Jimobry's Bag Seed First Grow Journal

You are right Dan, a lot of patience. :)
I will try again tomorrow.
I can swear that I see a few amber though. maybe I am just imagining it, or the light is playing tricks.
Anyway, I am probably going to start a flush in a few days, as It will about two additional weeks to mature and I will be able to make conclusions for the remaining two ladies.
First thing is to create my new drying area. do you think that an extractor fan and a clip fan will be enough to keep the bus from developing mold? of course I am going to create a few holes in my box to get fresh air inside.
Update: Flowering Week 8 Day 6
Ok So I am definitely starting to see some amber on my two more developed girls, which tells me that I am going to flush them on Tuesday :)
I think that a week will do for them considering that I am using organic nutes, and that the pots are rather small (6.5 liters), agreed?
So the long awaited harvest is looking closer than ever.
As for my drying space, I am going to take a cardboard box, and hang some lines in it. I am also going to take my intake fan from the tent, and use it to get fresh air into the box, and buy a new exhaust fan to pull air out of the box and back into my tent, so the smelly air can go through my carbon filter.
I think that the drying process wont take very long as the temps here are 25 degrees C, at the lowest.
I will then wait for the stems to snap before I am going to cure the buds with boveda 62% RH packs in sealed jars. The fudged up thing is that I cant seem to find little Hygrometer units to put in the jars, so there is going to be some guess work.
Here are some recent trichome shots:

The remaining girls will enjoy the added space and light, and will keep getting nutes for as long as I feel ok with it:)

Thank you for stopping by

I'm seeing the ambers too. Especially in those last three pics.

HEre's a drying box I made years ago. After using it a couple of years it started getting some mold and mildew. It can get very humid when I had it under the house. IT worked well for several grows.

Hey guys, thanks for stopping by! thanks for the kind words :)
Watered today with half the usual amount of water for the faster girls, and tomorrow they will get a proper flush! exciting times :)

PTSD 4 ME I started following your thread too, I am sorry I wasnt there for the start, it seems like you had quite an interesting road.
Update: Flowering Week 9 Day 1

The Flush

Two ladies were flushed today - water was given until it came out transparent.
Harvest is upon us! :)

I also took another taste from the undeveloped popcorn buds, and quick dried them in my hot car sitting in an envelope.
I checked to see that the trichomes are intact, and they are.
We are going to watch american sniper and have a little BBQ while enjoying a taste from the fruits of my labor.
The lady seems happy :) And if she is happy, then I am happy.. HEHE
Much love to you all!!!
Hahaha, GG, Thanks! You are the man!
We smoked half a spliff ant it gave a good buzz for two hours or so!
I am very satisfied. I am vary satisfied because, that spliff was from the most bottom, undeveloped popcorn buds! Gave us a nice clue to what is waiting for us with the proper buds after a good dry and cure.

Besides, We still have a couple more buds which are slightly more mature, slowly drying as we speak, sitting on my laptop's graphic card.
:) I assumed it was the graphic card, as that spot gets much hotter when I am playing a game or watching an HD movie.
I just placed the buds on a disposable plastic plate on the hottest spot on the laptop.

I used to be a hardcore gamer, back when I had much more spare time.
My laptop is connected via HDMI to my bigass 48inch LCD. I download everything we want to watch, so no need for cable box, can't justify it to myself with their ridiculous prices here.
Sorry for the lack of updates. You are correct PTSD!
I harvested the first plant today, and it is drying in my drying box.
Next plant will be harvested at Friday, and photos will follow.
Spending an hour on one plant, manicuring it, and hanging it to dry, was a wonderful experience.
Second female was harvested today, and is laying to dry with her sister.
Here are some pre-harvest shots, and post-harvest shots.

Unfortunately,one of my girls is showing some seeds, I probably missed a penis on one of my girls. The weird thing is that so far, only that one girl is showing seeds, so I cant really be sure on what happened.

The other two girls are still behind on flowering, and only a little amount of ginger hairs.
Heat is definitely a factor in their slower growth. none the less, I will give them the best care I possibly can.
Summer has hit us with full strength, so the next round will probably have to wait until October. Hopefully with some proper seeds.


P.s. Work and school is kind of hectic at the moment, that's why I am not updating as much. Keep in mind that your support and attention through this journal has been great, and truly appreciated!

Much love to you all!
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