding to drought or it thinks it is.
K is Potassium or Boosters and drought means underwatering.
were they all clone mothers ? and like years long ? have you had empty seed pods / issues on a few of their last clone offspring runs ?

if yes to all - bit of genetic drift and reveg tied to the drift. does all sorts and watch for hermie.
serious hunch and have only seen it on super old mothers though.
Now there is a clue! Now we know it is something environmental. What are the conditions where you are growing that might be a little stressful? What sort of lights are you using? Nutes? Anything that is in common with all the different strains that did this could be the cause. Let's get some details.

forgot the quote lol ... looks hard nitrogen to me in the pic too.

the lack of leaf serration and nitrogen colour is what i picked up on
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