Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

Nice roots brother 👌 what you got on that dirt there?
Nice roots brother 👌 what you got on that dirt there?
Thanks Greenvein, yeah that was a quick post with no detail ;). I spritzed the roots and pre-made hole with a slurry of PH'd H2O + Foxfarm Calmag+ Big Bloom and then sprinkled the roots with a liberal amount of Great White Mycorrizae before dropping her in the hole and watering her in.
Thanks Greenvein, yeah that was a quick post with no detail ;). I spritzed the roots and pre-made hole with a slurry of PH'd H2O + Foxfarm Calmag+ Big Bloom and then sprinkled the roots/hole with a liberal amount of Great White Mycorrizae before dropping her in the hole and watering her in.
Nice bro, now I know your secrets 😂 that Great white supposed to be great stuff 👍
nice rootball 024, think she will dig her new home!
Thanks 013, really glad to get this last transplant done, Her root system is really nice but she doesn't look like much top-side, yet :)
Nice bro, now I know your secrets 😂 that Great white supposed to be great stuff 👍
lol I stole that trick from lkabudman actually. I see a lot of gardeners using Dynomyco but I've had such good luck with Great White I've not changed. It is expensive admittedly, but one bottle lasts about 3 plants so not too bad.
OMG! I love @420 ......its crazy with the amount of Journals and information! I have Sooooooo many questions as I embark on an organic mission with one Bubblegum XL photo. I want to top it and get some seperate colas....JUST like what you have done @024backwards but when and how?
Welcome Blackyoda, I love the avatar and screen name! Check out this link from nugbuckets and then we can chat about some of the details. This article is what I used to create my master mainlining plan. Main-Lining Tutorial on Training Marijuana Plants | Grow Weed Easy
Day 42 Above Ground, Day 28 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 20" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~475, DLI 30.8
76.6D, 62% RH

What's up everyone! It's been a busy weekend in the grow room. I moved Bubba into a 5G fab pot on Saturday and then topped her for the 3rd and final time, right below her first node on each of the 4 mains, creating 8 little colas. I've kept her trained pretty well but now need to get the octa-colas positioned evenly around the pot so I can let them turn "up" towards the light, train them to a peony ring (to be installed), and veg her hard for 2-3 weeks. I'm not yet visualizing how I'm going to do that, 6 colas around the ring and 2 in the middle or all 8 around in a circle? By the looks of her root ball, she is going to explode if i just leave her alone for a bit :)................have a great week everyone!






Day 45 Above Ground, Day 31 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 18" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~540, DLI 35.0
77.6D, 61% RH

Hey Folks,

Bubba is recovering from the transplant a few days back and while she isn't much to look at yet, her final 8 mains/colas are in place. I am working to train them to the right "spot" around the pot but am losing patience (and time) fast. I go on a 7 day vacation on 22 June and need to flip her to 12x12 before I leave (or she will be too tall when i get back). That means I've got 23 days of veg time to get her to 18"-20" in height so I need to get her in final position and turning "up" asap. I heard a slight "crack" today when I was training her, really need to be careful and not ruin all this hard work.

Hello you 🤩

I’m not sure how I missed this.

If I promise to be good and be quiet can I stay and watch?
Welcome Tra I’m super glad you are here I was going to “at” you but that felt a little rude. However, I need the loud and wonderfully hilarious Trala, the good and quiet Trala is no fun at all! 😜😜😎😎
Welcome Tra I’m super glad you are here I was going to “at” you but that felt a little rude. However, I need the loud and wonderfully hilarious Trala, the good and quiet Trala is no fun at all! 😜😜😎😎
Excellent, coz I’m gonna be honest, there was zero chance I can be good and quiet!

Quick photo shoot from today’s training session….don’t worry, no running, biking, or sweaty abdominal shots here, just a half-assed documentary of a good ole car hooking. Bubba looks like a crazed pin cushion or acupuncture survivor and her leaves are growing into each other making her harder to control . Maybe 2-3 more days and I”ll have her in position to let her turn up and can pull some of the hooks. She smells like the bottom of my old college bong……



What device you're using to measure the pH of water+nutrients mixture? (Brand and model)
I use an Apera Instruments "pen" that gives me PH and Temp. I picked it up on Amazon and it comes with 3 different controls. I love it, just bought another one for my last grow after 4 years with V1. I would highly recommend you consider something to measure PPM/EC if you are trying to build a starter kit. I use a Bluelab Truncheon wand, its well worth the $ if you can afford it, but find something that works for you to measure these levels. It's saved me more than once from over-feeding/burning a plant and is a must have tool, in combo with a PH pen, if you want to be sure your gals are getting the right amount of nutrients at the proper PH. One last note....many great growers on this site don't worry about the PH of water/nutrients at all, but focus on ensuring the proper soil PH. A good soil mix helps "buffer" the solution, providing the right environment for nutrient uptake. Its worth reading about, I am tempted to try it as I am sooo tired of PH'ing everything........I bet you didn't think that question required such a long answer? I'm just sitting here getting buzzed, typing away :lot-o-toke: :Rasta:
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