JimmyCricket's 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

They working out real nice Wizzy :)

Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

T 5s...are they better than hps ???

Oh so this why you ask me lol. IDK the guy at my hydro store said no one flowers with them really just veg. I know there a kick ass lamp to veg with. Low on energy cost to. But thats why I asked Jimmy if he was going to flower with his T5 so I can see the results. I think it would be a great yield since it does great with vegging! IDK about HPS either since I havent flip my lights yet. I have my MH/HPS lamp in my flower room and using my T5 in my stealth cabinet. Also the T5 has great penetration to the lower half of the plants. And bonus on them getting close and wont burn your plants either. I would like to see flowering results using them!
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

If you have enough T5's it'll work just fine. But .... to get enough T5's your price ends up about the same as a HPS and ballast.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

On youtube you can find many hi quality grows using just t5 for flowering. Contrary to belief the buds are quite big and nice.

Overall I would say LED or HPS is superior for flowering. But done right T5 is good for flowering too. The main thing is I think a lot of people keep their t5 too far from the plants. I always keep mine 1-4 inches away max.

But currently my plan is not to flower them indoors anymore. I plan on vegging them all through the winter then putting the monsters outside around feb-march to flower in spring.

TBH though I have a lot of plans for 2013 so this grow may change yet again. I always roll with the punches :).
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Furthermore they will sooner or later be moved from 5 gallons into 15 gallons :).

I am tired of silly 2-5oz per plant plants like I have this season. Next year is the year of the pounders and half pounders maybe even bigger. That is the new goal.

BTW on the DWC I plan on LSTing them away from eachother using some kinda net or trellis system. In the end it will probably look like its just one huge bush. But I will keep the two spread out from eachother as needed. I bet itll be some sick ass buds though, I mean G-13 and Jack Herrer... Holy fuck!
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

what about the Lums ???can i get 100,000 +...

Jimmy is the man with T5's. I have seen set ups using T5's at 10,000 lums a bulb. Not sure if they come higher. Those bulbs are like 20 bucks a piece in both spectrum's give or take a few dollars. That's expensive to reach 100,000 but they have proven results.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

2-5 onces per plant ...... man I'd be so damn happy to get 2-5 ounces per plant.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Well when you compare that to the stupid XXX and Helix 2-5 per sounds nice lol. I got like 5 grams per with helix and 1/2oz per with xxx...
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

As long as I get an ounce per with my first three plants I'll be happy. That'll get me by for a couple months (enough time to grow more) without having to buy.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Sucks though my PH is incredibly low (4.0) after adding fresh water and nutes. I never had this problem before so my only options are baking soda or dolomite lime as I do not have anything else to raise PH.

I know in a few days or less it should at least be at 5 though so I am just letting it be. These past 3-6 days the PH was higher then it should be as I never PH downed it, so this super low PH should offset any nutes that the higher PH was restricting.

Hopefully itll be fine and I think it will be. Really weird that the PH dropped so much from the nutes as It was 7.0 R/O water and I only gave it 2/5ths strength nutes too.
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