Icemud's How To Make Feminized Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Another "pollen chucker" here for the show.:blunt:

Hey Curly Beaver!!!!! The good people of the chucker circle welcome you :) LMAO

Hoping to have a good run this time :) should have some really nice crosses too if all plays out well :)
Hi Icemud,

Great info here. I hope you have success this time around. I need to get some seeds this summer, and have been paying close attention to your experience here.

I hope I have a successful seed run this round too :) I would hate to have no way to preserve the GDP genetics :) Hopefully I can make everyone proud this run :)
Who doesn't like GDP and shrooms? :passitleft: Mornin' Ice' :)

Haha! Right!?! I wish they were the right kind of shrooms :) even though its been over a decade since I have partaken in that level of fun, I definitely wouldn't mind a little psychedelic distraction :) haha :) What a fun time those caps used to be :)

Yea GDP I remember the first time I had it, I was still living in Illinois and generally we didn't get much "named strains" more than the typical BC buds, northern light, widows and ak47s... and my buddy went on a trip to Arizona... this had to be about 2001 or so before I moved to the west coast. He brought back some GDP from AZ that stunk so bad that I literally had to bag it a few times and still it was noticable. Anyhow, I picked up a nice sack from him and remember going home, packing my one hitter bat behind my garage and taking a hit and all I remember is staring down at my feet and laughing, as I couldn't figure out how to get my feet to walk... I literally was stuck in place and forgot how to walk, which became hillarious to me as how stupid it sounds, put yourself in my shoes being the person, telling his feet to walk...LOL!

Anyhow the flavor was absolutely amazing and the high also was great so that was my first experience with GDP... and fell in love with it ever since...

The funny thing was at this time I was definitely a veteran smoker and never had anything like that happen before... such a good funny memory!
Yo Icemud, Your plants have some decent "Heighth" hahaha

Hahah!!! LOL yea the Heighth thing... hahahahah Hey Jerf! too funny! How are ya!
Haha! Right!?! I wish they were the right kind of shrooms :) even though its been over a decade since I have partaken in that level of fun, I definitely wouldn't mind a little psychedelic distraction :) haha :) What a fun time those caps used to be :)

Lol, been a while for me too. Not so sure I could handle it now :laughtwo: OMG the stories heh. Mycology is my other passion. Wouldn't be hard to watch Altered States if I really wanted to lol :surf: There are so many ways it applies to this passion though. Same goes for fermentation. Damn, herbal medicine too. I guess I'm blessed to have four obsessions that walk hand in hand, but no wonder I can't keep up with anything :rofl:
Good research on your yellow friends :thumb: They are pretty common this time of year even with indoor grows here in WA. They'll likely fade away in a month or two and possibly re-appear in the fall. Other than producing toxic fruit they are fairly harmless.

Yea GDP I remember the first time I had it, I was still living in Illinois and generally we didn't get much "named strains" more than the typical BC buds, northern light, widows and ak47s... and my buddy went on a trip to Arizona... this had to be about 2001 or so before I moved to the west coast. He brought back some GDP from AZ that stunk so bad that I literally had to bag it a few times and still it was noticable. Anyhow, I picked up a nice sack from him and remember going home, packing my one hitter bat behind my garage and taking a hit and all I remember is staring down at my feet and laughing, as I couldn't figure out how to get my feet to walk... I literally was stuck in place and forgot how to walk, which became hillarious to me as how stupid it sounds, put yourself in my shoes being the person, telling his feet to walk...LOL!

Anyhow the flavor was absolutely amazing and the high also was great so that was my first experience with GDP... and fell in love with it ever since...

The funny thing was at this time I was definitely a veteran smoker and never had anything like that happen before... such a good funny memory!

West coast Purps are in a class by themselves. :)
I've been on a bit of an Urkel seed binge myself lately. Pretty much all Twox's fault.. pft.

Yea I searched around many websites and everyone says don't smoke it but nobody gave a reason... so I figured might as well follow suit...LOL I did find a little mention of silver dust is bad to inhale but again it never really said why. I figure its best to just take their word for it and remove the plant each day to spray with CS and then put it back :)

Some people drink CS for health, I don't just because I've seen mixed "psudo science" on it but nothing really solid. Ionic silver does seem to be very great at killing anything living and protein based at a nano scale so maybe it does have some use too :) LOL

I actually wanted to do a video showing each day of the pollen sacks forming, more like a slideshow timelapse and so my last grow I took photos each day and then it didn't have any pollen, but maybe since its still early I could do that with this grow and then put it all together like a movie at the end :) I appreciate the suggest/reminder :)

The main adverse health effect I've seen as far as inhaling silver dust or fumes goes is a condition known as agyria, where you develop blueish/grey skin, permanently. So I mean, best to avoid being turned into an alien...

Yeah I don't know much about the benefits, or supposed benefits, but my thinking is that if people are using this stuff regularly and are having such a lack of adverse reactions that they actually believe they're getting better, then it's probably not very bad for you.

I don't know, I think in the end it's just not really worth risking it. But it's a good lesson in not spraying down a whole plant and instead just picking single branches. Kind of sucks to have an entire plant contaminated with the stuff and not be able to do anything with it because the process didn't work for some reason.

I've been reading up more and more on the process as well and I think you're on to something about contaminants from the tap water bonding with the colloidal silver. I guess a big part of what makes the silver colloidal is that the particles are different charged, which keeps them in a suspended state. Apparently UV light excites a reaction in the particles to change their charge and make them attract and clump together, and in fact some plastics can do that as well. I'm guessing with all the untold chemicals in tap water, hell just the non pH neutral condition of it, probably could have a similar effect.
Inhalation of silver vapors (primarily silver nitrate) is also toxic. It effects the mucous membranes and can cause soreness and swelling. I use small plants for seed projects and feel the loss of an ounce or so of flowers a small price to pay for a handful (literally) of seeds and some piece of mind.
Inhalation of silver vapors (primarily silver nitrate) is also toxic. It effects the mucous membranes and can cause soreness and swelling. I use small plants for seed projects and feel the loss of an ounce or so of flowers a small price to pay for a handful (literally) of seeds and some piece of mind.

Unless the CS treatment doesn't work. Then you've wasted a whole plant. I suppose the next best option would be to just take an extra clone or something like that and dedicate it to that purpose so that you're still going to flower the same amount as you'd planned, but then if you have a plant limit you're still sacrificing one.

Yeah that's what I read too, but for some reason they classify that as "non-toxic". I think the best way to look at it is that it would make the bud pretty harsh. I wonder if using a solvent extraction method would work to salvage it. Guess it depends on what can dissolve silver. In the end it doesn't seem like the bud that comes off a failed-to-reverse-plant looks very good anyway. Even if it's safe, it's pretty undesirable.
I would make a topical out of it before I just pitched it, but I like topical's too.

Also, I do take two clones for this process. The one I'm going to spray with CS I start 12/12 three weeks before the plant to be treated, that seems to work well.
Unless the CS treatment doesn't work. Then you've wasted a whole plant. I suppose the next best option would be to just take an extra clone or something like that and dedicate it to that purpose so that you're still going to flower the same amount as you'd planned, but then if you have a plant limit you're still sacrificing one.

Yeah that's what I read too, but for some reason they classify that as "non-toxic". I think the best way to look at it is that it would make the bud pretty harsh. I wonder if using a solvent extraction method would work to salvage it. Guess it depends on what can dissolve silver. In the end it doesn't seem like the bud that comes off a failed-to-reverse-plant looks very good anyway. Even if it's safe, it's pretty undesirable.
Unless the CS treatment doesn't work. Then you've wasted a whole plant. I suppose the next best option would be to just take an extra clone or something like that and dedicate it to that purpose so that you're still going to flower the same amount as you'd planned, but then if you have a plant limit you're still sacrificing one.

I wonder if using a solvent extraction method would work to salvage it. Guess it depends on what can dissolve silver.

Yes, sacrificing a whole plant, but that's why I take extra clones and they are very small. Really no loss if it doesn't turn, and no loss once seeds are extracted. As far as extractions go, I'd definitely not make concentrates with it as it's not only the good stuff that gets concentrated. An extraction would likely be MORE toxic.

I would make a topical out of it before I just pitched it, but I like topical's too.

Also, I do take two clones for this process. The one I'm going to spray with CS I start 12/12 three weeks before the plant to be treated, that seems to work well.

Clones are the answer. If you operate within a set plant count then be deliberate. I don't worry about them. It's a sad state to even have to worry about that anyway. I can't believe anyone would be too concerned about my little 5x5 garden. I'm not selling, exposing to kids, polluting drain water or gulping electricity.
Yes, sacrificing a whole plant, but that's why I take extra clones and they are very small. Really no loss if it doesn't turn, and no loss once seeds are extracted. As far as extractions go, I'd definitely not make concentrates with it as it's not only the good stuff that gets concentrated. An extraction would likely be MORE toxic.

Clones are the answer. If you operate within a set plant count then be deliberate. I don't worry about them. It's a sad state to even have to worry about that anyway. I can't believe anyone would be too concerned about my little 5x5 garden. I'm not selling, exposing to kids, polluting drain water or gulping electricity.

Sad thing is the language of my state's laws counts clones as their own plant pretty much as soon as they've established roots.

Anyway, I bet the silver isn't alcohol or butane soluble, but ultimately I don't think the weed would be that good anyway. I mean, the plant that I tried to reverse is pretty anemic, making really cruddy bud, so it wouldn't really make very good hash, nor is there a lot of it there in the first place. But I'm just exploring the issue of why people advocate to throw it away. I'd be willing to be that if you could get past the taste, then using it for edibles wouldn't be that bad. People do use the stuff as a dietary supplement, and apparently the only risk--and a very rare one--is of that Agyria. So basically all you'd need is some antenna to go as an Andorian for halloween. *star trek joke*
Lol, been a while for me too. Not so sure I could handle it now :laughtwo: OMG the stories heh. Mycology is my other passion. Wouldn't be hard to watch Altered States if I really wanted to lol :surf: There are so many ways it applies to this passion though. Same goes for fermentation. Damn, herbal medicine too. I guess I'm blessed to have four obsessions that walk hand in hand, but no wonder I can't keep up with anything :rofl:
Good research on your yellow friends :thumb: They are pretty common this time of year even with indoor grows here in WA. They'll likely fade away in a month or two and possibly re-appear in the fall. Other than producing toxic fruit they are fairly harmless.

West coast Purps are in a class by themselves. :)
I've been on a bit of an Urkel seed binge myself lately. Pretty much all Twox's fault.. pft.


Mycology sounds like a fun area of interest... speaking of... those shrooms that were growing in my pots... what do they feed off of? are they like plants and use NPK or something different? I haven't had time to look it up myself yet but was curious if there was any benefit to leaving them, or if they would steal "food" away from my plants.

I know some plants can be used as companion plants, so I was curious if these had any benefit in that regard......

Yea I feel ya with multiple interests... I'm the same way and sometimes my brain wants to just shut down and rest because of information overload... my job does this to me a lot, and love the company and working in the cannabis industry, but I'm a researcher, so I research everything.... and have to quickly become a pro resource upon every day is different dealing with real estate, laws, regulations, city bans/approvals, cannabis cultivation, marketing, packaging.. and the list goes on... and having to be a professional in each area generally within a short amount of time leaves my brain just but I love it too and wouldn't trade it for much else :)
The main adverse health effect I've seen as far as inhaling silver dust or fumes goes is a condition known as agyria, where you develop blueish/grey skin, permanently. So I mean, best to avoid being turned into an alien...

Yeah I don't know much about the benefits, or supposed benefits, but my thinking is that if people are using this stuff regularly and are having such a lack of adverse reactions that they actually believe they're getting better, then it's probably not very bad for you.

I don't know, I think in the end it's just not really worth risking it. But it's a good lesson in not spraying down a whole plant and instead just picking single branches. Kind of sucks to have an entire plant contaminated with the stuff and not be able to do anything with it because the process didn't work for some reason.

I've been reading up more and more on the process as well and I think you're on to something about contaminants from the tap water bonding with the colloidal silver. I guess a big part of what makes the silver colloidal is that the particles are different charged, which keeps them in a suspended state. Apparently UV light excites a reaction in the particles to change their charge and make them attract and clump together, and in fact some plastics can do that as well. I'm guessing with all the untold chemicals in tap water, hell just the non pH neutral condition of it, probably could have a similar effect.

Yea I wasn't able to do much research on it but I know silver bonds quite easily with certain other ions so I figured that with tap water, maybe that was happening.. but didn't get too much time to look into it.

I generally use small vegging plants to spray with CS ones between 12-18" tall as they take much less CS than a large plant. I also generally trim off all the branches I won't be spraying so that I can just spray the main apical meristem. This run I didn't do it because I rushed everything to get this project going...

Yea I couldn't find much behind the don't smoke CS sprayed plants, and I figured it had to do with silver and how it reacts to living cells. I'm sure its not too good to get any heavy metals in our lungs so I figured that was just part of it. I know a lot of people who take CS as a daily supplement, but that blue/gray agyria worries me...

I guess in an emergency I would if the world ended or something and antibiotics and other medicines weren't available... :) And if that happens.. I will have plenty of MJ seeds to repopulate the planet with cannabis! haha :)
Inhalation of silver vapors (primarily silver nitrate) is also toxic. It effects the mucous membranes and can cause soreness and swelling. I use small plants for seed projects and feel the loss of an ounce or so of flowers a small price to pay for a handful (literally) of seeds and some piece of mind.

Great information Gov!!! That's more than I have been able to find :)

I agree with using small plants (well at least the one receiving CS). I made my bottle of 50ppm last 2 seed runs... now that I have the 240ppm I think I may get quite some time out of this bottle :0
Unless the CS treatment doesn't work. Then you've wasted a whole plant. I suppose the next best option would be to just take an extra clone or something like that and dedicate it to that purpose so that you're still going to flower the same amount as you'd planned, but then if you have a plant limit you're still sacrificing one.

Yeah that's what I read too, but for some reason they classify that as "non-toxic". I think the best way to look at it is that it would make the bud pretty harsh. I wonder if using a solvent extraction method would work to salvage it. Guess it depends on what can dissolve silver. In the end it doesn't seem like the bud that comes off a failed-to-reverse-plant looks very good anyway. Even if it's safe, it's pretty undesirable.

I don't know a ton about extraction but I do know that depending on the solvent used, it can strip heavy metals from the plant. Especially Butane which strips the widest range of things from the plant, this has become a huge problem with extracts in California as many blind tests are showing more than half, and sometimes 3/4 of the products on the shelfs are contaminated with heavy metals, banned pesticides and more...

This is part of the reason I rarely dab, or use extracts... Generally it isn't the top shelf nugs people are using for extraction... its usually the "unsellable" crops, full of pests, PM and other things that can't be sold as nugs, so they are blasted with solvents because the uneducated black market thinks that profit is better than potentially harming a user of the product... They would rather stretch their profit as far as possible instead of just chalking it up and saying oh well, this run didn't work, lets dispose of it... Instead they think that by extracting it, somehow these contaminants go away... its shameful and disgusts me.

This is definitely a concern for people growing specifically for extracts where a hydroponic product actually has less heavy metal content because the plant is only getting what is in the bottles. I actually stopped using Azomite, soft rock phosphate and Terpenator because of their high levels of things like lead, arsenic, and even uranium ore and other undesirable. I've been using the Washington State Department of Fertilizer's website to check on heavy metal contents (great resource BTW) but its pretty surprising what some of these commercial products have in them...

I mean for example... Terpenator, and Botanicare both have high 5-10ppm of Aresenic in them, and yet the EPA standards for Aresenic is in the parts per billion...

Even though for flowers I still prefer soil grown and close to organic, I definitely am very conscious now of what goes into my soil.

I don't worry too much about the loss of a plant because I always have clones of each strain going in my other tent... and I would much rather spray 1 whole plant and make sure I can get pollen, then to underspray and not get seeds. With that being said, I do and have developed a special love for plants, so I can't say that it doesn't break my heart each time I cull a plant or one gets thrown away..
I don't know a ton about extraction but I do know that depending on the solvent used, it can strip heavy metals from the plant. Especially Butane which strips the widest range of things from the plant, this has become a huge problem with extracts in California as many blind tests are showing more than half, and sometimes 3/4 of the products on the shelfs are contaminated with heavy metals, banned pesticides and more...

This is part of the reason I rarely dab, or use extracts... Generally it isn't the top shelf nugs people are using for extraction... its usually the "unsellable" crops, full of pests, PM and other things that can't be sold as nugs, so they are blasted with solvents because the uneducated black market thinks that profit is better than potentially harming a user of the product... They would rather stretch their profit as far as possible instead of just chalking it up and saying oh well, this run didn't work, lets dispose of it... Instead they think that by extracting it, somehow these contaminants go away... its shameful and disgusts me.

This is definitely a concern for people growing specifically for extracts where a hydroponic product actually has less heavy metal content because the plant is only getting what is in the bottles. I actually stopped using Azomite, soft rock phosphate and Terpenator because of their high levels of things like lead, arsenic, and even uranium ore and other undesirable. I've been using the Washington State Department of Fertilizer's website to check on heavy metal contents (great resource BTW) but its pretty surprising what some of these commercial products have in them...

I mean for example... Terpenator, and Botanicare both have high 5-10ppm of Aresenic in them, and yet the EPA standards for Aresenic is in the parts per billion...

Even though for flowers I still prefer soil grown and close to organic, I definitely am very conscious now of what goes into my soil.

I don't worry too much about the loss of a plant because I always have clones of each strain going in my other tent... and I would much rather spray 1 whole plant and make sure I can get pollen, then to underspray and not get seeds. With that being said, I do and have developed a special love for plants, so I can't say that it doesn't break my heart each time I cull a plant or one gets thrown away..

Thanks for this information Especially like the HEADS-UP on the
Washington State Department of Fertilizer's website

I will be spending most of the day reading and researching the
information Now. Not a bad thing, I like learning
Mycology sounds like a fun area of interest... speaking of... those shrooms that were growing in my pots... what do they feed off of? are they like plants and use NPK or something different? I haven't had time to look it up myself yet but was curious if there was any benefit to leaving them, or if they would steal "food" away from my plants.

I know some plants can be used as companion plants, so I was curious if these had any benefit in that regard......

Yea I feel ya with multiple interests... I'm the same way and sometimes my brain wants to just shut down and rest because of information overload... my job does this to me a lot, and love the company and working in the cannabis industry, but I'm a researcher, so I research everything.... and have to quickly become a pro resource upon every day is different dealing with real estate, laws, regulations, city bans/approvals, cannabis cultivation, marketing, packaging.. and the list goes on... and having to be a professional in each area generally within a short amount of time leaves my brain just but I love it too and wouldn't trade it for much else :)

They're likely living on wood debris in the soil. A symbiotic relationship to roots is also very likely. I've only seen them in potted plants. Either way they will take a little water, but for the most part free up nutrients as the mycelium feeds. Lots of gardeners have these and never even know it. The mycelium is the rest of the mushroom which you don't see typically. The fruits indicate that it has used up the food supply and is ready to move on. You'll probably see some yellow remnants of the colony when you remove the dirt from the pot.

Estimator/Researcher here too. The brain doesn't stop until it crashes lol. :geek:
They're likely living on wood debris in the soil. A symbiotic relationship to roots is also very likely. I've only seen them in potted plants. Either way they will take a little water, but for the most part free up nutrients as the mycelium feeds. Lots of gardeners have these and never even know it. The mycelium is the rest of the mushroom which you don't see typically. The fruits indicate that it has used up the food supply and is ready to move on. You'll probably see some yellow remnants of the colony when you remove the dirt from the pot.

Estimator/Researcher here too. The brain doesn't stop until it crashes lol. :geek:

I removed them just so that the spores didn't spread all over and at the time wasn't sure if it was a friend, enemy or neutral to the roots of my ladies but good to know that there is some benefit to having them. When I did a quick research on them it was mixed as most of the mentions were in houseplants and flowers so some left them with no issues, some removed them but not much went into detail. I appreciate the feedback on them, kind of what I figured as they usually break down organics so I figure it would have some benefit. Good to know :)

I'm curious where they came from... and my guess is the coco that I added or the worm castings.. both were new to this soil mix (well the coco was), the worm castings were a different brand then I used before. Thanks for your professional input on the shrooms!
So today makes day 7 of flowering from the flip... and I have been continuing to spray the GDP 1x per day with the CS solution. I haven't checked the ppm as the batteries I bought for my ppm meter were DOA, but I would estimate its around 60ppm. I have been using 20ppm, and bought 240ppm... so when my sprayer was down slightly after spraying sunday, about 3/4 of the bottle remained with 20ppm. I took the 240ppm and filled it to the top.. so I would say its actually closer I would guess to 70ppm but the next full bottle if needed will be measured out to 50ppm.

A few changes to the grow that need to be mentioned... first the bad news... I am afraid that Tangie 3 will not be with us for the remainder of this grow... On Day 1 or 2 of flowering I was giving my other plants in my other grow tent a foliar feeding, trying to used up some nutrients I have and I mixed the foliar spray a little too strong. Anyhow the GDP (large female one), Tangie 3 and Tangie 5 didn't care for it much and really looked wilted the next day and I believe a combo of the foliar spray, a dry spell, and low soil water stressed them. Well the Tangie 5 and GDP recovered, but Tangie 3 did not...

Luckilly I have a clone in early veg going of it so not a total loss by any means, but just a bummer that the tangie 3 will miss the GDP pollen.. another positive of the situation is that the tent was already crowded with too many plants, so now I'm able to spread them out a little more and give them room to thrive, and I may even see if I can re-pot 2 of them that are in small pots to allow them to thrive better through flowering.

Now the good news... On day 7... all of the plants are showing signs of flowering, and the preflowers are starting to show :) This means we are officially on our way to pollen, seeds and fun! hopefully if all continues to go well :)

I am also brewing up an earthjuice tea and the plants most likely will be getting fed tomorrow but I may wait an extra day too. So in 5 gallons of R/o water I mixed up:

80ml of EJ grow (only in the transition phase I double the bloom recipe)
80ml of EJ bloom
40ml of EJ catalyst
40ml of EJ micro
40ml of EJ meta K

40ml of biocozyme (enzymes)
20ml of Kangaroots (microbes)
40ml of AN cal mag (grow)
50ml of liquid kelp

Bubbling for 48 hours min.

Well other than that, everything is looking good and hopefully we will have a success with the GDP forming pollen and making us proud! While the whole process is taking place, and now that flowers have formed, I will try to take close up photos every day or 2 so that we can see the change happen in the female flower...

I'm already seeings signs of stress early on, even on the fan leaves which I didn't have happen in the past, so my current concentration of CS may be a little too strong. I may add a dab of R/O water to it to slightly dillute it as my guess is were about 20ppm over where it should be. The white pistils though that have popped definitely already look slightly different so I will try to get photos up frequently so we can all watch it happen :)

Here are today's photos :)

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