JimmyCricket's 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

The plants look nice. Roots appear healthy. Sorry about the Hydro PH issue. I am a novice at best with hydro. I do have a big bottle of PH up! be faster to order from there
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Sucks though my PH is incredibly low (4.0) after adding fresh water and nutes. I never had this problem before so my only options are baking soda or dolomite lime as I do not have anything else to raise PH.

I know in a few days or less it should at least be at 5 though so I am just letting it be. These past 3-6 days the PH was higher then it should be as I never PH downed it, so this super low PH should offset any nutes that the higher PH was restricting.

Hopefully itll be fine and I think it will be. Really weird that the PH dropped so much from the nutes as It was 7.0 R/O water and I only gave it 2/5ths strength nutes too.

you don't want your ph to be that far off...re-cal your meter..
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Where Oh where have the bags of buds gone, where oh where could they be?? Hmm.. Well, If i didnt Donate my buds to crime - ID PROB HAVE SOME BAGS TOO:( I like the casual - Oh picked a sum small bags of buds... YOU SUNNAVA BITCH!!! LOL
So i see why i have gotten no more EDITED PICS... Youve been rooting, Havent you?! I knew it.. ahhh haaa.. There someone else ahh haaa hhaaaa - what did i do to deserve this? :'( I stop by your place and find you with 2 girls - Rooting of all things.. How could you?? they were cries of sadness btw - NOT laughter..
LOl.. Man Id be a real clingy bitch if i were a chick:):) Ahh good to see mate that theyre looking ok, seem to have got nice root structure there buddy. Your lil indoor garden looks great mate:thumb: Chem Dawg ay... Hmm, im itchin to try some.. Hope your girls all come along well for you and how much longer veg you reckon?? Take care mate. Smokemup n Kiksumass
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Well the PH had not raised after 14 hours infact it may have even dropped a point or two lol. So I took matters out of natures hand and put them in my own. I dissolved a small bit of dolomite lime and put it in the water, then I also burnt some organic paper and put that in the water too. Got the PH to 5.2-5.3 then stopped as I normally would like to start at 5.2ish then let it rise to about 6.7 before bringing it back down to the low 5s.

For those wondering why the fuck I burnt paper and put it in the water... wood ash is primarly Calcium Carbonate. Calcium Carbonate is also known as Lime, like garden lime, dolomite lime ect. From my research gathered the LESS white the ashes are the more you will have. If ashes are very white it seems to mostly become Iron Oxide, or regular old carbon. I got my ashes to that blackish kinda color then crushed it up mixed with water then dumped into my tank.

@Smokenheimer Bartholomew III, I plan on putting them outside sometime in, most likely February. The earlier the better.

@ Miwa, the plan is to harvest them before reveg occurs. I actually have 2 meters now, a hannah one and a reverse engineered milwakee one (aka chinese knock off lol). Got the milwakee one for free and paid like 25 for the hannah.

@Wizzy My PPM is somewhat low. I guestimate it was about 500-600 but now that I added this ash and lime its probably like 700-800 PPM. I had really explosive growth as you saw with about 400-500 PPM it went from 4 inches tall to 2 feet in 3 weeks. So I am just keeping the PPM and nutes fairly light for now.

BTW thanks again to JJ for all these nutes.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

I am going to put them out in the end of winter/begining of spring to flower. To help make sure they will finish in time I will probably switch to 12/12 or 11/13 1-2 weeks before I put them outside. That way when they go outside they should have just begun to have small buds forming. Then I shall be using the power of the sun to finish it off.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Those roots are fantastic. I am glad I do not grow hydro at all the PH is a bitch to control on city water around here.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

shouldnt be. It seems to be just minerals mostly b-1 a bit of iron and some others.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Looking good Jimmy. Those roots look fantastic. So did I miss anything big around here?? Been gone a couple days.
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

sure been quiet there cricket:wood:
so what are you N/A? lol not like you to not be chimming in:)
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

He's too busy eatin turkey and smokin dope ...... and then sleeping ...... LOL

Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Hey N/A where you at?
hope you are OK:circle-of-love: are you digging in with JTG for the end of the world?
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

yeah sup cricket?
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

Hi guys :) hows everyone doing?

Well believe it or not the new hydro babies are at about a 5 week bday and are not much of a baby anymore. Somehow they are over 3 feet tall each, plus super healthy both of them. I guess they sneak in wheaties when I am not watching.

I also added 2 more plants to my collection. Its called purple Nazir. Cute lil buggers they are.

Anywho take it easy fellas talk soon :D
Re: JimmyCrickets 1st Indoor Grow - Chemdog D & White Rhino x Blackberry

nice to see you back N/A:) glad to hear about the nazir, sounds like a neat grow:)
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