LiquidBud's - RDWC - 1200W LED - Blue Mystic - First Grow Journal

Brought some pictures ;}

Johny Bravo, Already showing small leafs. At least she's the one potted in the right way ;)

BM#3 leafs are damaged from before. And that bright green color in 2nd picture is not visible irl. I'm thinking to pull damaged leafs and top her this week.

BM#2 I have pulled damaged leafs 4 days ago. But she's starting to enjoy her life and has 3 nice tops :)
Going to lst her this week.


BM#1 I don't know.. Shes the ugly duckling for me :) Mutant.. But, also it seems that shes getting better and better, and will grow off of her ugliness real soon. She has so very dense node building I can't even understand whats what? :D
bm1 is really ugly indeed :) i had a top that i did 90% toping and turned out like that its normal i gues. the jb is looks tottaly fine in this picture the curled leave is because it has delayed geting out of the seed shell.your other plants seems very happy and the bright green on the inside of the leafs is sighn of happynes. i would sugest that you dont poul damaged leafs yet the plant needs them poul them of when they get crispy and very wilted. in fact don't poul pinch and cut with fingernails it helps reduce the healing time and reduces the surface area so the possibility of infection is much lower. roots in general are soft and come out easily i think you just prooving your reputation of root destroyer :) hahaha its ok if you take off 2 or 3 roots hairs but in general you should only remove roted gui black roots. rockwwols seem kinda dry or is it just me? maybe fill the pot a little more? you need the wicking effect until they have developed strong roots under the netpot. overall your plants seem much healthier than the first time i saw them i am happy you managed to save them. i would also suggest you add 1/4 nutrients now cause your new growth seems a litlle to much light green so i would stronly recomend you add the nutrients today because in 2 days you gonna see strong yelowing and you dont wonna stress them much more. but not more than 1/4.
I did a bad topping job to #BM1, and some deformed leafs should be visible due to it :) Ok, im going to keep them, since they only are yellow color and seems to be perfectly functioning :) Oh, yes, I think I really have to change myself into root destroyer, that suits me so good :D But is snapping with fingernails sterile ? Cause I think snapping like that would infect the plant in my opinion. Aaand believe it or not, but BM#3 lost her all of old roots, which come off pretty easily, but a lot of new roots are showing themselves, and plant still looks really happy about it. I think those roots were attached to same spot which dried off recently in rockwool. Could it be ? :)
Uhm, I don't think that rockwool is dry, maybe just the surface, as everything dryes so quickly in my GR, if I keep doors open it evaporates really really quick. It takes 2 minutes for the plant to evaporate my foliar spray.

Just fed my girls:
Canna Aqua Vega A+B 2*100ml / ±100l of system
Canna rhyzotonic 100ml / 100l of system ( I wont be giving rhyzotonic into rez anymore and only foliar spray it, since my system is too large for my pocket, as somebody already told this.. Next grow, im going to do Veg in smaller buckets, or even make a one tank for 4 plants, and then have them moved into large system for flowering)

Canna Cannazym was also not added, as it runs quickly out, I will save it for later root situatuons. Right now I dont see the urge to add it :}

Maybe next time I will take out my girls for a photoshoot, so colors would appear more true :>
get some pebels on top of your rockwool it helps keeping it moist.
better not to move your plants just to take photos iluminate them with something right where they are

Hey everyone, how are you doing ? :)
So today I did a something similar to lst, I don't know if that was done correctly or not, but it is as it is. You are welcome to tell what wrong I might have done ;) By the way, I managed to snap one branch, is it fixible, please find below the picture.


Below, my finger is pointing at the point where the branch broke, come off. It didnt come off all the way. Is it still fixable ? I was thinking maybe there is some kind of special glue I can use ? I think I dont have much time before I have to fix this..

I still can't understand what Ugly Duckling is doing (BM#1). So I've bended in one side to see how it grows.
Sorry guys for my blank speech, I'm not in the good mood today :(
remember stressed plants can lead to hermies so go easy with the techs.. read more before you do something. i noticed that you do something and than come here and ask if you did it right and most often than not you do something wrong. wouldn't be better to first ask how to do something and than we talk about how succesfoul it was?or not? or better yet read more about that something and come here to brag on how good you executed what you learned?
onto your question if youe branche is not wilted and leafs seem ok don't touch it for a week and it will be fine if half of the external skin of the branch is still connected it will survive. this is a branch i snaped early on my blue cheese notice the healing its the right branch that looks woody.
Hmm, mine branch is kindof attached only on the skin and a little bit of inner part of branch. It turned on a side a bit, so its weight is leaning her down and that makes a gap below. I have to push it down, so the stem could fully connect to the main stem. Im going to try toothpick and little duct tape. Maybe that will support her enough.
dont. your best bet is to leave it as still as possible if you try to patch it now you gonna get air in the stem if its not already there
Lol :) I didnt put any pebbles yet, I took pictures first, then pebbled it.. Well that stem fell off, it seemed that I ripped it apart trying to lst, I used to much strenght to do it. But in the future I will know how to do it better, as it's so fragile. Didn't know air caused death, but post factum that stem would die of it then, cause it got some air.
Lol :) I didnt put any pebbles yet, I took pictures first, then pebbled it.. Well that stem fell off, it seemed that I ripped it apart trying to lst, I used to much strenght to do it. But in the future I will know how to do it better, as it's so fragile. Didn't know air caused death, but post factum that stem would die of it then, cause it got some air.

gangs used to do that poke holes on the main stems with a niddle to destroy someone elses crops
i think its called embolysm or something like in humans they dont always die mine survived and it was almost like yours exept mine had a bit of the iner stem. i just suported it and it healed mine wasnt from lst a reflector fell on it.
I hate to be so unexperienced. And my character is ugly, as you already can tell. I read a lot, about 1 month of gathering info, reading etc.. But my condition as I can tell right now, doesn't let me learn those things as I forget everything really fast. And I write questions about what I;ve done in my journal just to make sure everythings fine.. From now on Im gonna post pictures and facts only ;) no questions.. maybee... :D
Heyy noobie ;]] Nice to have you back! :>
I did manage to destroy root system before. Now plants are growing out of their illness and start to enjoy their life. I gues they're getting bigger in days now ;) Yesterday done topping for BM#3 and started lst'ing them all. It's really hard to lst with shaky hands, lol.. :D And if you will look at the pictures Ive posted you will see a new member of the family. This time shes alright and her name is Johny Bravo ;)
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