KingJohnC's and WildRosebud's Dual Grow Journal - Pink Parvat Beta Testing

what i have found with hermies is this,
fems that turn hermie with no stress are no good for anything, its best not to get these genetics mixed up with any other plants or strains, but if you found a seed in some bud then this dont mean the plant is prown to go hermie, it might just be that it self polinated due to it been in flower to long, if thats the case then the seed is fem and wont have hermie traits, or the pollen could of come from another fem that went hermie, if it did then the seeds would be fem

all seeds fem,auto or regular all can go hermie, if it goes hermie on its own with no stress then its not worth using the pollen or worth putting pollen on it, now you need to make sure its gone hermie on its own without their been a light issue, temp issue, stress issue such as to much nutrients or to little nutrients, this can make plants hermie pretty quick, if you let the plant use up all the nurients in soil say then you give them a high dose and it then gets low again this can cause hermie as the plant thinks their is a major problem so forces hermie early on as it thinks its the end of the world or growing season problems, so tries to reproduce as quick as it can.

something else i also found out was this, i was trying to make fem seeds, so i got a female from a strain id been growing for a while so it wasnt a plant that would of went hermie on its own, when i started to flower it i gave it light shock and it took some doing to get it to go hermie, id leave it in the dark for 48 hours then give it 24 hours of light then 6 hours of dark, basically totally messing the schedule up, anways it went hermie on me so i started using the pollen on a female of the same strain, the seeds grew and was harvest at the right time and they all looked like good seeds, i always use paper towel method when i produce seeds so i can check germinatio rates, so i threw 10 seeds into paper towel and all sprouted and grew, but every plant went hermie at the same time as i forced the parent plant to go hermie, so ive not used that method since, its why im tempted to try the chemical route as thats a tried and tested method,

but instead i now us the rodilization method thats if ive spelled it right, i leave the female in flower until it goes hermie, if left in flower long enough a female will produce its own pollen only if it has not received any pollen from a male or another hermie, so i then collect the pollen and use this on females and so far this method has worked well and produced fem seeds that dont go hermie on their own unless their left in flower.

another thing i found out is fem plants dont produce as much pollen as males, so if you do produce fem seeds at any time then you would either need to leave it in flower long enough to produce enough pollen or go down the chemical route like king has, i think the chemical options is what ill try next as it cuts the grow time down and should be able to pollinate plants of the same age due to making it go hermie a lot earlier in flower

@king, how come it stretched that much mate, i get very little stretch with my seedlings using cfls or wasnt it a cfl,
the only things ive found that cause stretching like that is the plant been to far from the light or been in a shaded spot, also high temps can make the plant stretch as its trying to reach cooler air,

Ya unfortunately bolting females will make them prone to stresses they endured so bolting naturally is not viable enough to consider feminized. As you explained it is true they take traits to the life their parents endured but these also alter their traits in toher ways too. If they bolt fast then you got oil crop. If they bolt late then you have smoke. If they bolt on time you got hash. Dabbling with personalized genetic traits we can master what we need knowing how the plants behave at all stages of growth. I love this site I often felt alone or thought other sided views of things but when we put our heads together we sure can make some improvements on many lives. I wish I was not such a late bloomer about joining forums that matter.
Here is my established Pink Parvat seedling. According to Herb IQ it is now day 8.9


Time for calcium already :D
how can you tell that they want calcium? they look good to me
First feed of calcium today went well. It was merely to change my ph. I can see no harm in it and the plants perked right up a few hours after and the ph is now 6.8 not 6.4 as it was before I did this. Tested tap water ph went down from 7 to 6.4 , they changed to new tanks in the building maybe that did something to alter the ph? Anyhow I fixed it. Also gonna have to test tap water frequently now I think the municipality is playing around with it.

I have the Romulan and the Hindu Kush outside in the sun atm , partial shade but wow they reach for it. Purchased 10 3 gallon pots today for the low ryders. only 2 left to poke out of the dirt. I should repot them by tomorrow morning. Super Weed to you all!
how come you use a dome over the seedlings, wont this just stress them by having humidity to high, i know clones need 100% humidity, well actually thats not totally true but we use domes for clones to get higher rooting rates but seedlings dont need any humidity, is it because of the grow medium your using that you need to use a dome, if so then id try and build something that lets the seedlings grow above the part thats covering the medium, that way the leaves wont be as pale, the dome is possibly keeping the air to humid which will cause problems with seedlings, couldnt you just keep the grow medium wet by spraying it as im thinking you use domes to stop the grow medium drying out, or use some wick type system to keep the medium damp.

their was a grower a while back whos seedlings kept dying every time, and it was only when we found out he kept a dome over them that we realised that it was due to them been in 100% humidity all the time,
herb iq is ok as long as its not tracking your info online, their was some problems a while back with herb iq uploading a growers info to somewhere on the net, so when i used it i used it on another comp that wasnt connected to the net, but i know its a good program to use as it tracks everything exactly but as long as you write the germ date down then you pretty much know how old the plants are or write down when you flip 12-12 which is something i dont really do unless its with the strains im trying to produce.

theirs a lot of info you can enter on herb iq but it takes time to enter it all but its a great way of storing info as you can compare each plant with another and you have got all the info you need in one place, i used it for a while but soon got bored as it was quicker and easier to jot things down on paper,
how come you use a dome over the seedlings, wont this just stress them by having humidity to high, i know clones need 100% humidity, well actually thats not totally true but we use domes for clones to get higher rooting rates but seedlings dont need any humidity, is it because of the grow medium your using that you need to use a dome, if so then id try and build something that lets the seedlings grow above the part thats covering the medium, that way the leaves wont be as pale, the dome is possibly keeping the air to humid which will cause problems with seedlings, couldnt you just keep the grow medium wet by spraying it as im thinking you use domes to stop the grow medium drying out, or use some wick type system to keep the medium damp.

their was a grower a while back whos seedlings kept dying every time, and it was only when we found out he kept a dome over them that we realised that it was due to them been in 100% humidity all the time,

perhaps this is my mistake, i used the dome to keep the medium moist but perhaps it is keeping the medium too moist.
it could well be my friend but ive not used the medium your using so cant say, it just reminded me of a grower a while back he couldnt keep a seedling alive, then he said he starts them off in a dome and after he stopped using the dome he had no further problems.

i was just trying to see why it was stretching so much and then you mentioned the dome, maybe your medium needs a dome i just dont know enough about it to really say either way, as long as you had a way to keep the medium slightly damp then the dome could be left off, you would have to see how quick it dries out and what you could do to keep it wet enough to allow the roots to grow, all though i dont think it needs to be to wet but again not a medium i know anythin about.

it just reminded me of this grower that was having problems, maybe you could use the dome till it had sprouted them not use the dome, im sure someon else will be able to offer some advice and maybe uses the same medium,
For sprouting if you use a dome to sprout take the dome off as soon as the first seedling appears. The rest should be not far behind and the humidity is hard on seedlings , the stems do not like constant water on them when they are fragile. Or so I observed in my experiences.
Happy SkunkDay to ya KJC
i don't wana argue semantics
so ill just say Happy skunkday all
its something im also in the process of doing, got a couple of friends growing some of my own strains to see how they grow under different climates and different grow styles, so will be interesting to see what others think and how they grow from seed to harvest in different climates
all I can tell you is that my paradise acid was a feminized and it was a mild hermie. it produces few seeds in the buds, probably cause of rodelization. every round it gives me a few seeds that are feminized

few nanners, even fewer seeds only deep in buds.
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