Jimmy6k First Attempt - Closet Grow

Just been looking at the defs... now the interveinal yellowing is a common symptom between a fair few defeciencys & that can make it tricky to diagnose whilst the def is in the eary stages of development !

Heres a link i like using for def solving - Some plant deficiencies stick that one in ya book marks as it makes a good reference point.

I've got a funny feeling that it maybe Mn -manganese defeciency & believe thats a micro nutrient to which some of symptoms of the leafs relate to... but on a off chance a their could be toxicity issue to which i'm little unsure of at the moment.

May i ask how often you feed the plants during the course of a week & do you include any waterings of just plain old water in that period ?
I feed my soil plants twice a week and water with 6.5-6.9 ph'ed water.The hempys I feed 5 times a week and water with 5.5-6.0 ph'ed water.I will tell you this.When transplanting my soil plants I used a cheap potting soil.The bag says -This bag is regionally formulated from the following composted forest products,processed pine bark,Canadian sphagnum peat moss,reed sledge peat,sand and/or composted rice hulls,perlite and lime stone.Could this be causing my proublems.I have since switched to FFHF/FFoF mix.Also I do not use the cal/magic every time I feed.Should I?Here's the sickly S.L.H.
Well their is a chance that the compost used was from a bad batch or may off been mildly contaminated ?

It can happen from time, time even with brand name composts with considarable variations in qualitie between the different batchs made & only takes one upset/new employee to screw things up.

The watering looks fine but would suggest using cal/magic every time along with the micro nutrient solution at suggested application ratio... the girls should pick up in a few to several days or at least the defeciency should stop spreading further, keep an eye on it tho :thumb:

The sickly SLH, well she don't look to bad & much bigger than i thought she would be... got some clawing going on at the top but a number of things can do that, she may just need a jolly good flush & 1/2 strength feed for a few days just incase its a touch nitrogen toxicity.

But get those pesky spider mites sorted first & treat all ya plants... thats the first job.
Had quick search on the product for reviews & a lot people like it, often commenting on that it knocks spider mites dead :thumb:

Others seemed more concerned that the product does not list whats in it ? i guess thats a trade secret...

But only one way to find out & thats use it.

Had a quick look at ideally spider mite conditions & they appear to like low humidity/dry conditions coupled with high temps... i'd check ya grow room humidity level to see if thats an issue ?
Yes,I to have read some reviews and people seem to like it and my hydro guy could have sold me many other products,but gave me this.so I figured it must be pretty good.I think another reason was because you can use it in veg and through flower.Like you said Ill have to use it to find out.I will spray veg closet tonight and flower closet in morning.Thanks Fuzzy.:Namaste:
So, last night at midnight I sprayed veg closet before lights out with the mighty wash-MW.This morning after lights on I took a look and I see dead bugs,:rip:I am sure there all not dead , but I will spray again in 3-5 days.I do still see the eggs,so I'm not sure if it kills them but well see.When all mites are gone ,NPK,the people who make MW,make a Power Wash that cleans the dead mites and shit off.Maybe it will wash and get rid off eggs too.So far the MW does seem to be taking effect.I sprayed flower closet this morning and well see how that went tonight.:thanks:
You an mix you own wash for them! i usually take a gallon of water and put a few drops of dish soap in then i spray the plants down this should help wash the leaves off:thumb:
Thanks Blunts,I have heard that and may end up trying it,as I don't remember seeing the Power Wash at the shop.If they do have it,I'll get it.It's like 15 bucks for the small bottle and is enough for what I am doing.I live very close to shop also.I was at a grower buddy"s house today,who does not use internet and he ask me to post some picks for him and see if I could find him some answers.So I said sure. What I see from my research, it looks like a phosphorus deficiency,but I am also newer to growing and don't want to give any bad advice.Plants are 3 weeks in veg from clone.Any advice would help.Thank you.
Hehe I just saw the pic of the bomb thc and was about to say you could have spider mites, but fuzzy beat me to it :)

Hey Jimmy, meet Jimmy.

Oh hi Jimmy, how you Jimming today?

Pretty good Jimmy aint nothing quite like being a Jimmy

Yeah Jimmy, I know what ya mean.

Well happy growing Jimmy,

Yeah take it easy Jimmy

Neem works, soap works, sulphur works. All are inexpensive. Pyrethirin works (dont get any on you though)

Things like Mighty wash do work but cost more $ then buying a pound of weed.

the SNS spider mite spray works really well as it kills the eggs.

Good luck on the mites Jimmy.

Sincerely Jimmy

P.S could ya give some details on what you did in your cloner? Like step by step.

Yup pretty sure thats a touch of ol p - phosphorus def.

Seems to be some sort of sticky resinous substance glisterning on the leafs in places... does he foliar spray with something ?

You may like to ask your friend to check for spider mites 'n' all.
Hey Jimmy,I'm sure you heard this one. (THINK WITH YOUR DIPSTICK JIMMAY) Damn commercial.lol.Still,its great to be a Jimmy.As far as cloning goes,I ues the botanicare 25 site.I use 2 1/2 gallon,6.0 ph'ed water,70-75 degrees.I use Aqua Shield and Power clone solution by botanicare added in the beginning,Then I add more power clone when I start to see roots.We I take cuttings,I cut 5 at a time.Place in cup of water.I then use a flat pan with about a inch of water in it.Take cutting and re-cut under water and lightly scrape around it.I then dip in clonex and place them in machine with it off.I do not start pump until about 5-10 minutes after I am done cutting and dipping and ready.No special tricks or magic but there are somethings I want to try next batch I do.I only spray 1 time,right before I start machine.No timer pump runs all the time.I only change water If I am going to leave clones in longer then 10 days.If longer then 10 days I use ph'ed water with a little GH rapid roots,until roots are the size I want them.Hope that help,feel free to ask ,if I forgot something.Thanks
Hey Fuzzy,The sticky shit is the Mighty wash.He has been using for awhile.I was hoping that was not the cause of his problem because I just sprayed all my plant yesterday.So yes he does have spider mites too.Good eye.

Sounds like prime spider mite season in your neck of the woods... could well be related to low humidity also !

So if your growing room humidity is below 40% you may wish to look at methods to increase humidity to help deter the spider mite problem.

Ideally humidity for veg is 50% to 65% & flowering being a touch lower around 40% to 50% :thumb:

Humidity above 75% aprox may induce powdery mildew & bud rot over a prolonged period of time, even tho seedlings/clones prefer high humidity in the early days of life.
I'm with ya,on the humidity thing.Both my closets are in the 30-40 range.They get up to 45-50 at night with lights off.Correct me if I'm wrong but should my humidity start to rise as flowering starts.

Humidity should lower for the flowering cycle & is said to help promote resin production & that high humidity with dense buds don't really mix to well :thumb:

My own flowering tent is often between 40% to 50% humidity... but some of that is related to my own part of the world i live in being some what damper.

Not to sure about my own veg tent at present ?

Totally true about the night/lights off spike in humidity :thumb: if i don't keep my inline fan running i hit 80% to 90% humidity...
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