LiquidBud's - RDWC - 1200W LED - Blue Mystic - First Grow Journal

True, but in order to achieve free mind. People shouldnt get involved in the system, and exercise their spiritual body instead of physical one ;) Then it would be no barriers. But now, where money controls people it is really hard to let mind drift into spiritual world, because ur always occupied by paying taxes, trying to get best education for your kids, better home, better car and so on ;)
I have a friend which was 4 year in Africa as a volunteer, he was given only 2$ a day, but that's not what i wanted to say. He said "If you think that charity/volunteering is the good thing..think otherwise, cause people organising charity is simply money laundring. And all the people who believes in charity gets fooled". Ofc he got what he needed, to run away from sociality, unnecessary money..
But I totally agree with you Simoto, there's no limits, you just have to find out that ;)
No such thing as free mind. Because of there was such a thing, we wouldn't have an opinion. Make sense? Lol.

On another note, how's everything bouncing back on the roots?
Oh, thanks for asking ;) The roots are growing white and strong now. Ofcourse they need to do a lot of catching up, but they seem to be swarming now. And I dont take constant peeks right now, as I want them to have peacuful time in buckets :D
They look like 2 week old plant roots :> No root balls yet
I'm not sure exactly when they form root balls but it was into flower when I noticed balls. Before that they were just strains of roots not much more than what yours looks like. Weird I know
Oh ok :) And I was expecting root balls really soon. That means Im going to wait for balls only at flowering stage. I plant to go into flower in 3 weeks ±. This messup locked my plants good ; ) But now, I will just wait "johny Bravo" to get bigger and let them all to flower.
As I mentioned before, I know you've done a lot of reading and research and seen people with rootballs the size of Mars and white as pearl teeth and you start to worry because yours isn't doing what theirs is doing but keep in mind there are not 2 people on this forum nor in the world that is currently growing the same exact strain, the same exact method (dwc, soil, coco etc etc) same room temp, humidity so on and so forth. So worry less if your's isn't doing the same thing as theirs. I was just like you when I started, I worried about everything but I then realized that most were experienced growers so they knew what they were doing and my results will be far different from theirs. So now I worry none and let it grow with water and food, nothing more nothing less. I mean, think about's called weed for a reason, it'll grow in any condition as long as it has sufficient light, food and air. All the extra stuff companies have are to steroid the plant so to speak. I hope this all makes sense. Some times doing little is just enough and doing to much is just that....doing too much.
Thanks noobie, I think Im starting to overgrow my fears with plants. I totally agree with you, I worried too much and my situation was completely different, and I had to act other way around :) I tried to heal my roots, but what I've missed, that they had dried out inside the rockwool :) And yeah, now my "weed" is acting like it.. going through and growing.
As I mentioned before, I know you've done a lot of reading and research and seen people with rootballs the size of Mars and white as pearl teeth and you start to worry because yours isn't doing what theirs is doing but keep in mind there are not 2 people on this forum nor in the world that is currently growing the same exact strain, the same exact method (dwc, soil, coco etc etc) same room temp, humidity so on and so forth. So worry less if your's isn't doing the same thing as theirs. I was just like you when I started, I worried about everything but I then realized that most were experienced growers so they knew what they were doing and my results will be far different from theirs. So now I worry none and let it grow with water and food, nothing more nothing less. I mean, think about's called weed for a reason, it'll grow in any condition as long as it has sufficient light, food and air. All the extra stuff companies have are to steroid the plant so to speak. I hope this all makes sense. Some times doing little is just enough and doing to much is just that....doing too much.
i agree with sometimes little is more but saying the most are experienced growers is just an excuse to justify failure go on my journal to see when rootballs develop the information is there infront of you but you seem lazy to search it and ofcource there is someone else growing the same strain the same way go check the journals in progress and you will find allot of others. what we have to do in this life is get better evolve and you cant do that by saying "oh this is a proffesional i cant possibly get this results " if you have the will you gonna get them how you think i graduated from growing a bagseed outdoors into what i am growing now ? i assure you this is my second time i see flowers you call this proffesional? when you do something better do it right the root destro has even better lights than me he can grow killer bud if he stop worying so much. i really have 2 questions for root destro 1st why in earth havent you studied my journal? allot of the questions that you ask here are answered in my journal 2nd why you use those mediocre nutrients? i mean you have top notch lighting and you use mid grade nuts? i agree weed will grow in almost any condition but killer bud is growed with knowlege or in some mountain of india ;)
no insult intended .. you know me i can be like that at times..:thumb:
Yeah you're harsh person, but you;re also right. I am lazy, I have lots of stuff to do in day, and read also, I have lots of responsibilities and sometimes theres just no time for me to do that. I know it takes only the moment to study other journals. And I am doing it, just sometimes I do it once, and then just read the updates. I litterally can't take some ones grow as a example. :(
Aaand about nutes, I didnt quite understand this :) What do you mean ? You mean that Canna nutes are not good ? Or you mean, that I should go organic some sort ? To answer that I dont know.. I was in a hurry to buy everything up, and everything cost me triple the price I thought i manage to fit..
i agree with sometimes little is more but saying the most are experienced growers is just an excuse to justify failure go on my journal to see when rootballs develop the information is there infront of you but you seem lazy to search it and ofcource there is someone else growing the same strain the same way go check the journals in progress and you will find allot of others. what we have to do in this life is get better evolve and you cant do that by saying "oh this is a proffesional i cant possibly get this results " if you have the will you gonna get them how you think i graduated from growing a bagseed outdoors into what i am growing now ? i assure you this is my second time i see flowers you call this proffesional? when you do something better do it right the root destro has even better lights than me he can grow killer bud if he stop worying so much. i really have 2 questions for root destro 1st why in earth havent you studied my journal? allot of the questions that you ask here are answered in my journal 2nd why you use those mediocre nutrients? i mean you have top notch lighting and you use mid grade nuts? i agree weed will grow in almost any condition but killer bud is growed with knowlege or in some mountain of india ;)
no insult intended .. you know me i can be like that at times..:thumb:

Perhaps you took my comment out of context. I'm basically saying don't expect the same result from someone else when you are doing things differently. My current plant doesn't have a great root ball nor is it white, one of my other two that I already harvested didn't have a root ball at all. Just roots hanging and chilling in the water, nowhere near as big as my current one and definitely not as massive as some I've seen on here. So basically I was saying you will make lots of mistakes but don't expect to win the cannabis cup on your first go around.

No insult taken.
Perhaps you took my comment out of context. I'm basically saying don't expect the same result from someone else when you are doing things differently. My current plant doesn't have a great root ball nor is it white, one of my other two that I already harvested didn't have a root ball at all. Just roots hanging and chilling in the water, nowhere near as big as my current one and definitely not as massive as some I've seen on here. So basically I was saying you will make lots of mistakes but don't expect to win the cannabis cup on your first go around.

No insult taken.

yes you are right there is no way to make a canabis cup winner on the first go i agree and allot of mistakes for sure. if only my plants had a mouth to speak "feed us!! not so mutch!! o cmon man you need to add water" they would curse at me for sure. hahaha
Yeah you're harsh person, but you;re also right. I am lazy, I have lots of stuff to do in day, and read also, I have lots of responsibilities and sometimes theres just no time for me to do that. I know it takes only the moment to study other journals. And I am doing it, just sometimes I do it once, and then just read the updates. I litterally can't take some ones grow as a example. :(
Aaand about nutes, I didnt quite understand this :) What do you mean ? You mean that Canna nutes are not good ? Or you mean, that I should go organic some sort ? To answer that I dont know.. I was in a hurry to buy everything up, and everything cost me triple the price I thought i manage to fit..
i tottaly get it man theres just not enough time for everything. dont worry there are 3 minds working on your plants they gonna be fine :)
I thought I will give you some photos as week has passed. This week I haven't done anything for them, just let them auto-pilot grow.
Some facts:

GR temp Days: 27c, Nights 23c
Res temps. Days 26c, Nights 22c
Rh% - 40-70% I regulate this when I feel that I want to raise humidity :)
EC 1.1
pH 6.2 Still figuring out if I want to lower pH everytime it gets high or just let it slowly drift away and then change res.

This week I'm not going to change res, unless something starts to happen. Otherwise I will just let them be like that.
My water level is barely dropping, only topped once with 10l pH water.

My ladies: Ugly Duckling, Johnny Bravo, Beauty Queen, SadFace.

My set-up. In the middle I;ve placed chair with legs cut for my humidifier which I was cleaning at the moment;)

SadFace. Her leafs, Im proud of her leafs :) She looks beutiful at days, at nights she looks sad like this. I think my water line was too high for few days, so she shows sometimes signs of overwatering. I saw that water line in back buckets is higher than in the front buckets, and I dont know why :)

Just some action from the top ;>

Beauty queen :)) Her new growth was kind of narrow, didn;t knew what was that. I didn't spin my head about it, and it looks like its going ok for now. It's sad she lost one brach earlier this week :(

Look at the ugly duckling.. She's not so ugly anymore huh. Who wants to take her into the prom dance ?:D

Thank you guys! Without you my plants would be dead by now ;}
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