My Continuous Auto Closet Grow - Pink Salad!

Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

can i ask how u sex your plants?? see for me its about waiting for the preflower stage, yet your so confident in saying sexes when they are a few wks old, how do u know what sex when they are not showing flower??
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

can i ask how u sex your plants?? see for me its about waiting for the preflower stage, yet your so confident in saying sexes when they are a few wks old, how do u know what sex when they are not showing flower??

The sex on autoflowers shows within about 17 days. This is the first of 28 seeds I've sprouted that's shown female hairs. It's a monster that took off. The total grow time on this strain is 60 days. So it's already gone though 1/4 of it's lifespan. The other plant I pulled was a male also. Males almost always show sex first. In the next few days all the plants will show sex. I'll probably be pulling a lot of the males up tomorrow.

Do you mean,colloidal silver?

haha You should wait until I can't edit my post before making fun of my spell checking. lol
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Hi Yo Colloidal Silver! Away!

Day one on plant 04 with Colloidal Silver.
I'm not sure at all how it's going to work out for plant 04.
She's got a tough road ahead just getting transplanted, and sprayed.


I used black duct tape to make a mini spray bottle light tight.
Colloidal Silver doesn't like light. So now it can enjoy the dark inside my spray bottle.


I soaked her completely. Some pages I've read say only spray the nodes.
Others say to make a plant turn male you gotta soak it down good.


Here she is dripping wet. You don't want to shove her right back under your HID light.
Let her sit for a bit, and dry out. Droplets can act as focal lenses, and burn a hole in a leaf.
Wiping her dry won't work. You gotta let the Colloidal Silver soak in.

I'm going to start spraying a second one when a new plant shows female.
I'll try, and spray one of the plants I've transplanted already.
Just to double my chances of getting some female pollen going.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

The sex on autoflowers shows within about 17 days. This is the first of 28 seeds I've sprouted that's shown female hairs. It's a monster that took off. The total grow time on this strain is 60 days. So it's already gone though 1/4 of it's lifespan. The other plant I pulled was a male also. Males almost always show sex first. In the next few days all the plants will show sex. I'll probably be pulling a lot of the males up tomorrow.

forgive my ignorance as i know very little about autos, am i correct in thinking that u get very little from each plant and that they are better grown by those with very little space?? or do they grow like regular seeds but at a faster rate?? and is an auto a chemically treated seed which puts it into flower so early or is it genitics??
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

forgive my ignorance as i know very little about autos, am i correct in thinking that u get very little from each plant and that they are better grown by those with very little space?? or do they grow like regular seeds but at a faster rate?? and is an auto a chemically treated seed which puts it into flower so early or is it genitics??

The autoflowers available these days have been inter-breed with photoperiod stains to genetically keep the autoflowering characteristics, but contain a higher THC content. Autoflower genetics also offer some advantages over the day-length flowering varieties like resistance to insects, and disease. Generally they are smaller plants, and smaller plants do mean lower yields. Some have been breed larger, but depending on the growers goals larger may not be better. I like to grow my strain in a perpetual growing style, and am now attempting my first perpetual SOG. A lot of the things I'm doing here are experimental, and not really meant for the average grower. I like to try a lot of space, and money saving ideas. So for me a smaller plant suits my goals. Right now I'm attempting to establish new methods of perpetual growing that may prove to be low cost with good yields. By growing out a 12 plant crop every 45 days.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

I use the same sprayer Jimmy posted I have 3 a 2 gallon and two 1 gallon pump misters some plants need water some food,and some myko tea, at 8$ and 16$ respectively,they are handy and accurate, I have a black duct taped CS bottle too lol , hey it works! I can't say I would ever use miracle gro but if I need extra cheap nutes there's always urine,and my worms in a bin under my desk are making my kitchen waste into a most perfect food, 40$ adds a bag of AZOMITE that will provide 70+ trace minerals for several years (you only need1 cup to a block of Coco) that will give you your connisure grade flavors at Pennies per plant, worms work for food,I pee 10 times a day AZOMITE is 1$ a lb , and moms chickens will happily let me clean out their coop, nothing beats free & natural! Tho I must admit I get my nitrogen from other things than a trip to the bathroom! It's a possibility! I have been fortunate to acquire my lavish setup thru mainly my connections here at 420mag sponsors and members trusting and kind beyond words, without this community I would likely be still growing with cfl's! Lol
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Yeah I'm really liking the sprayer idea, and I wish I seen others using it before. I could have used the money I wasted on that big ass watering can. I'm super cheap tho, and may not even buy one cuz what I've got is working, and I hate spending money! haha

I've done worm composting before, and have even bought worm castings more than once. I still compost scraps, coffee grinds, and stuff, but I just use those things outside. I really like reading new ideas. Even if I never try them. I'm really into the coco hydro thing right now, but may try something else one day.

But basicly the only money I spend on this is on electricity, and water. I got everything else, and I'm stocked up for years.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Newspaper pot transplant day!

I pulled out the males today, and the ones I pulled were 100% identified as male.
I started with 28 sprouts, and the remaining plants counted 14.
Not all remaining plants were identifiable as female.
Rather than wait a day, or two I picked the biggest, and healthiest plants, and re-potted them.
If one turns out to be male I'm still hanging on to the two runts, and can change out as needed.


Now I've got some new ideas on how I'm going to do the newspaper pots next time.
Like how I need a little space in between each pot instead of leaning them against each other.
Maybe setting each pot on it's own easy to remove base like an upside down pringles can lid.
Or maybe even a short one inch cup for each one giving each it's own little hempy reservoir.
Hey! I could cut down dixie cups to a one inch!! With a small drain to waste table beneath.
I'm thinking up ways to modify my mini green house to accommodate a setup like this!
Like add a slide out tray for easy maintenance of the new sprouts. :)

The two Rose Buckets to watch are number 11 (potted whole newspaper pot), and number 4 spraying with CS.
I'm planing on choosing a second Colloidal Silver spray victim soon. :peacetwo:
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

I'm going to keep.watching your work I love the idea of experimental growth and autos shame I grow for meds so I don't have the luxury to play much till I understand the basics better few more grows and we'll see
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Lucky 13

I've decided to spray Colloidal Silver on Rose Bucket number 13.
It's shown good growth, and is definitely female.
I took a photo of her, but the uploader to this site is on the friz.
So I'm substituting the photo of her when she was a few days younger. haha


If you do this you should pick a girl with good growth, and health.
It takes a lot outta the plant, and plus you wanna pass on some improved genetics.
I guess in way this qualifies as breeding. Within the strain.
So I was thinking of calling any new female seeds I've made by a new name. haha. Lucky 13.
Named after Rose Bucket number 13. Just for fun, and maybe nowhere outside my journal.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

My humble setup!


Nothing to fancy. I can turn off the power,
and close the closet door tho,
and the only thing you can see is a extension cord
going under the door.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Merry Christmas Everyone! :tokin:

My first grow with this strain was in soil.
I made my own compost, and worm castings.
Added bat guano, and some other stuff.


This cute little plant was about 12 inches tall.
It was loaded with seeds, and I haven't grown any out yet.
I think it's got about two more weeks left pictured here.
The yellow leaves are just the HPS light coming from the closet.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

My Newspaper Pot Greenhouse

I built a new mini greenhouse just for starting seeds in newspaper pots.
One again I use a PC case cover as a CFL light hood.
It stands on a 13 gallon green Walmart tote.
The drain table is a 20 oz coke tray.


Four 23 watt CFL's in the hood.


The light hood is made outta the case from one of my old PC's.


I ziptied one end of the PC case to the lip of the coke tray. You can pop the top open.


I ziptied chicken wire at the other end. The PC case just rests on that end.

To keep newspaper pots in place I've got two ideas.
I may add a SOG type net to the bottom, or glue down trimmed 1/2 inch high dixie cup bottoms.
I'm not sure yet. A low SOG type netting at the bottom may provide enough support for newspots.
But the newspaper pots may dry to quickly. Little cups may give a nice hempy effect.

I can pop open the top to water the newspaper pots,
and if the sprouts get to tall prop it open to raise the lights.

The 20 oz coke tray is not connected to the walmart tote.
It fits snugly like it was meant to be there.
I can lift the tray off the tote to empty out drained water.

I may add a few more bulbs under the hood. I'm going to test it this way for now.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Cook diy stuff ! Beheringer huh? I have quite a bit of their equipment in my home studio,great quality better prices! , your setup reminds me of my little closet I used for a couple yrs,

yeah that sticker came with a mixer I have.
it's a solid piece of gear, and has performed great for many years. :rollit:
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

CS plant number four!

Ok so now in the photo is plant number four.


I'm still treating plant four with with Colloidal Silver daily.

The first pic is before treatment, and the plant is 17 days old.
Second pic is after 6 days of spraying, and the plant is 23 days old.
Third pic is a closeup of the plant at 23 days old.

It has grown a lot in six days, and buds are still forming.
The white hairs seem to be having a hard time, and may be dying out.
The leaves are canoeing, clawing, and look like there drying out.

The plant is not happy, but has still grown twice it's size if not more.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

A mixer is one of the pieces I have ,along with a c1 Mic,a few other mics, the analog to digital USB adapter thingy, some outboard gear, and more I can't think of, I just write and record my Lil' death metal tunes , you plant seems to exhibiting classic signs of CS treatment not overly happy but a sex change is not all rainbows and puppies lol there's gonna be some pain before she's a he! Good work tho I've seen ppl burn em up with overly strong CS, really 10ppm will do the trick over 20 starts to get really harsh at 50 your almost guaranteed some real damage beyond that it gets dodgey they will survive! So it looks like good work to me!:high-five:
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