Monster Cloning & Seeds, LEDs, Promix & Soil

Howdy Folks!

Watered till run off to measure ppm ph
In. 5.8 580 ppm
Out 5.7-6-4
Ppm 620-680
I love this girl! She takes whatever I give her!what a sweet lady! I can’t imagine if I had her running primo! She’s be a beast!!! Garden of green is no lie! If your a new grower buy this they are a sponsor too!

Anyway I upped The nutz
Calmag 20ml
AN MGB 15ml
Ph 5.8
Ppm 580
My patient is taking the garden over for the weekend! I reset the medium with a flush. The pots I did yesterday are night and day different! When the get hit with the new mix they will shoot! He will be so proud of himself :rofl: I hope it goes well for him.

On a serious note, now I can dip my finger in the promix no problem, I had th Soil way too packed so hard before!? Seems to be going better.

The Raz and Cali O are drying out now hopefully when I get back they will be into dark and CHAP CHAP CHAP!!!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Stop here if you are easily offended....

And Newty, I’m a man, I always finish! :cheer::cheer::cheer::high-five:
Fishing? This was taken where i was in July.

Now these are eating fish. :)

Ok, this is in the reserve, no fishing allowed there. That's bumped the local population right up there. But, that spills over into the adjacent areas where you can drop a line. also, they dont fear people and will swim right up to you looking for a feed. Bag limit is you can have whatever adds up to 20kg in your possession. Good eating on these guys. :)
Fishing? Good eating on these guys. :)
Sweet Hezus! I’m also on a reserve so in our non racist country I cannot keep any due to my birth but other births can??????

No offence and no need for politics but you see my point. Don’t reply to this as it’s non of my business. I’m pro equality.

Anyway,I studied on a new way to drop my fly! Tomorrow catch and release. It will still be as fun but F I would like a salmon!!!!
Ahhhh..colloquial language alert. Yous Sepos speak funny. :)

Not that kind of reserve. Its actually a little township in a marine national park.

That particular section of it is no fishing for conservation / tourism purposes. So, lots of BIG tame fish that basically breed lots and restock the fishing zones either side. Turtles, Mantas, Sharks, Dugong and lots of really nice coral. Nice snorkelling only a few meters off the beach there.
Sweet Hezus! I’m also on a reserve so in our non racist country I cannot keep any due to my birth but other births can??????

No offence and no need for politics but you see my point. Don’t reply to this as it’s non of my business. I’m pro equality.

Anyway,I studied on a new way to drop my fly! Tomorrow catch and release. It will still be as fun but F I would like a salmon!!!!
I love salmon fishing
Saw lots and lots of Salmon! So red!!!! Jumping and stuff. Caught a few fish, had a few salmon chase bite, but barbless, no landing.
Well well well I had a great day some 10 or so year old girl came to me and said I was on private property, which I was not, then, she started snapping her taser as I was packing up my gear......they sent a 10yr old girl guys, at about 4pm. They must have just woke up from their Saturday party and are cowards sent a child. With a taser?!?!?! Anyway, I wasn’t kidding, some folks are different I guess. I’m sad for that child. I’ll pray for them today as I’m hurt my country is like this.
No word from the waterer! So things are good on grow front!!!
Howdy Folks,

Looks like I’ll be buying sensi calmag xtra to try get the yellow out. Did some reading, maybe my current calmag has no iron. Plus, if I stick with AN I should have no ph problems right!?

Ummuno. Maybe there’s a different AN calmag, either way, I need some Calmag that absorbs better. Mixed better or something better than my current regime!

We will get through this!!
Lol. Ahh I’m sorry everyone but the truth is the truth. We all want what we think is ours. I set the universe up to do this by my previous thoughts and posts too, but when reality hit, and this poor messenger was sent with a taser, I really was sad. Send a 10yr old so no charges can be laid?!?! Just makes me find it harder to love is all. All I want is love Folks! I hope to see equality in my country before I die. I’ve worked very hard on myself to be more open to others. So I expect the same. Guess I’ll just have to be patient. Keep praying for them.
It's best to try and use the same brand cause some base nutes can interact negatively with one another. theres a great article on grow weed easy about it. Just careful cause cal mag xtra carries a lot of N. is it the veg ones your worried about?
It's best to try and use the same brand cause some base nutes can interact negatively with one another. theres a great article on grow weed easy about it. Just careful cause cal mag xtra carries a lot of N. is it the veg ones your worried about?

Thank you! I think upping ppm and doing the 1-1-1 flush is what works in promix as it’s 0 nutz holder. I’m no fan of pure water flushing at all!!!!!
So I’m using growtech calmag now?
I saw AN had chelates sensi calmag plus, maybe that one?

I think I read that article yesterday night. maybe I’ll call AN and ask them what would be best. They are awesome at answering the phone. Love the company Folks.

I hear voting helps too ;).
I think I just missed my girls. I got mad. Emotions are so shitty however happiness rocks. I’m in a better place. Now lol.

Folks. I’m a director not a doer, I mixed the nutz, left my authorized waterer notes on what and how....the veg is fixed! There’s one plant with a little yellow still. But my god, 4-6 inches maybe more across the tent in three days!!!!!! I’m besides myself right now. Oh and lowering clone water popped ROOTS! Rapid rooters were shriveling dry but not totally if that makes sense. I wet them with AN overdrive, that’s what I left to spray with. Root ones are in coco pots ready for auto water! the coco was rather dry I had to super soak the 1g pots. I turned the other light switch on so they now have full spectrum. One Jonny looked a little wilted I hope she turns. One of each strain carried forward!
I’m so happy. Life sure likes up and downs hey? Gratitude and kindness are so critical. I’m so glad I was behaved this weekend and only vented here. Thank you for the support Folks.

It’s all red Folks,.....Thumb day when lights come on!!!

That one I cut again that rotted off is still kicking lol
The smell off the Cali bay Dream Folks Folks Folks. I’m so glad I’m studying for a drug test.....I’ve never had this. The temps are down to 61 I turned up room. I need to install my vent to close the 6in pipe lol. But check this out!!!

I put my notes in so you see what dude had to go by lol. Cali O and Raz will go to dark tomorrow am!! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

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