Mendocino Skunky Garlic Auto-Flower 2023

Hey NFW, I don’t give them 0 ppm. I start with that and dose it from there. Today for example I started with 1.5 g 0 ppm water, added about 3.5 ml cal mag and 15 ml big bloom which brought the ppm to 200, ph at 6.6. My tap water is softened and I didn’t want to deal with that and the chlorine and can get di water for .50 a gallon. The pot is not full of nitrogen unless I f’d up on measuring. She was 0.6 on runoff 10 days ago. I’ve fed her twice since then at 50% of recommended at 700 ppm each time. She may be full of calcium and magnesium though with the Dolomite lime but then wouldn’t she be toxic? Maybe she is, I need to look at that I guess.
I apologize fer assuming that you know the contents of yer pot , I don’t know either, just based on an assumption on yer past feeds, not wise on my part to assume anything. I am in the same position as you concerning water , was just wandering. Good luck and happy growing.
I apologize fer assuming that you know the contents of yer pot , I don’t know either, just based on an assumption on yer past feeds, not wise on my part to assume anything. I am in the same position as you concerning water , was just wandering. Good luck and happy growing.
The way she looks it appears as though the dog took a pee or two in there :)
I flushed her (again) today with 5G of DI+FoxFarm SledgeHammer+25% solution of FoxFarm Big Bloom+Grow Big+Calmag and she perked up within the hour. Nearly every leaf tip is singed in the canopy (from an 820 ppm feed) however, so I must have over-fed her (again) and locked her out (again). I'm dialing back to 25% nutes going forward, she doesnt seem to able to take much more than about 700 PPM.
I flushed her (again) today with 5G of DI+FoxFarm SledgeHammer+25% solution of FoxFarm Big Bloom+Grow Big+Calmag and she perked up within the hour. Nearly every leaf tip is singed in the canopy (from an 820 ppm feed) however, so I must have over-fed her (again) and locked her out (again). I'm dialing back to 25% nutes going forward, she doesnt seem to able to take much more than about 700 PPM.
Yeah, all good bro. At least you are knowing what your plant needs
Dialing back always a great thing after a watering bro. Then increase her when color starts to come back
Yeah, all good bro. At least you are knowing what your plant needs
Dialing back always a great thing after a watering bro. Then increase her when color starts to come back
How's the fishing? You catch any the other day? I'd rather see a post of a big snook than a plant ;)
I’m no help. I don’t understand any of that CalMag nitrogen ppm stuff.

What I can say, while she definitely looks like she’s lacking in something, her growth is good. This fact would make me watch and wait.

I see a lot of grows where the grower treats their plant like the old lady who swallowed a fly. Do you know that nursery rhyme? she accidentally swallows a fly then swallows a spider to get the fly, then a bird to get the spider, then a cat to get the bird, then a dog, then on and on it goes till she swallows a horse and dies. She went through all that angst when in reality all she had to do was wait, coz her body would take care of that fly and shit it out!

Plants like humans are designed to live, we as growers monkey with nature and try to have them mature quicker. And I see often too much just hinders. So my advice, watch and wait a week lol.
You are doing quite well for not following any of that, again a lesson to be learned there. I do know that rhyme and it does make sense in my situation. I feel like I am chasing her around sometimes when patience and simplicity are often the key. Thanks Tra!
I apologize fer assuming that you know the contents of yer pot , I don’t know either, just based on an assumption on yer past feeds, not wise on my part to assume anything. I am in the same position as you concerning water , was just wandering. Good luck and happy growing.
btw i read the rest of your post and I hear you and am really dialing back on the N, I think you are right I am locking her with to heavy of a feed. My first grow, a Bruce Banner, I was feeding her 20 ML/G of Grow Big (N) 2x/week and she ate that shit like candy. Little MSG seems on the opposite end of the spectrum. Thanks again

Yikes…….calcium? Who needs calcium? I surrender and am headed to the depot for some epsom salts








Patience is needed here no need to over react. Is she is still growing and drinking ? The problem as I understand it is you may have a lockout from to much Nitrogen or Cal-Mag, adding more of either has not as of yet fixed the problem and possibly worsening the issue.I have been in your shoes fer more than I am willing to admit. I was feeding my plants at the maximum, 4 teaspoons of Tiger Bloom and Grow Big to a gal.every feeding, my feed schedule was F,W, F. Also Cal-Mag was provided at every watering / feeding, heard that sum where lol. Poor things I still managed to get a harvest, not recommended :rofl: I was also under the impression that dying leaves were a natural progression of the plant during flower:confused: .You should be able to get her over the finish line by going easy on her and not giving her anything unnecessary. She will be Purdy in her own way ! I do not recommend giving her any more NITROGEN or Liquid Cal-Mag., I have in the past with unhealthy plants just provided nothing but ph’d water with nothing added fer about a week or so while monitoring her health. She will also need sumptin fer flowering in the near future, possibly starting with 25% flower nutrients.What does she look like with grow lights off, and under regular light or camera flash ? If yer gonna try the substitute fer Cal-Mag recommend practicing weighing out the Gypsum and Epsom Salt per gal of water. Using zero ppm water I use about .30 gram of Gypsum and Epsom Salts to get the water at a ppm of 80/100 ppm, I use this as my base watering. Fer Cal-Mag which is used to transport nutrients I target a ppm of 180/ 200 ppm. I am using rain water soo i only add bout .20 of each to reach my target of 80/100. Have you researched foilar feeding Not FF Flower Kiss, to provide sumptin like Mag. to the plant through the leaves? Foilar may be an option with a lockout just thinkin dunno.

Patience is needed here no need to over react. Is she is still growing and drinking ? The problem as I understand it is you may have a lockout from to much Nitrogen or Cal-Mag, adding more of either has not as of yet fixed the problem and possibly worsening the issue.I have been in your shoes fer more than I am willing to admit. I was feeding my plants at the maximum, 4 teaspoons of Tiger Bloom and Grow Big to a gal.every feeding, my feed schedule was F,W, F. Also Cal-Mag was provided at every watering / feeding, heard that sum where lol. Poor things I still managed to get a harvest, not recommended :rofl: I was also under the impression that dying leaves were a natural progression of the plant during flower:confused: .You should be able to get her over the finish line by going easy on her and not giving her anything unnecessary. She will be Purdy in her own way ! I do not recommend giving her any more NITROGEN or Liquid Cal-Mag., I have in the past with unhealthy plants just provided nothing but ph’d water with nothing added fer about a week or so while monitoring her health. She will also need sumptin fer flowering in the near future, possibly starting with 25% flower nutrients.What does she look like with grow lights off, and under regular light or camera flash ? If yer gonna try the substitute fer Cal-Mag recommend practicing weighing out the Gypsum and Epsom Salt per gal of water. Using zero ppm water I use about .30 gram of Gypsum and Epsom Salts to get the water at a ppm of 80/100 ppm, I use this as my base watering. Fer Cal-Mag which is used to transport nutrients I target a ppm of 180/ 200 ppm. I am using rain water soo i only add bout .20 of each to reach my target of 80/100. Have you researched foilar feeding Not FF Flower Kiss, to provide sumptin like Mag. to the plant through the leaves? Foilar may be an option with a lockout just thinkin dunno.

Amend brother, but super important to have runoff on this stage imo. Just to clear it out.
Imo runoff is the key ingredient
Is she is still growing and drinking ? The problem as I understand it is you may have a lockout from to much Nitrogen or Cal-Mag, adding more of either has not as of yet fixed the problem and possibly worsening the issue
Oh yes still growing (about an inch a day) and sucking the fab pot dry 1.5G in 2 1/2 days. I think that's the diagnosis, a lockout of Ca/MG, probably from too much N, but I can't rule out that the dolomite lime has spiked her with Ca/Mg as well. The only thing that seems to make her feel better is a flush
I do not recommend giving her any more NITROGEN or Liquid Cal-Mag., I have in the past with unhealthy plants just provided nothing but ph’d water with nothing added fer about a week or so while monitoring her health. She will also need sumptin fer flowering in the near future, possibly starting with 25% flower nutrients.What does she look like with grow lights off, and under regular light or camera flash ?
Thanks NFW, its so counter-intuitive. I can see the deficiency so after the flush I "want" to give her what she is missing. However, that's not working so I am letting her sit right now with no feed at all as you've suggested. Tomorrow is her normal feed day and I need to water her at least. I gave her an initial dose of Open Sesame at 50% of recommended a week ago (flowering nute) when I saw her first pistils (see a post or 2 ago). I am pretty sure that feed was also too much and fried her tips at 820 PPM. Next feed(s) she will be at 25% of all nutes. I have a few shots of her out of the tent at the bottom of page 12, she looks scarred and limey. So calmag every single time is no good? f*ck!

Have you researched foilar feeding Not FF Flower Kiss, to provide sumptin like Mag. to the plant through the leaves? Foilar may be an option with a lockout just thinkin dunno.
Interesting that you ask, I was thinking the same and was considering a spray with FF Flowers Kiss at 25% of recommended dose (its got epsom). If the N in Kiss is too much, I will dilute epsom salts in DI and spray with that next time. I've read where that is the go to fix for Ca/Mg deficiencies that require immediate resolution (which mine does). Why not Kiss, the N?

Amend brother, but super important to have runoff on this stage imo. Just to clear it out.
Thanks GG I saw that note earlier too and have been getting really good runoff since then and will continue to make sure that occurs
Oh yes still growing (about an inch a day) and sucking the fab pot dry 1.5G in 2 1/2 days. I think that's the diagnosis, a lockout of Ca/MG, probably from too much N, but I can't rule out that the dolomite lime has spiked her with Ca/Mg as well. The only thing that seems to make her feel better is a flush

Thanks NFW, its so counter-intuitive. I can see the deficiency so after the flush I "want" to give her what she is missing. However, that's not working so I am letting her sit right now with no feed at all as you've suggested. Tomorrow is her normal feed day and I need to water her at least. I gave her an initial dose of Open Sesame at 50% of recommended a week ago (flowering nute) when I saw her first pistils (see a post or 2 ago). I am pretty sure that feed was also too much and fried her tips at 820 PPM. Next feed(s) she will be at 25% of all nutes. I have a few shots of her out of the tent at the bottom of page 12, she looks scarred and limey. So calmag every single time is no good? f*ck!

Interesting that you ask, I was thinking the same and was considering a spray with FF Flowers Kiss at 25% of recommended dose (its got epsom). If the N in Kiss is too much, I will dilute epsom salts in DI and spray with that next time. I've read where that is the go to fix for Ca/Mg deficiencies that require immediate resolution (which mine does). Why not Kiss, the N?

Thanks GG I saw that note earlier too and have been getting really good runoff since then and will continue to make sure that occurs
The fact she is drinking and vertical height is still increasing daily is very good news. Cannot stress enuf to leave the Nitro on the shelf fer a while maybe not needed anymore. She appears to be getting close to preflower , thinkin Nitro would be stopped real soon anyways. Not sure why a flush would show improvement, however GG had a point worth acknowledging that a lil runoff might not be a bad idea. Thinkin bout 10% seems bout right certainly would not recommend gallons of runoff. Liquid Cal-mag on a daily basis will get you in trouble, Cal-Mag is needed fer feeds. Now we get into a different area, using 0 ppm water we add a lil bit of Soluble Gypsum and Epsom Salts .30 grams per gallon which balances the water.This mixture I use as a base fer my water feeds. Fer my nutrient feeds I will add enuff Gypsum and Epsom Salts to a ppm level of 180/200, this is what I call my Cal-Mag, use this in conjunction with feeds.
At the moment I would leave Sesame and Kiss out of the picture fer a while, Sesame is quite potent even at 50%. Thinkin pure phe’d water fer now is best, Spring Water might be best fer now has a few things that the plant could use vs 0 ppm. I have also heard bout the Epsom Salts Foilar, but do not know the correct mixture.
These goofy things are pretty tuff, hard to kill even though I gave it my best shot on multiple occasions :rofl:
:goodluck::thumb::cheer::passitleft:.Me stoned again:rofl:
The fact she is drinking and vertical height is still increasing daily is very good news. Cannot stress enuf to leave the Nitro on the shelf fer a while maybe not needed anymore. She appears to be getting close to preflower , thinkin Nitro would be stopped real soon anyways. Not sure why a flush would show improvement, however GG had a point worth acknowledging that a lil runoff might not be a bad idea. Thinkin bout 10% seems bout right certainly would not recommend gallons of runoff. Liquid Cal-mag on a daily basis will get you in trouble, Cal-Mag is needed fer feeds. Now we get into a different area, using 0 ppm water we add a lil bit of Soluble Gypsum and Epsom Salts .30 grams per gallon which balances the water.This mixture I use as a base fer my water feeds. Fer my nutrient feeds I will add enuff Gypsum and Epsom Salts to a ppm level of 180/200, this is what I call my Cal-Mag, use this in conjunction with feeds.
At the moment I would leave Sesame and Kiss out of the picture fer a while, Sesame is quite potent even at 50%. Thinkin pure phe’d water fer now is best, Spring Water might be best fer now has a few things that the plant could use vs 0 ppm. I have also heard bout the Epsom Salts Foilar, but do not know the correct mixture.
These goofy things are pretty tuff, hard to kill even though I gave it my best shot on multiple occasions :rofl:
:goodluck::thumb::cheer::passitleft:.Me stoned again:rofl:
lol lord knows i am trying to put her down and she's growing strong despite my best efforts. She's in preflower I am pretty sure, she's been pushing pistils and stretching for 9-10 days. How do you judge PF and flower? I like the idea of spring water, especially for recovery or spraying her down for a wash. The flush as I understand washes all that excess fertilizer from the soil and roots so it can actually take in the nutrients I am feeding her. It was so obvious, it wasn't 90 minutes later and she had perked up significantly.
lol lord knows i am trying to put her down and she's growing strong despite my best efforts. She's in preflower I am pretty sure, she's been pushing pistils and stretching for 9-10 days. How do you judge PF and flower? I like the idea of spring water, especially for recovery or spraying her down for a wash. The flush as I understand washes all that excess fertilizer from the soil and roots so it can actually take in the nutrients I am feeding her. It was so obvious, it wasn't 90 minutes later and she had perked up significantly.
IMO pre flower is when the Pistils appear to be lil cotton balls at the bud sites. Autos do not need any nutrient feed prior to 21 days old. They require very little nitrogen throughout their life span. First feeding approx 500 ppm, second feeding 550 ppm, and so on till bout 600 ppm.During this period you are being observant of any Nitrogen Toxicity burnt tips. If you see a bit of excess N ya can dial it back a bit fore it becomes a problem. By then you are introducing Bloom Nutrients and no more NITROGEN. About 3 weeks of nitrogen in their life, that is why I am comfortable advising you against any further use of nitrogen in yer feeds. Besides yer plants are growing and drinking. Recommend staying on the current track fer a lil while while keeping close eye fer further problems. You got flower cumin soon , yer plant is gonna need all the help it can get without stressing her. I use a product called Bud Candy by Advanced Nutrients good stuff with Carbohydrates , highly recommend use at 50 %. I give 5 ml per gal with their feed. :goodluck:
IMO pre flower is when the Pistils appear to be lil cotton balls at the bud sites. Autos do not need any nutrient feed prior to 21 days old. They require very little nitrogen throughout their life span. First feeding approx 500 ppm, second feeding 550 ppm, and so on till bout 600 ppm.During this period you are being observant of any Nitrogen Toxicity burnt tips. If you see a bit of excess N ya can dial it back a bit fore it becomes a problem. By then you are introducing Bloom Nutrients and no more NITROGEN. About 3 weeks of nitrogen in their life, that is why I am comfortable advising you against any further use of nitrogen in yer feeds. Besides yer plants are growing and drinking. Recommend staying on the current track fer a lil while while keeping close eye fer further problems. You got flower cumin soon , yer plant is gonna need all the help it can get without stressing her. I use a product called Bud Candy by Advanced Nutrients good stuff with Carbohydrates , highly recommend use at 50 %. I give 5 ml per gal with their feed. :goodluck:
Good points, she looks around 500/600ppms
I'm not familiar with Fox Farm nutes but I still love running 1:1 ratio with Maxi grow/Maxi bloom until week 5 in flower and cut the grow, just bloom after that. If not, I'll get it too much pre-fade and kill my yield.
But I've never grown autos
IMO pre flower is when the Pistils appear to be lil cotton balls at the bud sites. Autos do not need any nutrient feed prior to 21 days old. They require very little nitrogen throughout their life span. First feeding approx 500 ppm, second feeding 550 ppm, and so on till bout 600 ppm. During this period you are being observant of any Nitrogen Toxicity burnt tips. If you see a bit of excess N ya can dial it back a bit fore it becomes a problem. By then you are introducing Bloom Nutrients and no more NITROGEN. About 3 weeks of nitrogen in their life, that is why I am comfortable advising you against any further use of nitrogen in yer feeds. Besides yer plants are growing and drinking. Recommend staying on the current track fer a lil while while keeping close eye fer further problems. You got flower cumin soon , yer plant is gonna need all the help it can get without stressing her. I use a product called Bud Candy by Advanced Nutrients good stuff with Carbohydrates , highly recommend use at 50 %. I give 5 ml per gal with their feed. :goodluck:
Thanks this is helpful and I am updating my feed plans accordingly....I am still trying to take some of this in/collate (meaning I am burning one) :Rasta: and of course now I have questions. I've inserted the FF feed schedule below for reference. I don't use any of the products in orange. If you are yawning already, sorry, I would just move on to the next post :)
  1. We talked about cutting feedings early on (1/8, 1/4, 1/2) and easing into the intensity...check
  2. That 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 rule must also consider ppms. For example, the feed schedule for week 3 (which was week 5 for MSG) has ppms in the 1800-2100 range, 1/2 that (900-1000) which is where I was by that time of veg would cook her to dust. My week 5 feed wound up being around 820 PPM and it locked her out badly. Lesson learned is 1. I am being way to aggressive on these feeds and 2. focus more on the ppms (around the 500-600 mark as you noted).
  3. The feed schedule (admittedly for photos) has Grow Big (N) feeds going all the way through flower to 3 weeks before harvest. My plan was to feed at 1/2 to 1/4 of the recommended. I have scrapped that plan now but am curious, do you routinely remove Grow Big (N) from autos after 21 days or is this a recommendation for my situation in particular? It sounds like a general rule of thumb for you?
  4. I'll look into Bud Candy....I have been adding backstrap molasses 1x/week to feed the microbes
For now, she is in recovery at 76D, 51%RH. I'll take it easy on her tomorrow with a DI only feed and a mineral water bath.

Thanks this is helpful and I am updating my feed plans accordingly....I am still trying to take some of this in/collate (meaning I am burning one) :Rasta: and of course now I have questions. I've inserted the FF feed schedule below for reference. I don't use any of the products in orange. If you are yawning already, sorry, I would just move on to the next post :)
  1. We talked about cutting feedings early on (1/8, 1/4, 1/2) and easing into the intensity...check
  2. That 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 rule must also consider ppms. For example, the feed schedule for week 3 (which was week 5 for MSG) has ppms in the 1800-2100 range, 1/2 that (900-1000) which is where I was by that time of veg would cook her to dust. My week 5 feed wound up being around 820 PPM and it locked her out badly. Lesson learned is 1. I am being way to aggressive on these feeds and 2. focus more on the ppms (around the 500-600 mark as you noted).
  3. The feed schedule (admittedly for photos) has Grow Big (N) feeds going all the way through flower to 3 weeks before harvest. My plan was to feed at 1/2 to 1/4 of the recommended. I have scrapped that plan now but am curious, do you routinely remove Grow Big (N) from autos after 21 days or is this a recommendation for my situation in particular? It sounds like a general rule of thumb for you?
  4. I'll look into Bud Candy....I have been adding backstrap molasses 1x/week to feed the microbes
For now, she is in recovery at 76D, 51%RH. I'll take it easy on her tomorrow with a DI only feed and a mineral water bath.

#1 and #2 spot on. #3 I do Grow Big up to pre flower even a lil earlier then I stop all Nitrogen intake. I believe this is in the 5/6 week period. You can also use lack of vertical growth as an indicator of when to stop Grow Big and start Bloom feeds. I personally believe yer plant has plenty of Nitrogen right now and no need to give any more . Like I said yer gettin in the bloom arena now anyways .
Put a lil thought into yer plant showing lmprovement after a flush, could be she is enjoying the clear water as I have observed similar behavior when feeding pure water To ill plants. This observation may lead one to think all is fixed , like ya feeling bad after flushing. #4 with that you may not need any Bud Candy. Hope this helps and clarifies things a bit.
On another note not sure what yer plans are fer yer next grow, but a 1 gal. Auto perpetual of 3/4 spaced bout a week apart would be a kick in the ass, good learning experience of starting seeds in final pot , should get an ounce off each. Sum Kush or other fence post type plant should work in yer tent after a topping. Got sum pressing I need to get done. Happy growing.
:thumb: :passitleft:
Good points, she looks around 500/600ppms
I'm not familiar with Fox Farm nutes but I still love running 1:1 ratio with Maxi grow/Maxi bloom until week 5 in flower and cut the grow, just bloom after that. If not, I'll get it too much pre-fade and kill my yield.
But I've never grown autos
Still trying to figure it out myself, there is a lot of different methods would like to go sip er sumptin when I get this dialed in. Have read a # of complaints about FF Soils, I have not had a problem that I did not create myself. I have a decent soil probe fer ph and have never tested a bad bag of FF HF yet. Sure they’re out there though ! Happy Growin .
Day 56 of Life
MSG is looking a little better, says the optimist in me. I've got the Vivosun VS1500 pegged to the roof of the tent (19" from the tippy top of those rather large looking stems). Quick math, she grew almost another 4" in the past 2 days. Her midsection is also really starting to fill out nicely (how many women would take that as the glorious compliment it is meant to be?). I bought some epsom salts and will give her a spritz as part of the watering regiment tomorrow to help combat the magnesium deficiency. She needs another haircut. If she ever stops stretching I'll give her a final trim and then put the shears away until harvest.








Holographic Zebra Midge
OG Lee Welling
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