ItsNatural's 1st Grow - Mars LED 192x5 Reflector - Mars 3x3x6 Tent

42 Days from Seed...4 weeks Veg time.
Current Temp 84f
current RH 45


I checked on everything last night before I went to bed. Everything looked ok except they were pretty dry. I checked the PH of the Earth Juice mix that I had bubbling in my bucket. It had been about 26 hours since I mixed them. Remember before the PH was 4. And as I checked it last night I expected it to still be pretty low, but was hoping it had risen a little anyway. Much to my surprise it was about 7. Here is before and after bubbling.

After 26 hours of bubbling. Same mix

I hope it isnt too high now. Any way, after seeing the ph was back to normal I decided to go ahead and feed them last night. That way they have time to absorb some nutes before the switch.
I still fed until I had run off. Like I had been. This gave me the chance to use my syphon pump I had bought for this reason.

On one side it has a hard plastic with an angle and other end is just tube. I put one end in a milk jug and the hard end in the saucer with the run off. A hand full of pumps and BAM!! I was done. I should have been doing this the WHOLE TIME!!:loopy: Before, I was taking the pot, setting it into another saucer, then would empty the full saucer and repeat. Real pain in the arse. This was so much easier. I just hope my mix wasnt wrong. Id hate to go out there morro and them be burning again.
Ok so today I let the lights go out. 1pm ....I unplugged my timer. I set it to 10am ON 10pm OFF. I left the timer unplugged and will plug it back in at 10am tomorrow. That will give it 21 hours of darkeness....I gotta admit, I dont know why but Im a little nervous lol. I dont know if its because my tent has alot of light leaks or because I just dont know if I have everything on point as far as health of the plant and nutes. As far as my tent, The room it is in is pretty dark. There are a few spots of light that can be seen because it is so dark. But I figure between the darkness of the room and the tent. Nothing should make it in the tent as long as I dont go into that room lights out and turn my light on.
Anyway here are some pictures B4 flip

Ill update again when the lights come back on tomorrow. Until then :peacetwo:
44 Days from Seed...Week 1 Flower.
Current Temp 72f
current RH 61


OK So lights came back on yesterday at 10am. Everything looked fine. I did some more tucking and what not. I am going to bubble some water tomorrow with some HI-BRIX. I plan on mixing the HI-BRIX in when I give plain water. Here are some pics from yesterday right after I turned the lights back on.

Well until next time Stoners. :peacetwo:
Ok ok ok nothing much new to report.
Current temp and RH

I made some water for tomorrow. Mix went as follow

Per gal water....4 gal total
1tsp HI-BRIX
1/4tsp cal mag.

Other than that. Just some more tucking. I figure I got about another 3 weeks or so of tucking everyday until the stretch is over. I honestly have a few places im not sure where Im going tuck it. Lol Its like a maze or something trying to run these arms to fill out the screen. But I feel if I can do it right, It will yield me thick dense buds. When I bought the MM seeds, I read up on the strain. (as most of us do.) and it said that support is needed sometimes to hold the buds up. Another factor that played into me choosing to do a scrog. I still got a long way to go.
Another thing that worries me is spider mites. And while I never plan to bring any clones into my tent. My tent is in my building. And in the past, growing outdoors. I always had problems with spider mites. I tried to grow ONE TIME indoors when I was younger. It was a closet grow with foil for walls. I knew NOTHING about growing. I didnt even know about male and female I dont think. But I grew some nice looking plants to start off with. I was doing LST before I even knew what that was. I just knew from older growers that if you tie down an arm. It will sprout upward and you can control its height that way. Anyway, so as they got bigger I started noticing microscopic bugs crawling around. At first I thought I was too high. My mom said I was tripping. But after a few days I realized they were real. I didnt know what they were at the time. So i put sevens dust all over the plants. There was 2 by the way. And long story long. somehow the plants just dried up and died. I assumed it was the dust but now I think it was the mites. Because the were pretty bad. LOL sorry for the story. Here are some pics to make up for it.
This is after I did all the tucking. So you can see a little bit of the process


And this is just a pretty shot of my lemon skunk 2. This one here is already recovered from her lst but isnt ready to get tucked again yet.


As per usual. If you see something Im doing wrong, or if you see from a close up shot that a plant is suffering from something. Please let a homie know. Id rather know whats wrong than for you to be nice. That being said. Im out
I watered my girls today with the HiBrix and cal mag I had mixed last night. Last night I checked the PH of the mix and it was about 7. I checked it today before I watered and it was around 6.5... I tested my run off to see if I had a ph problem. The run off was about 7. So I figure my soil is about 6.7-6.8. Of course all Im using to test is the liquid test from a ph up ph down kit from General Hydroponics I got from Amazon.
And of course I did another session of tucking. I am pretty sure I am going to run out of room. I guess when they do I will have to start letting them grow vertically.
I also did some slight defoliation on both MM. Not much. Just a little bottom growth that was never going to reach the top. I wish i could get to the under growth better I would do more. But Most I cant really get to. Not easy anyway. I will prolly do a little more here and there.
Other than that theres really nothing else. I will take some pictures tomorrow Before and after the tuck. Until then :peacetwo:

The more I think about that ph the more I think I might be figuring it wrong. If it goes in at 6.5 and comes out 7..what is the ph of my soil????I think it may be 7.2 or 7.3.. Thats def to high but It may not be accurate. I hope not anyway. I guess if its too high, the next time I mix my nutes up, I can let it bubble for less time, making ph lower, maybe wait till its about 6.0 and then feed. Idk what do you guys think. Or is it fine?
46 Days from Seed...Week 1 Flower.
Current Temp 75f
current RH 82..
I know....way too high right?... I need to bring that down some. Not sure how yet, guess Ill have to have a conversation with google.


Man... Maybe I didnt put the right tags with my journal or something. Not much traffic in here at all. Regardless, I like to finish what I started so here are some pictures. I forgot to take some before I started tucking. So these are all after all the tucking. I am starting to run out of room and it is still way early in the stretch to just let them grow vertically. So I am trying to keep the same path but change to a 90 degree angle, and go that way while staying put. Im high and prolly not explaining it very well so here are the pictures.

46 Days from Seed...Week 1 Flower.
Current Temp 75f
current RH 82..
I know....way too high right?... I need to bring that down some. Not sure how yet, guess Ill have to have a conversation with google.


Man... Maybe I didnt put the right tags with my journal or something. Not much traffic in here at all. Regardless, I like to finish what I started so here are some pictures. I forgot to take some before I started tucking. So these are all after all the tucking. I am starting to run out of room and it is still way early in the stretch to just let them grow vertically. So I am trying to keep the same path but change to a 90 degree angle, and go that way while staying put. Im high and prolly not explaining it very well so here are the pictures.

Look nice in there man
Good looking grow! I too worry about mites and pests. If I'm out working in the yard or such, I change clothes before tending to my girls. Over the top probably, but read too many horror stories on here about them. Anyways I think you need more airflow to bring down RH.From what I recall reading on here... right now I have to run a small humidifier to keep mine up high enough. Keep up the good work! Will follow along!
a fan, oscillating or not, but oscillating is better, is the way to put RH down. It will also accelerate the drying of containers (just like the wind on a blacony). The choice is yours: tower fan to put in a corner, desktop fan to hand upside down, clippable fan etc. It will change your life in terms of humidity (sometimes too much for ppl who leave in dry areas, when we have to struggle with humidifiers to keep it at decent levels)
Don't buy a "de-humidifier" some of them are less than useful for humidity and will rise temperatures.
@ItsNatural might wanna lay off nitro can see them tips point down

Yea I dont really understand why tho. I dont feel I have gave them too much. Clearly I have. LOL But The most I have gave them is 2 tsp of grow. They didnt seem to like it so I went back down to 1tsp. Im in flower stage now but read that I should keep giving grow until the stretch is over? Im glad you said something, I have been seeing this for a bit now, Just cant seem to fix it. 1 thing I think hurt is at first I was feeding every watering because I figure Im growing organics, and the bottle says to. I now am doing a feed, water, feed. Other than doing that tho, it just seems they should be able to handle 1 or 2 tsp of grow. Others give tbsp of grow with no problem. I have to mix my nutes up today, My plan was

1/2tsp GROW ------- Should I leave out the grow completely?
1 1/2tsp BLOOM
1/4tsp META K ----- Some give a couple times a flower cycle, some give small doses ever feed in flower.
1/4tsp MICROBLAST -----Another tricky one. I see some places say only use a couple times during the grow. And others use it ever feeding.

Man...the more I try to read up on using Earth Juice, the more I get confused. Most of what I read...talks in tbsp...There is only a couple places talking in tsp. But I clearly have nitrogen toxicity, and am using tsp. And Im also not seeing alot of info on the BIG BLOOMIN GUANO... All I really know about it is, its like 0-4-0 NPK. I also dont see alot of people burning their plants with it. SO CONFUSED!!

I'm a bit late, but killer grow going on so far! :thumb:

Good to have you aboard. Better late than never. :)

Good looking grow! I too worry about mites and pests. If I'm out working in the yard or such, I change clothes before tending to my girls. Over the top probably, but read too many horror stories on here about them. Anyways I think you need more airflow to bring down RH.From what I recall reading on here... right now I have to run a small humidifier to keep mine up high enough. Keep up the good work! Will follow along!

I had a humidifier in the start because my RH was too low. I turned up my fan, I also let some fresh air into the actual room itself. It went down pretty quick. It was at 62 when I left it. I still have room to turn the fan up in case I need to. As for the mites...I dont blame you. Im thinking of getting some stuff to kill them for just in case. So If it does happen, I can get them quickly. Instead of having to wait. Theres not alot of options where I live to buy most stuff. So I have to get it on the internet and wait for delivery. I wanna be prepared for those little buggars

a fan, oscillating or not, but oscillating is better, is the way to put RH down. It will also accelerate the drying of containers (just like the wind on a blacony). The choice is yours: tower fan to put in a corner, desktop fan to hand upside down, clippable fan etc. It will change your life in terms of humidity (sometimes too much for ppl who leave in dry areas, when we have to struggle with humidifiers to keep it at decent levels)
Don't buy a "de-humidifier" some of them are less than useful for humidity and will rise temperatures.

I got one in there. I have been thinking of getting another of some sort. If nothing else another cheap clip fan. But Id like to hang or brace an circulating fan somehow. But will more than likely go the easy route lol. I changed the direction of my current clip fan last night. Just to give them something different.
Yea I dont really understand why tho. I dont feel I have gave them too much. Clearly I have. LOL But The most I have gave them is 2 tsp of grow. They didnt seem to like it so I went back down to 1tsp. Im in flower stage now but read that I should keep giving grow until the stretch is over? Im glad you said something, I have been seeing this for a bit now, Just cant seem to fix it. 1 thing I think hurt is at first I was feeding every watering because I figure Im growing organics, and the bottle says to. I now am doing a feed, water, feed. Other than doing that tho, it just seems they should be able to handle 1 or 2 tsp of grow. Others give tbsp of grow with no problem. I have to mix my nutes up today, My plan was

1/2tsp GROW ------- Should I leave out the grow completely?
1 1/2tsp BLOOM
1/4tsp META K ----- Some give a couple times a flower cycle, some give small doses ever feed in flower.
1/4tsp MICROBLAST -----Another tricky one. I see some places say only use a couple times during the grow. And others use it ever feeding.

Man...the more I try to read up on using Earth Juice, the more I get confused. Most of what I read...talks in tbsp...There is only a couple places talking in tsp. But I clearly have nitrogen toxicity, and am using tsp. And Im also not seeing alot of info on the BIG BLOOMIN GUANO... All I really know about it is, its like 0-4-0 NPK. I also dont see alot of people burning their plants with it. SO CONFUSED!!

Good to have you aboard. Better late than never. :)

I had a humidifier in the start because my RH was too low. I turned up my fan, I also let some fresh air into the actual room itself. It went down pretty quick. It was at 62 when I left it. I still have room to turn the fan up in case I need to. As for the mites...I dont blame you. Im thinking of getting some stuff to kill them for just in case. So If it does happen, I can get them quickly. Instead of having to wait. Theres not alot of options where I live to buy most stuff. So I have to get it on the internet and wait for delivery. I wanna be prepared for those little buggars

I got one in there. I have been thinking of getting another of some sort. If nothing else another cheap clip fan. But Id like to hang or brace an circulating fan somehow. But will more than likely go the easy route lol. I changed the direction of my current clip fan last night. Just to give them something different.
I would keep with ur 1tsp if its only been a couple days but halve it if it a been more than week but they normally grow out of it
47 Days from Seed...4 Days in Flower.
Current Temp 75f
current RH 70

I mixed my nutes for tomorrow. Mix went as follows

1/4tsp GROW
1 1/2tsp BLOOM

I didnt put any META K in because I have gave it HI-BRIX a few days ago which has Potash. I wasnt going to give it any grow but didnt want to deprive them completely of N so just gave it a little. Hopefully next time They will be in better shape and will be able to take a full Tsp of Grow.

I did some more tucking and training. Took some pictures for you all. I also noticed that, IMO, MM isnt the best strain for scrogging. It may just be my inexperience but the LS seem to benefit from it more. The Money Makers seem to almost be too short bushy and compact for it. I mean of course it can and will be done, but may get better yields under different growing method. IDK im going to see how things turn out and see how good the smoke is. (If Im lucky enough to get that far.) But I may do 2 Lemon Skunks and 2 of something else, Bubbas Gift maybe. Ill wait and watch homie grow his and see how it turns out.

Here is some photos

Here is some shots before tucking


Some of the tucks


If you look close, you can see the level change. Everything is a certain height and then there is a drop in the top left. Thats where I had tucked and hadnt tucked the others yet. It was kinda cool to look at.

Then Tucked the right side also

Group shot after tuck

Random shots


Ok, Im done till tomorrow when I plan to feed the girls.
Till then...:peacetwo:
49 Days from Seed...6 Days in Flower.
Current Temp 82f
current RH 71

Ok so I fed yesterday. I checked the PH of the mix after I had already fed both MM and seen that it was a little on the high side. Which is strange seeing how EJ usually runs on the low side. It was about 5 after I mixed it. It seemed well above 7 after 24 hrs of bubbling. Could I be that I have too much air bubbling the mix. With 2 air stones running. Anyway so after I seen that I thought I would bring it down a little by adding some EJ Grow. Just a little. It was either 1/2 tsp for the 2 gallons left or it was 1tsp. I forget which to be honest. It brought it down a little but not much. Down to about 7. Here are some pics from yesterday.

Today I did about 3 1/2 hours of tucking. And I didnt finish. My back started screaming mercy before I got done. But I got 3 of them done. All thats left is LS2. I will do it tomorrow. It got me out of going to the gym tho so I cant complain too much :)
Here are some pictures from the start of the process to the point where I quit. (actually I got Stretch done too but didnt take a picture at that point. Was ready to wrap it up and take a break.
here is before I did anything

Some tucks


Im well aware they look like shit after they are tucked and shimmied all around, but they look great after they recover. I went back out about 5 or 6 hours after these pics were took and they are already back up. I
Im still trying to control the Humidity problem the best I can. I have my covers that is my dividing wall pulled back so air can circulate around a bigger area. I also Have the covers that represents the door to the actual room pulled back also with a fan blowing fresh air in. But its still high. Water forming on the leaves kind of high. I am going to have to buy a dehumidifier. There is a cheap one on amazon for about 50 bucks. I guess I will try it as the rest of them are about $200. And that is just too much right now. A big problem is Im venting in the same room as my plants. as you can see by the pics in the beginning of this journal, I just have the ducting on top of the tent, running to the edge and then blowing out. But the way my set up is its my only option as I have room above my tent but not above the framing of the tent. So I couldnt go out the top with a 6" and come down the side and into another room or something. As Im stuck on top of the tent. ( for now)
Anyway thats about it. :peacetwo:
49 Days from Seed...6 Days in Flower.
Current Temp 82f
current RH 71

Ok so I fed yesterday. I checked the PH of the mix after I had already fed both MM and seen that it was a little on the high side. Which is strange seeing how EJ usually runs on the low side. It was about 5 after I mixed it. It seemed well above 7 after 24 hrs of bubbling. Could I be that I have too much air bubbling the mix. With 2 air stones running. Anyway so after I seen that I thought I would bring it down a little by adding some EJ Grow. Just a little. It was either 1/2 tsp for the 2 gallons left or it was 1tsp. I forget which to be honest. It brought it down a little but not much. Down to about 7. Here are some pics from yesterday.

Today I did about 3 1/2 hours of tucking. And I didnt finish. My back started screaming mercy before I got done. But I got 3 of them done. All thats left is LS2. I will do it tomorrow. It got me out of going to the gym tho so I cant complain too much :)
Here are some pictures from the start of the process to the point where I quit. (actually I got Stretch done too but didnt take a picture at that point. Was ready to wrap it up and take a break.
here is before I did anything

Some tucks


Im well aware they look like shit after they are tucked and shimmied all around, but they look great after they recover. I went back out about 5 or 6 hours after these pics were took and they are already back up. I
Im still trying to control the Humidity problem the best I can. I have my covers that is my dividing wall pulled back so air can circulate around a bigger area. I also Have the covers that represents the door to the actual room pulled back also with a fan blowing fresh air in. But its still high. Water forming on the leaves kind of high. I am going to have to buy a dehumidifier. There is a cheap one on amazon for about 50 bucks. I guess I will try it as the rest of them are about $200. And that is just too much right now. A big problem is Im venting in the same room as my plants. as you can see by the pics in the beginning of this journal, I just have the ducting on top of the tent, running to the edge and then blowing out. But the way my set up is its my only option as I have room above my tent but not above the framing of the tent. So I couldnt go out the top with a 6" and come down the side and into another room or something. As Im stuck on top of the tent. ( for now)
Anyway thats about it. :peacetwo:
Nice work man u do any taking of those big fan leaves they block a lot of lite
Nice work man u do any taking of those big fan leaves they block a lot of lite

I mostly just tuck them below to allow light on the bud sites. But I actually did do a little defoliation today. Mainly on stretch (LS1) I cut off all the yellow leafs and all the lower bud sites that were never going to make it to the top. I have been thinking of taking off some of those big fan leafs to allow more light and air flow but so far have just been tucking them the best I can. I want to get a couple grows in before I start taking too much. Im not educated enough in that area to be comfortable doing it. I mean some leaves, from what I gather, help the bud sites, and I dont want to take away those. Even though Im sure tucking is about the same, its not as permanent. If Was growing a different style, where I had better access to the bottom of the plant, I would probably do it. But there really isnt a bottom the way Im growing. Just closer to the center of the plant. I actually should have the screen down another 3 inches or so. I would like to have had it about 4 or 5 inches from the soil, but was late making my screen. I think if It was down another few inches and screening started earlier, I could have cut out about a week of veg time, and I feel it would be more efficient. Right now its a little high, so there is actually a lower part, but really hard to get to. So not all of the bud sites are going to make it to the top. I cut a few of those on stretch today. where as if my screen was lower , those lower bud sites wouldnt have a problem getting to the top.
I mostly just tuck them below to allow light on the bud sites. But I actually did do a little defoliation today. Mainly on stretch (LS1) I cut off all the yellow leafs and all the lower bud sites that were never going to make it to the top. I have been thinking of taking off some of those big fan leafs to allow more light and air flow but so far have just been tucking them the best I can. I want to get a couple grows in before I start taking too much. Im not educated enough in that area to be comfortable doing it. I mean some leaves, from what I gather, help the bud sites, and I dont want to take away those. Even though Im sure tucking is about the same, its not as permanent. If Was growing a different style, where I had better access to the bottom of the plant, I would probably do it. But there really isnt a bottom the way Im growing. Just closer to the center of the plant. I actually should have the screen down another 3 inches or so. I would like to have had it about 4 or 5 inches from the soil, but was late making my screen. I think if It was down another few inches and screening started earlier, I could have cut out about a week of veg time, and I feel it would be more efficient. Right now its a little high, so there is actually a lower part, but really hard to get to. So not all of the bud sites are going to make it to the top. I cut a few of those on stretch today. where as if my screen was lower , those lower bud sites wouldnt have a problem getting to the top.
Got you n that makes since I'm testing it now n wanna see if buds suffer at all but they when I stripped almost every red stem fan it mad a real Bush


Both stripped
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