My First Scrog


New Member
Hello guys I am trying to get the hang of using this . I have just joined up and wanna talk and learn from some off the people in here . I am doing my scrog and would love to have some advise . I Anit sure how I upload pics but I do have some off where I am out now . In witch is a week into flower . Any help would be great I hope to speak to some one soon
Hi the Celt just wanted to know any tips and tricks really bud to better the yield . I have found they Anit stretching like I wanted so all the holes Anit getting used up and as I said. Am a week into flower so I don't think they will stretch much more . As for pics where I am using iPhone I am finding it hard to up load . Bit off a pain really ..
You should get stretching for more then just 1 week. Depending on the variety your growing. As a general rule of thumb, your plant should stretch once in flower from 1.5 up to 2.5 times the original height of the plant. Examples are as follows, Say you have a 2 ft. pure indica strain. When done growing it should top out around 3 1/2 ft. tall. A 2 ft. pure sativa should grow as high as 5 ft. And a 2ft. hybrid should grow to about 4 ft. Granted these numbers depend on a lot of different variables, light, water, and nutrients, hence the general rule of thumb comment. I am doing my 1st SCROG also and on day 10 of flower and they are still stretching every day. My plants were right around 28" tall.
Sorry about being so long.
By the way, that rule of thumb is for an un-SROGed plant Obviously if you have a 2 ft plant under a screen and it burns 1 foot growing under the screen it will not be 3 1/2 to 5 ft tall (depending on variety) because some of that growth is now horizontal instead of vertical.
Thanks guys my lighting is 2 600 watt sun master lamps ... I am in a 1.5metre by 2meters long .. I also use plant magic still on grow . And root stim . I have put a pic up but on the members gallery can't seem to up load it to my thread
The natural tendency is for the them to grow up, and as they grow up, you tuck the limbs under the screen. I seen mention of a grower here, don't remember who, that rather than "tuck" the limbs, uses plant ties to tie them down too the screen as they grow so that the only part of the plant actually under the screen is the main stem. To me this would be much easier approach :)
I may have to have a little go at that . At the sec there every where it looks mental lol I can't put my pics on this thread I don't know how to do it I worked out how to up load them to the members gallery but not to this . Thanks tho bud
It don't seem to say add photos it just says post quick reply . ?? Nothing else there it's doing my head Celt ha
I was having the same issues too at 1st then I realized I missed the final step to uploading them onto 420. Just double check that you completed all steps and you will be rocking in photos. Speaking of, I need to upload a few myself for my journal update. after they upload on the lower left side of your screen, you are NOT done yet, there is one more button you have to click to finalize the upload. Doh. (in my best Homer Simpson impersonation)
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