JimmyCricket's 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Nice indeed Jimmy. Nute line up looks good also. Whats the pack with "SAMPLE" stamped on it? couldnt really make that out.

Its excelerite. Basically same thing as azomite.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Well I got my DWC up and running early last morning. It came out pretty good.

The 3 days in my aero cloner was kinda ridiculous. When I put them in on Sunday they had a couple little roots just barely starting to pop out from the rapid rooter cube. like 1/4 inch out of the cube at most. However when I pulled them out 3 days later on wednesday morning the freaking things exploded. They had 2-4 inch roots popping from everywhere. Transplanting into the rocks was a pain because it was hard not to crush all those roots. Why the fuck dont my new cuttings explode with roots like that...

It did give me a good idea though. I am going to start 3 new cuttings soon. One in a rockwool cube, one in a jiffy puck, and one in a netpot filled with perlite. They will all be in the aero cloner. One of these stupid ways is gonna work...

Ill show a pic a little later of the DWC
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Here she be. I filled her up with about 1/3 strength nutes there is an airstone under each plant. It is about 7.5 gallons to near completely fill and I put a gallon water jug inside the res so I only need to fill it 6.5 gallons to get the water touching the bottom of the pots.

The rocks I used was a small layer of lava rocks (very porous) then a big layer of chunky perlite, then more lava rocks mixed with some smaller riverbed rocks.

For nutes I decided to go with the Atami line and use the GH line another time. So its got some stuff called Rootbastic, and their A+B veg formula. Thats it, nothing else besides the water being PHed to about 5.3

Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Well I'am late but here I am:)
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Lol is this your first time in this thread?

I think it is LOL go to so many its hard to tell.
like your dwc set up.
Oh and welcome to the real grow none of them critters in there (I Hope)
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

every few weeks I hit them with neem/rosemary/soap n shit.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

every few weeks I hit them with neem/rosemary/soap n shit.

you need to go find your Mantis buddy. anyway hope you kill al them little fudge packers:)
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Nice on the DWC! I keep seeing these igloo coolers being used. Did you DIY? I was going to use it but buying the drill bit plus the cup circle cutter thingy is like $50 I think of additives I can buy with that money lol. Ill be getting it though because I would like to gt my hydro back up and running. New grow room has lots of space for it + soil
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Looks pretty cool. I'm not ready to take the Hydro plunge yet. But .... I have been reading alot about it.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Well when someone offers to hook ya up with some nutes, its hard not to give it a try :).

Yes I cut the holes myself. Didnt use those expensive $40 5 inch bits either, frankly I laughed when I saw their price at home depot and figured I would just cut it myself with elbow grease.

So I just put the netpot upside down on top of the cooler top, then traced its outline. Then I just used some random drill bits I already had to start my hole. Make sure you are not cutting on the line but inside the line as needed so that your pot can catch on the rim and not just fall through. Then I took some tin snips and starting from my drill hole carefully cut along inside the marked circle line. For me it was about 1/3 a inch inside the line because my netpots are heavy duty types with a big lip. I didnt get the normal cheapo ones because I plan on growing monsters in this ;). Oh also once I had the hole cut out I took a crescent shaped file (its not flat it has a curve), then filed it down smooth and made minor adjustments in size until the netpot fit snugly in the hole.

It probably took me a hour maybe 2 just to get the holes totally perfect. You could certainly do it faster, but I wanted them to fit together like space shuttle pieces. This way I know if I do grow some 5-6 foot plants itll be totally mellow and can take the weight easy.

My main reason for using that cooler instead of buckets was so I did not have to change two buckets all the time and just had one res. Plus the insulation on the cooler will probably help with temps a bit.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Good description on your set up. Now that I'm trying DWC I can see the possibilities clearer. If some one would have told me I was getting closer to hydro a month ago I would have laughed. These DYI set ups allow me to learn on two paths.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

So ..... what's going on inside the cooler??? PICS damn it .....LOL
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

So ..... what's going on inside the cooler??? PICS damn it .....LOL

Its just a bunch of purplish/ clearish water with some air stones. There was not much you could see when I checked earlier besides a couple roots just barely poking out of the netpot.

I have been top feeding from the reservoir once a day and will continue to do so until many roots are clearly coming out and dangling in the water. Keep in mind that the first half inch or so of my netpot is submerged in the water. Later the water line would be much lower. But for now I got to keep the rocks wet or damp.

J-13 plants look Healthy, I see small improvements in size from when I got them 5 days ago.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Well when someone offers to hook ya up with some nutes, its hard not to give it a try :).

Yes I cut the holes myself. Didnt use those expensive $40 5 inch bits either, frankly I laughed when I saw their price at home depot and figured I would just cut it myself with elbow grease.

So I just put the netpot upside down on top of the cooler top, then traced its outline. Then I just used some random drill bits I already had to start my hole. Make sure you are not cutting on the line but inside the line as needed so that your pot can catch on the rim and not just fall through. Then I took some tin snips and starting from my drill hole carefully cut along inside the marked circle line. For me it was about 1/3 a inch inside the line because my netpots are heavy duty types with a big lip. I didnt get the normal cheapo ones because I plan on growing monsters in this ;). Oh also once I had the hole cut out I took a crescent shaped file (its not flat it has a curve), then filed it down smooth and made minor adjustments in size until the netpot fit snugly in the hole.

It probably took me a hour maybe 2 just to get the holes totally perfect. You could certainly do it faster, but I wanted them to fit together like space shuttle pieces. This way I know if I do grow some 5-6 foot plants itll be totally mellow and can take the weight easy.

My main reason for using that cooler instead of buckets was so I did not have to change two buckets all the time and just had one res. Plus the insulation on the cooler will probably help with temps a bit.

I have a good amount of drill bits that I purchased in a pack. I think I can do what you just described. Though I dont have a file to make them smooth. So theres no water pump running just the air stones? DWC may seriously be the easiest hydro to work with. I will seriously be going back to hydro. Id like to see your results on these monster you are planning to create.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

OH ... so it basically works like a big bubble cloner.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Yeah its just fertilized water in there with a couple airstones. The netpots hang just barely into the water. As time gos on and the roots start to grow a lot I will let the waterline drop and itll eventually be many inches below the bottom of the netpots.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Do you have to keep changing the water or do you just keep adding it as needed?
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Its best to change the water every 1-3 weeks to avoid salt buildup, and keep nasties from forming in the water.
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