Mushrooms & Ladies


New Member
Hello, I'm new here and curious as to what the result of my gourmet mushroom cultivation would have on my plants being in the same room. First Grow

I would estimate I have 20-30 lbs of mycilium at a given time in a greenhouse in the same room as a 5x5 tent.

Sometimes I get green mold on occasion, but contamination is relatively low, however the addition of plants and soil will probably raise the result.

I'm hoping this post is placed appropriately.
I have no idea on mushrooms but one thing i do no is if they end up creating mold then its a no go for your tent, all it takes is 1 spore on your plants and it instantly spreads to end up destroying your whole grow.

Sure someone will be out there that knows more about them than myself that could put there 2 cents in.

good luck!
I have no idea on mushrooms but one thing i do no is if they end up creating mold then its a no go for your tent, all it takes is 1 spore on your plants and it instantly spreads to end up destroying your whole grow.

Sure someone will be out there that knows more about them than myself that could put there 2 cents in.

good luck!
Thanks, I believe I may have a issue with while mold this morning on my soil.
Re: Mushrooms & Ladies

Some mushrooms are phototropic, do relatively well in 78-84 degrees depending on type, but require high humidity. I either have them in boxes or a greenhouse with FAE in the same room as the tent.
I figured if I put it in the tent I'll use a myco bag. It looks like what they use in the box I saw for tents.
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