Let's get growing

@Lerugged, thank you. Means a lot coming from other growers.

@Enjoil ,jip thats San Pedro. One of many more standing in the garden. Im due for a San Pedro tea "party" soon. Not the most tasty of things but fun
Nice brother! How long did it take to grow that tall? That’s one of the larger ones I’ve seen. I bet there’s all kinds of crazy herbs out in Africa to trip on! What’s that one yopo bean stuff where they blow it through a tube into another person’s nostrils! And they trip for like a month! That’s intense!
Heard about that Yopo tree @Enjoil Looks very similar to some trees around here. I WILL NEED TO DO SOME MORE RESEARCH.

That San Pedro has been growing for about 6 years now. I have quite a few in the garden that i love to look at once they push flowers. The tea drinking part, not so nice
And at long last she started flowering.

Pineapple Chunk#1 :

I checked my calendar and saw that today my ladies were 9 weeks into flower, ( i switched to flowering on 24 Dec 2020).

Here is some pics of the ladies surviving the extreme African Sun. Today was a scorcher and temp in the garden reached into the 40 C...

Chocolate Bubbleberry #1 :

She will probably be one of the last ones i harvest, except for the PC that started flowering late. The branches is starting to lean to one side due to buds putting some weight on. I tied up some of the branches to get her a bit straight...


Chocolate Bubbleberry #2 :

She is quite on par with her sister. Not as big though but should be harvesting them both at the same time.


Royal Banner #1:

An opinion would be appreciated here. I am thinking of letting het go another 2 weeks and then chop chop. Last year i left some of the buds on for 12 weeks and it was quite a couch lock. Will do a small prw harvest to test before harvesting...


Royal Banner#2 :

This one was rootbound and not happy so i took her out of the pot and planted her into mother earth. She was stunned for a bit but recovered well. She is a bit behind her sister but still going strong nonetheless...


Pineapple Chunk #1 :

She smells really really good. Super sweet with a hint of lollipop that reminds me of childhood... Hope she tastes as good too...

Pineapple Chunk#2 :

Quite far behind her sister but hey atleast she is flowering. Was tempted to chop her down if she didnt start doing het thing...


Jacky White #1:

This strain just smells of goodness. Almost smells like its supposed to be grown indoors...


Jacky White #2:

If i had space i wouldve liked to have planted her into earth. Think that pot is costing me some bud...


Girl Scout Cookies x Bruce Banner:

Nice looking strain but seems to be a bit temperamental. Had some issues with her but so far things is looking good. Smells is sweet and fruity with a hint of bubblegum coming through. Crystal production is high


And thats it for this week. Stay blazed and blessed.


Harvesting time is here or rather close... I started harvesting some of the plants which in my mind is good for harvesting.

But as always i doubt stuff and have to ask. The buds i harvested pistils is 30% brown whith mostly cloudy trichomes.

On websites i have read, again , says to wait till 70 - 90% of pistils is brown...

Whats your take on this. I know we all have to make our own choice but still would like to hear any opinions. Im slowly harvesting some buds cause i want that high effect but some ill leave to mature more for that deeper effect for day when my back hurts or cant sleep.

This coming Wednesday they will be flowering 10 weeks since that extra light was switched off. They went into flowering pretty quick so i guess i shaved a few days off. I will take pics later today after the sun has moved over otherwise getting good pics is hard.
Tried getting a pic of the GSC. As you can see the trichomes is milky but pistils just going brown. She will be left another week or 2... Will get aome pics later


The pistils have very little to do with it. You should have ALL of your pistils brown on most strains of pot before it is done. White pistils means it is still flowering, still trying to gather pollen, still trying to assure the continuation of the species.
The thing to check is the trichomes at the very top of the plant. You are looking for amber at the very top, even one or two percent would be enough. By this time, there should be no white pistils remaining, even at the very top of the plant.

Get a picture of what your strain is supposed to look like at the end. Compare that with your plants. The good news is that most of your pistils, even the white ones at the top, all now have a crinkle in them, a bend... and this indicates that you have entered the last phase of the grow, the last 2 weeks of final bud swell and finishing. You are close... but this last two weeks is critical... the buds can double in girth and weight at this time! Be patient... it is the hardest thing to do in this hobby, but you need to wait for the plant to finish out.
Tried getting a pic of the GSC. As you can see the trichomes is milky but pistils just going brown. She will be left another week or 2... Will get aome pics later


Yeah with those big monsters you can have all kinds of fun with staggering the harvest and see what you like best. I like to let indica dominant strains get about 20% amber 80% cloudy. And sativa dominants about 10% amber...! It depends on the strain though. You got a lot of experimenting to do! Oh by the way, your house has the most awesome yard! Nice job! Love the cacti.... I wonder if you get a cutting to root into a cactus... that would be awesome! Then when you smoked the bud it has mescaline effects. Lol.
Heard about that Yopo tree @Enjoil Looks very similar to some trees around here. I WILL NEED TO DO SOME MORE RESEARCH.

That San Pedro has been growing for about 6 years now. I have quite a few in the garden that i love to look at once they push flowers. The tea drinking part, not so nice
Is that the one with the seed pods about the size of a flat banana? I would be scared to try it. You go first... lol
The thing to check is the trichomes at the very top of the plant. You are looking for amber at the very top, even one or two percent would be enough. By this time, there should be no white pistils remaining, even at the very top of the plant.

But what if the top of the trichomes are amber and there is still white pistils on the plant???

Be patient... it is the hardest thing to do in this hobby, but you need to wait for the plant to finish out
That is so true but im gonna leave the rest on for the remainder of the grow.

I like to let indica dominant strains get about 20% amber 80% cloudy. And sativa dominants about 10% amber...!

I'll keep an eye on things. Last year was a great run and this too it seems. Just dont want all the bud to be harvested at once. Its only me that puffs so trimming is alsi my baby...

Here some close ups of the buds with and without a flash on. I will take more pics of each strain next week for advice and tips...

Chocolate Bubbleberry#1 :

She still has a long way to go...

Chocolate Bubbleberry #2 :

As with her sister, she has a while to go before happy times..


Royal Banner #1:

This one is on the last stretch for sure. Buds is nice and tight, but I think the Banner influences isnt as much present with this one. The mother was Royal Gorilla from RQS so maybe she will lean towards her. I will get more in depth pics throughout the week.


Royal Banner#2 :

This one on the other hand I dont know. She still early in flower and only time will tell...



Pineapple Chunk #1 :

Also one of the late bloomers. But hey, rather late than never.

Pineapple Chunk#2 :

She is also going in for the end. I did however harvest some of her buds seeing that im trying to get some of the buds at that head high level. The rest im leaving on till later... But looking at those pics i should have waited a bit more...


Girl Scout Cookies x Bruce Banner:

The buds isnt big at all with some bit the trichomes is crazy. I used my jewelers loupe to check the trichomes and they are all milky.


Pineapple Chunk#2 :

She is also going in for the end. I did however harvest some of her buds seeing that im trying to get some of the buds at that head high level. The rest im leaving on till later... But looking at those pics i should have waited a bit more...


Girl Scout Cookies x Bruce Banner:

The buds isnt big at all with some bit the trichomes is crazy. I used my jewelers loupe to check the trichomes and they are all milky.


Nope not even close to ready bro. You got weeks left. They gunna chunk up more! Way more! You will know when that done. Let it roll as long as there’s no storm’s about to jack you up...
Harvesting time is here or rather close... I started harvesting some of the plants which in my mind is good for harvesting.

But as always i doubt stuff and have to ask. The buds i harvested pistils is 30% brown whith mostly cloudy trichomes.

On websites i have read, again , says to wait till 70 - 90% of pistils is brown...

Whats your take on this. I know we all have to make our own choice but still would like to hear any opinions. Im slowly harvesting some buds cause i want that high effect but some ill leave to mature more for that deeper effect for day when my back hurts or cant sleep.

This coming Wednesday they will be flowering 10 weeks since that extra light was switched off. They went into flowering pretty quick so i guess i shaved a few days off. I will take pics later today after the sun has moved over otherwise getting good pics is hard.
Hi Hein, I like to wait on them when possible. My summers are short so I don't really chose, the weather does. But indoors I like to see the hairs go to color and trichs all milky with some amber.
Pineapple Chunk#2 :

She is also going in for the end. I did however harvest some of her buds seeing that im trying to get some of the buds at that head high level. The rest im leaving on till later... But looking at those pics i should have waited a bit more...


Girl Scout Cookies x Bruce Banner:

The buds isnt big at all with some bit the trichomes is crazy. I used my jewelers loupe to check the trichomes and they are all milky.


Do you have a pk booster bro bro?
ROFL, bro I love that subtle but straight forward answer....

They gunna chunk up more! Way more! You will know when that done. Let it roll as long as there’s no storm’s about to jack you up...

This is only my 2nd proper outdoor grow. I used to grow indoors but with outdoor growing the plants act and react differently. I will wait on them and will also update the photos weekly as usual.

Unfortunately i do not have any PK Boosters. Will try to get to the hydro store soon...

Hi Hein, I like to wait on them when possible. My summers are short so I don't really chose, the weather does. But indoors I like to see the hairs go to color and trichs all milky with some amber.
Thanx for popping in , i guess those smells is just making my mind not think straight. Out weather is starting to change and already had 2 or 3 rainy days and a couple of cloudy days in between sunny days

The rain season is starting soon but hopefully they can finish up before any issues pop up.
Been browsing the forum and did some learning. I found that all the buds on here has all brown hairs and very little to none white pistils. And all of them are chunky buds. So I see clearly that I have a bit more to go...
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