Living Organic Coco - LOC

Look at silica blast

Just ordered this a penny
Right any idea feeding for outdoor grow ? Where would one be without ya lol
I think its best to add it first before you add your nutes
I'm using armor si and growing in a different medium, but, general hydroponics recommends mixing the silicates first (with calmag if you're using it), before micro nutes and then the others. Ive only used armor si once so far, no bad side effects. I mixed it in my water, shook it up well and let it sit a few minutes, added calmag and shook again. Then I added in micro nutes and the others.
Wow thats pricey! Im sure it will work great for you! Botanicare makes good stuff. Here is agsil for anyone that us interested.

Agsil16H Potassium Silicate (2 lb)

I can only find 2lbs right now but 2lbs is 26$US. 1lb is probably too much lol but its cheap and makes a lot of liquid.

"Dry Recipe: Use 1.5 Grams (Just under 1/2 teaspoon) Per Gallon of Water for Foliar Spray or Soil Drench."
Hey Boys
I got a bit excited seeing those beef jerky things! My humidity gets a little high (and I get a sad face on the hygrometer) so I thought if huge ones of these things work - it'd be genius. But..I assume by your amusement, BF, I shouldn't be searching eBay for some? Love your journal btw!

Two things framer

1 seems like they are loving the light looks like they are loving it.

2 what's are your pots sitting on see it has a tray under neathe what do u do with water that sits in tray?thanks bud
Hey Boys
I got a bit excited seeing those beef jerky things! My humidity gets a little high (and I get a sad face on the hygrometer) so I thought if huge ones of these things work - it'd be genius. But..I assume by your amusement, BF, I shouldn't be searching eBay for some? Love your journal btw!

No the first one silica were for jerky to keep fresh I think lol

But I got it on route silica the proper one and some micron screen need to find tutorial how to. Make it still you tune here I come . Lol
Hey Boys
I got a bit excited seeing those beef jerky things! My humidity gets a little high (and I get a sad face on the hygrometer) so I thought if huge ones of these things work - it'd be genius. But..I assume by your amusement, BF, I shouldn't be searching eBay for some? Love your journal btw!

Hey AB thank you!! Hey check out this product called damp rid. I use the bucket size its maybe 32oz and works to bring % down by about 10% for a few days in my 4x4. You could add a few buckets and they are refillable. I use damp rid brand but you can find many others that do the same, wick humidity out of a small space. Ebay should be great but i got mine from home depot

Looking much better now!

Thanks pw! I have to figure the closet out. It shouldnt be an issue for seeds but clones may have trouble starting in there. I have to measure how high the light is and figure out ventilation. Ill have to google closet setups. I cant really break, make holes, or take anything apart in there.
Two things framer

1 seems like they are loving the light looks like they are loving it.

2 what's are your pots sitting on see it has a tray under neathe what do u do with water that sits in tray?thanks bud

1 thanks joe! They do look happier

2 they are on the botanicare flood tray. Its pretty cool it has channels so they get some air on the bottoms. Wheni was getting runoff i had it of the ground with a tote to collect water but now it sits on the floor. No runoff so shouldnt be an issue
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