My First Grow With Bubbles!

i wish i could run sumthing bigger then my 400. im scared to see what i would pull off. nice little set up man. props!
Everything looks so clean and tidy! Kinda' makes me feel like taking a dip in those cool bubbles. I keep showing my wife these tents and how you guys are setting them up, definitely showing her this one here, I like.
Here is my setup!



Hey mike you will do alot better bro if you find a way to get that fan out of the tent... Hang that thing outside, all the hot air from the light heats the fan housing and in turn it heats up the tent... Hope that helps! :peacetwo:
Update!!!! Not much to speak of. I had only 11 seeds of the purps i ordered online. 1 is in the soil pot i started 30 days ago, and i just placed 10 in the Deep Water Culture system. I just checked the them in the rockwool, They are all showwing germination, I cant really believe it. They have all popped!. They have yet to sprout but 11/11 seeds popped is a damn good start, lets hope 11/11 are females. LOL, yea right, Impossible. Or is it? Ill post pics as soon as i have sprouts.
Ok guys, I have about 4 full sprouts and the other 6 are very close to being fully opened. I need a little advice. I have heard and seen mixed answers to this question. Tommorow when i wake up, i should have close to all sprouts, Should i start the nutrint regimen at 1/4 strenght, or wait till i have a couple leaves? Some systems i have seen start out on 1/4 strenght nute from seed. And other wait for a few real leaves. I will be using the flora grow,micro and bloom, along with hygrozyme and flora blend. Oh and by the way , does anyone have any experience with flora blend? I opened my new bottle yesterday and it has particles in it, looks like part of the nutrients, but i dont know. Any insight would be wonderful. Ill post pics when i awaken. Thanks!
I am with rose when he says a pound. If it were me I'd have another 2 tubs in there lol! I like being in over my head though, either way Caddy love the setup and I will be on board!

Here Are Some Pics!!!!

Day 3 of Germ

Day 4 Veg/ 1day Outa Rockwool:

Day 5 Veg/ 2 Days Outa Rockwool

First off, @ this point i felt as though a 1/4 dose of nutes with a res change might do good as they have been under this big 1000 watt MH. Im actually only running 750 watts on my Ballast. Its a lumatek Digital, Switchable,Dimmable Ballast. It has been pulling the shoes right off these little guys. I wanted more than the cfl's i was using, and also wanted to see what this guerilla light would do. lol! Im using The GH nutes and following thier reccomended dosing, although i cut the first weeks dose by 1/4. Just giving them a infants portion. Used 5Ml of each Flora Grow, Micro, and Bloom. Along with 10 Ml of Flora Blend as Gh suggested. The Flora Blend has lots of debre in it like seaweed and different meals, so i used a strainer and that worked nicely. Here is the pics after the Res Change:




Look What I noticed When i opened the Lid for the res change!!!!


Both Containers @:
PH: 5.8
PPM: 375
Water Temps: 66-69 F
Room Temp: 70 F
Underlight Temp: 76 F
Hum: Cant get over 34%( I believe it has a lot to do with using my exaust to cool my light, the air is circulated so quickly through the room to get the temps stable.)

Hope you all enjoy. Please give any feedback or critisism, as this is my first Medical Grow. I can only take everyone elses experiences and learn how to get that Pound o dried manicured buds!!!
Lookin good man!! Wish i had a tent like that. You got plenty of space to expand :thumb:

I would be hesitant about feeding them anything yet, they still look very young to be eating any kind of nutes. didnt start feeding mine until they were almost double that size and a few more sets of leaves. But if they dont burn dont change it. My PPM is up close to 1800 and they're only in week 2 of bloom with not one burnt tip.
I have been waiting for someone to say that. I too was weary of adding the quarter strength nutes. I probably wont do it agin until they have the 3rd and 4th leave. They were just taking off so fast in the buckets man. Ive grown soil and my sprouts were never this big. My last seedlings had 2 set of leaves at the same height as the ones in the dwc. I can be very wrong about this, but if it works that would be nice to know about the strain. Thanks for the comment mike! It seems to be a tough gig to get people to comment around these parts.
Not a problem Bro, i felt i should step in and at least voice my concern before you burnt those little ones. It really is tricky to get people to comment, some people's threads just get alot of attention where others dont. I havent quite figured it out either but i do know one thing, everybody likes pictures. I try to post as many as possible cuz im sure there are plenty of poeple out there like me that browse around and look at pictures more than reading everything on here. (im a very slow reader so reading some of these long threads would take me days but i try.) Im here to help you out man in any way i can. (haha that rymed a little bit)

:peace: out
Thanks man. I removed half of the containers water, and replenished it with just ph'ed water. The ppm is at about 275. My tap water is at about 150, so hopefully they should be able to handle it ok. Before it was at almost 400. Hopefully there isnt any damage done. One thing i did notice was that, one sprout that one of the seed leaves fell off of began sprouting its first real set. They are small and yellowish, but they are still growing. I thought i killed that little guy 3 days ago when i pulled the husk off and one of the leaves came with it. I know you arent suppose to remove the husks, this one looked as though it was just hanging there, but aparently it wasn't. Anyways, Thanks for your support bro. I will be following your grows as well.

I thought i killed it, Maybe Not!
Thanks for the insight. I think i have my temps under control now that i added a booster fan that brings fresh air into the tent. Also, i purchased a control wizard that automatically kicks on the booster fan when it is too hot. It was a Great Purchase!!!

aww there so cute when there young. then they grow up!!! haha but yeah looking great, id keep the cfls on there for a little myself but it wouldnt be because of strech, it would be because its too much for the little one to handel, once there a good 3-4 nodes high kick on that 1000watt. but keep it twards the top of the tent for the first 2 days or so, so they get use to the intensity then you can lower it to your desire to keep thoes plants shorter with that nice tight node spacing we all love.
Thanks for the tips Trunk! Those are the type of things i need to know, lol. I appreciate your suggestion. Its currently only set on 750 watts on my sweet digital ballast. Its about 18 inches above the sprouts, should i raise it? Im going on day 7/day 4 outa the rockwool. The first two leaves of the sprouts(NOT THE COTYDENDRONS, or watever they are called) are lime green. My first two on my soil plant were pretty dark. You think this is because of the light, or because of the early ferts? They look very healthy, just lime green.

Almost forgot, Heres my soil Plant! almost 5 weeks. Been under 3-4 42 watt 2700k and 5000k cfls.



Got a little agressive on the ferts in the last 2 weeks. Slight yellowing of the tips. At least i hope thats all. Please correct me if you think otherwise.
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