Lembatoast's 2017 - Last Hurrah - Grow Journal

Bapple, when those little Teardrop shaped pods open up there are 5 Pestles with pollen on them inside. So they are ready to collect when the pods open. If that plant is still in the container, take it inside now and if it's in the ground, bag it and after the pods all open, tie the bottom of the bag around the stalk and cut underneath the bag and you got all the pollen you need. What I usually do is once all the pods open on the plant, I shake it over some Butcher Paper, then scrape it into a pile with a card ( of your choosing ) LOL then put that into the appropriate container. I use those coated paper advertisements you get in the mail to make a half funnel, then pour the pollen into a Seal-A-Meal bag and vacuum seal it and the pollen is go for a long time. You can use glass or plastic jars but keep it in the fridge not the freezer and its good at least 6 months. In the Vac- Bags its good for years in or out of the fridge, but it should be in the dark. I have a very small Badger Hair artists brush I use to apply it. It seems to keep the pollen in the designated area with less overflow, but you can just sprinkle it on with you fingers. Gorgeous I hope that's what you wanted to know. HiddenGrow, Yeah I commanded them to stand at attention for the picture, most of the time their Gold Bricking. Radogast that's the difference between brothers, I'm a modest grower with a lot of need. LOL Thanks you guys, you make doing this enjoyable. TOAST
Bapple, when those little Teardrop shaped pods open up there are 5 Pestles with pollen on them inside. So they are ready to collect when the pods open. If that plant is still in the container, take it inside now and if it's in the ground, bag it and after the pods all open, tie the bottom of the bag around the stalk and cut underneath the bag and you got all the pollen you need. What I usually do is once all the pods open on the plant, I shake it over some Butcher Paper, then scrape it into a pile with a card ( of your choosing ) LOL then put that into the appropriate container. I use those coated paper advertisements you get in the mail to make a half funnel, then pour the pollen into a Seal-A-Meal bag and vacuum seal it and the pollen is go for a long time. You can use glass or plastic jars but keep it in the fridge not the freezer and its good at least 6 months. In the Vac- Bags its good for years in or out of the fridge, but it should be in the dark. I have a very small Badger Hair artists brush I use to apply it. It seems to keep the pollen in the designated area with less overflow, but you can just sprinkle it on with you fingers. Gorgeous I hope that's what you wanted to know. HiddenGrow, Yeah I commanded them to stand at attention for the picture, most of the time their Gold Bricking. Radogast that's the difference between brothers, I'm a modest grower with a lot of need. LOL Thanks you guys, you make doing this enjoyable. TOAST

Thanks Toast - you're a brick :hug: and such a natural teacher :high-five:
So my buddy that just harvested that bud, came by and dropped off some now that it's dry.
I'm gonna burn the joint while I take the picture's and I figure that by the time I'm writing this I should know what's up.
That's what's left of the joint. Let me just say it's way better than the last batch by far. I'll have to find out what he did different and let you know. It smell's really cool, but I can't describe it. It's really stinky but a good stinky. After I took the picture's I went into the house to get something to drink and when I came back out, it was like running into a wall of stink when I stepped through the door to my garage. It gets you really high too. I would compare it to the Swiss Cheese my friend gave me but not as energetic, but that really cool Buzz. I like it. TTYL TOAST
Question Toast, when you put your clones in the sandwich bags, is there any drainage out of the bags or you just don't water enough to saturate the soil.?
So the main nurse that takes care of my mom, husband grows, and got 2 clones each of all my strains. Well today when the nurse came she brought me 4 of his strain.
He got some seeds from one of his friends that didn't know the strain. He named it Will after his son. Here's the inside grow room full.
Here's the out door grow room, with the over flow.
Blue Rust and Jgrowlove, thanks for the compliments. So I talked to my buddy about what he did different this time and what it was, was on the last batch he used Sensi Grow and Sensi Bloom, ( the stuff you don't have to PH ) This time he used Bio Nova grow and Bio Nova Bloom every other time. That's all he changed. It sure made a big difference. I was not impressed when I grew it out side. But this indoor batch is the BOMB. Three tokes on a joint and your high for hours. Top shelf Club Bud that doesn't smell or taste like the crap they sell at the Clubs. It cracks me up so many people don't know anything but Club Bud and they think if it doesn't Look, Smell and Taste like Club Bud its no good. That just leaves more for me and the few that know what really good Pot is suposta be like. Every strain should develop its own character, so nothing should be exactly like something else. Have a really fine weekend, I'm Out TOAST
Yeah like what you like and don't take no shit ftom anybody :laughtwo:
Blue Rust and Jgrowlove, thanks for the compliments. So I talked to my buddy about what he did different this time and what it was, was on the last batch he used Sensi Grow and Sensi Bloom, ( the stuff you don't have to PH ) This time he used Bio Nova grow and Bio Nova Bloom every other time. That's all he changed. It sure made a big difference. I was not impressed when I grew it out side. But this indoor batch is the BOMB. Three tokes on a joint and your high for hours. Top shelf Club Bud that doesn't smell or taste like the crap they sell at the Clubs. It cracks me up so many people don't know anything but Club Bud and they think if it doesn't Look, Smell and Taste like Club Bud its no good. That just leaves more for me and the few that know what really good Pot is suposta be like. Every strain should develop its own character, so nothing should be exactly like something else. Have a really fine weekend, I'm Out TOAST
Amen brother. The club bud is going to be the equivalent of bud & miller once prohibition ends. We know and can educate the ones that really want to experience the good stuff.
Yeah like what you like and don't take no shit ftom anybody :laughtwo:

I smoked my own AK47 today. Mild aroma. Low taste. Firm, airy buds. Not extra sticky. Grinds like a dream. Gray ash that flips out of the bowl with ease. Clear head, LOTS of energy. Three tokes. I got a lot of work done. I had a smile on my lips all day. It ain't no club bud! Great bud for the day I had today :)

I'll take rabbit shit for the yard if you've got it :rofl:
Hey there toast I was just thinking and when I have been taking my clones I have been giving them about a day or so of darkness before I put them under light. But I was wondering do you do that at all? I don't know if it actually matters so I thought I would ask a vet haha
BigBrown97, if your referring to starting them in 12/12, yes I do put them in total darkness for 3 full days before I hit them with 12/12. Then at the end of the flowering period, I go full dark for a week before I pull them. The first darkness period seem to make them start flowering more quickly and at the end it seem to produce more Tricombs. When I went to bring my plants inside tonight, I put most of the biggest plants in the outdoor grow room.
then I put the rest in the indoor grow room, so I could spread out the clones and get them a little more light.
Well that's about as exciting as it gets this time of year, Later TOAST
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