Let's get growing

According to the guy on the video it is 100ml to 10L water...


@Emilya, seem I have found myself a treasure made of dandelions.....

If i want to make a flowering FPJ with the flowers, should i harvest them while open or early morning while still closed???

If i want to make a flowering FPJ with the flowers, should i harvest them while open or early morning while still closed???

Good question! Most all of the nutrients we would get from fermenting should already be there in this super accumulator, but I really don't know the answer to that. For this we are going to need a real life botanist to chime in, because my studies don't go that far.
No problem. For now I'll just harvest everything early morning to ferment and use as an extra feed. Anything natural and Organic cant hurt.

I will be making a flowering brew with my LAB sometime soon for the flowering season,.....which is in a month or so now that I think about it. I need to get moving
It turns out that it should be harvested early morning before sunrise. I dont really have the time to count the amount of dandelion flowers and buds.

I just need to pop into the shop to get brown sugar and then I'll get around to harvest them and give it a go. Flowering season is soon so I must do it next weekend at the latest.

This is a small amount of Apricot FFJ that I made few weeks back. Its been chilling in the fridgefor a week now after fermentation has settled. It tastes and smells sweet and has a slightly thicker consistency than water. According to the web its 1-2.5ml per liter of water but i will need to test it on some "bagseed".

Any reason why she is behaving like this??? She was in 40L and I transplanted her into new soil. Also noticed a white blotch on the one leaf. Thats some sign of root issue. Maybe. Ph shock..... I'll give her a dose of Epsom Salt a see what she does.

The yellow light is from a cfl that is beside her to keep her from flowering.

upper level yellowing indicates a non mobile deficiency... and the symptom points me to iron. Something is wrong in the organic feeding cycle here... either the iron isnt in built into the soil or the microbes that deal with iron are deficient. Are you adding microbes via compost teas and are you relying on the FPE to provide all of the nutrients that are not in your primary nutrients? I think what I see here is that your soil is just a plain soil, amended a bit with worm castings, but without any added minerals cooked in as would be in a supersoil. Since the needed minerals are not in the soil, you are going to need to feed from a bottle... and probably at the normal rate, especially now that you need to catch up on this deficit. Dandelion FPE is meant to be used as a supplement, not an all around full spectrum nutrient... at least in the dosages produced in an FPE and given at a rate of 1tblspoon per gallon, and it isn't going to be able to supply the massive amounts of minerals that will be needed in bloom all by itself.... at least I don't think that it will. I have never tried to do a grow just relying on the mighty dandelion, so I am watching very closely to see how this goes for you.
I tranplanted her into organic potting soil and topped off with compost so soil wise i think she should be fine. I am still on the normal feeding regime or rather bottled nutrients.

The dandelion feed wil be purely a test run and i have 2 plants that i will test it on just for fun. Its only after the season ends will I start to transform my soil for the next seasons grow. I will however be making my fish fertilizer and i will only use the LAB and other fermentations to help soil microbes stay happy and content... The whole KNF style is VERY interesting but I assume it will take a couple of seasons until i can completely turn over to KNF style but for now I'll experiment and give the soil the stuff I make to help build the soil.

I will still flush the soil on the weekend with clean water and after that I will start my feeding regime at quarter strength.....
quarter strength isn't going to cut it when you are behind... the rapid yellowing does not call for timidity. I also see no reason for a flush... you need more nutes, and there is not a need for washing nutes or anything else out of your soil. My advice is to give the full recommended amount of nutes for a couple of feed/water/feed/water passes and then see what that does to turn your plant around.
I tranplanted her into organic potting soil and topped off with compost so soil wise i think she should be fine.
Organic potting soil just means that they didn't put anything artificial in there... it DOES NOT mean that it is ready to support your grow well into bloom even using the seemingly magical KNF techniques. There is not any iron, calcium, or any of the other major minerals that the plant will need pre-built into that soil so the plant will rapidly use up what is in there and then start starving... as you are seeing now. Look into building a super soil using that organic potting soil and your compost as a base and then "cook" that soil for a few months to get those components into a useable form.

Growing organically takes a whole lot more effort in the building up of the soil, or you need to add the minerals and microbes as you go along... neither of which is happening here.

If you want a cool shortcut to organic growing, coincidentally the one I am using these days, check out our sponsor @GeoFlora Nutrients. This stuff makes organic growing about as simple and easy as it gets. Simply apply their product to the top of the soil once every two weeks, and it supplies all the microbes and raw nutrients the plants will need.
I see what you mean. Thanx .

This plant was purely transplanted on a last minute decision. I did not fully prepare my soil as i should have and now it biting me on the ass.

There is an old saying which i have come to live by:

Failing to Prepare is just Preparing to Fail

So in all honesty i did not do my homework correctly but wil sort it out quick. Thanks for the reply and advice. It is much appreciated.
Sooo, i decided last night to give the dandelion leaf fermentation a go...

So i filled a small jar ( small for test purposes) with dandelion leaf thats chopped up and mixed with brown sugar and put it in a dark cupboard.


This morning it looked different and i was pleasantly surprised. But i put it back headed off to work...


When i came back from work it made quite a bit of liquid so i guess its on in the microbial world. Lime I said earlier, i have my test plants and will give feedback as it goes along. Tomorrow i will get some flower buds to ferment for the flower stage. But beforw THAT I need to make some water soluble clasium for that transition phase...
A quick a due update. The ladies has been growing very well lately and i am giving them LAB with each watering and feeding at a ratio of 100ml to 10L of water that was left for 2 days. Today was the first day I introduced FPJ at 1:1000 as a foliar spray and I might be mistaken but the leafs look better, greener and just all round happy.

Apart from that all is good in the Therapy Garden and in about 2 - 3 weeks I'll be switching the lights off and flowering should set it shortly after that. Until then please enjoy the pics...







Saw this ill-minded creature on my one plant. Saw them last season but had it under control but they are back causing damage to the plant they are on. They suck the new growth juice and tips turn black.
Anyone knows what this is cause i only found this one. Saw some on my apple tree too.
Been some time since my last update but we all know what vegging plants look like. The plants is way bigger than last year and everything is just big and bushy.

On December 24th I gave myself a xmas gift and switched the lights off outside to set the flowering into action.

The plants has done their stretching and pistils is already pushing and one or 2 plants is a few days behind but everything has a pistil pushing somewhere. Here and there i had to pull a plant down but not for all. Some were already to stiff to pull down so i just cut a hole in the shade cloth to let them go through...




Forgot to mention. I went to the hydro store and got some stuff.

Met a guy there and shared his knowledge with me and i got some humigro and Amino acid mix. Gave my ladies a dose yesterday.


Hey guys

This is just a quick pic update to show the ladies doing their thing.

This coming weekend i will clean out all bottom growth to get all the energy to those developing buds. The leafs I'll use to make some FPJ for next season to test.


The GSC x BB is showing signs of problems. I will give her some extra attention to help her recover. I know she is rootbound but im pretty sure her roots already pushed out the pot and into the garden soil. But the other plants are not showing any issues. Leafs also feel harder than other plants.

Signs of issues:


As you can see I removed the shadecloth cause they were just getting way to big. The tallest one is just over 2 meter tall. The new feed additive i added seems to kick the shit out these plants cause just look at them. For me its fucking huge cause i haven't grown this big before....


She is yelowing quite a bit but from the bottom up. I will give a dose of fish emulsion for a boost of N, but is this what your talking about @The Celt, when you mentioned she is problematic??? I know the garden soil isnt perfect but i try to keep the soil alive and healthy.



She needs a cleanup B A D.... Trimmings will go into making FPJ for flowering cycle.



Nothing to report here. She is healthy and flowering away



Just a shot of my happy place
Hey guys

This is just a quick pic update to show the ladies doing their thing.

This coming weekend i will clean out all bottom growth to get all the energy to those developing buds. The leafs I'll use to make some FPJ for next season to test.


The GSC x BB is showing signs of problems. I will give her some extra attention to help her recover. I know she is rootbound but im pretty sure her roots already pushed out the pot and into the garden soil. But the other plants are not showing any issues. Leafs also feel harder than other plants.

Signs of issues:


As you can see I removed the shadecloth cause they were just getting way to big. The tallest one is just over 2 meter tall. The new feed additive i added seems to kick the shit out these plants cause just look at them. For me its fucking huge cause i haven't grown this big before....


She is yelowing quite a bit but from the bottom up. I will give a dose of fish emulsion for a boost of N, but is this what your talking about @The Celt, when you mentioned she is problematic??? I know the garden soil isnt perfect but i try to keep the soil alive and healthy.



She needs a cleanup B A D.... Trimmings will go into making FPJ for flowering cycle.



Nothing to report here. She is healthy and flowering away



Just a shot of my happy place
Amazing garden brother :thumb:
Afternoon @Hein

She could be one of the problematic PC phenos, you will know later in flower. The best way I could describe her is she will become mangey looking, nothing you can really put your finger on, just not healthy looking. Leaves will die off for no apparent reason but she will continue to grow and build bud. As unhealthy looking as she gets, it doesn’t seem to slow her down any and she will produce awesome bud.
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