My seedlings are yellowing once again. Why am I cursed with this?

I'm on day 2 currently in coco/perlite, I think I might've overwatered, or? Seems rather droopy. I thought it's hard to overwater in coco, and I've only used 60ml of PHed RO water with an EC of around 0.6
The main problem I see is you're treating coir like soil grown plants. Like others keep on saying is you need to choose a method, medium and stick with it.

It's pretty hard to control moisture levels in a big container in coco coir and you should never start your seedling in your final container if you want to keep control of your watering and moisture levels.

Use a pressure spray bottle to keep the medium moist but not overly saturated and wet. The surface should never dry out growing in Coco coir. You're growing in a hydro medium and you need to follow hydro mentality and recommendations.

I feed and spray every day starting out seedlings in coco coir but I start them in small containers made for seedlings. Using more than 3 gallon container indoor is a waste of coir IMO.

Check out my journal if you need help and instructions. It's a Coco coir grow from seed from start to finish. I'm now in late flower. Strongest Hulk In Town! - Bruce Banner #3 Seed Grow
I'm on day 2 currently in coco/perlite, I think I might've overwatered, or? Seems rather droopy. I thought it's hard to overwater in coco, and I've only used 60ml of PHed RO water with an EC of around 0.6
You must feed nutrients every time in coco.
Feed every day 1/4 strength nutrients at 5.8 ph exactly with calmag in your plain water first.
Always put calmag in your plain water first then add nutrients in order.
In a week go to half strength at 5.8 ph.
After 2 or 3 weeks you should be able to go full strength.
Always keep your coco wet and never give plain water and your girls will be fine.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So if I understood correctly, no drybacks? I read so much confusing information everywhere, some water their seedlings 3-4 times a day, some let their coco dry back in the seedling stages.


These are mine at day 3, everything seems fine for now. The funky droopy ones seem to be normal now, but I'm still unsure about watering frequency. I was stupid enough to plant them in their final 3.9gal / 14L pots, so I'm sadly a bit lost. I don't wanna eff this one up again, after all this horror I've experienced.

Dryback, or just water every day? And I imagine it should be just small amounts, around 100-200ml for now, until they're larger?
So if I understood correctly, no drybacks? I read so much confusing information everywhere, some water their seedlings 3-4 times a day, some let their coco dry back in the seedling stages.


These are mine at day 3, everything seems fine for now. The funky droopy ones seem to be normal now, but I'm still unsure about watering frequency. I was stupid enough to plant them in their final 3.9gal / 14L pots, so I'm sadly a bit lost. I don't wanna eff this one up again, after all this horror I've experienced.

Dryback, or just water every day? And I imagine it should be just small amounts, around 100-200ml for now, until they're larger?
Feed every day, nutrients at 5.8 ph.
You want that tap root to chase the nutrients.
Feed in a circle around the baby.
Gradually getting further out from the center.
Getting the roots to go after the nutrients.
Your goal now is to build up a root ball.
I mound up the center forcing the nutrients to the outside where they can pick up air.
You could do this too.
I have pictorials in my threads explaining it.
Bill284 Method.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So currently my seedlings all seem perfectly healthy.

But once again, I am worrying about the other plant I still have in my biobizz substrate. It's a 26 day old autoflower in 14L of biobizz all / light mix (transplanted from light to all mix)


She seems 100% healthy, everything is going nicely. But why are lots of leaves clawing downwards? It's not just the tips, it's the whole leaves curling downwards. I watered 3 days ago because I thought she was underwatered & she was indeed in need of water, but watering didn't change anything at all. What's going on here? Too much Nitrogen? Her color seems fine, just a perfectly healthy green, but lots of leaves are doing this here and there. No burnt tips or anything, no leaf "tips" pointing down, but 50% of the leaf itself curling down like this
So currently my seedlings all seem perfectly healthy.

But once again, I am worrying about the other plant I still have in my biobizz substrate. It's a 26 day old autoflower in 14L of biobizz all / light mix (transplanted from light to all mix)


She seems 100% healthy, everything is going nicely. But why are lots of leaves clawing downwards? It's not just the tips, it's the whole leaves curling downwards. I watered 3 days ago because I thought she was underwatered & she was indeed in need of water, but watering didn't change anything at all. What's going on here? Too much Nitrogen? Her color seems fine, just a perfectly healthy green, but lots of leaves are doing this here and there. No burnt tips or anything, no leaf "tips" pointing down, but 50% of the leaf itself curling down like this
Curling is usually nitrogen. Too much.
Usually a darker green though.
But it can be temp or rh related.
How are temps and air flow?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
it does look like n claw. could be the plant is more sensitive to n than the others.
it does look like n claw. could be the plant is more sensitive to n than the others.
Hey bluter :ciao:
That's a problem if you have a premixed soil.
Some girls are more sensitive.
That's one of the reasons I enjoy coco.
You can adjust easily.
Any suggestions in soil? :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Temps and humidity are rather fine, around 23-24°C / 73-75°F, with humidity at around 60-65%. My gutfeeling says too much N too, but somehow the leaves actually seem fine. Nothing too dark of a green, no waxy leaves, no burnt tips, this plant is technically 100% healthy so far. It's just that the leaves don't stop curling down everywhere.

Airflow is fine, my exhaust is currently on 20% without a filter on it, so there's a pretty good breeze coming out of the exhaust tube
not much outside of ride it out and hope it uses most of it by flower.
Wood chips I believe worked for @HappyHazmat88 .
He had a nitrogen problem.
But let's see what the op says is going on now .

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Wood chips I believe worked for @HappyHazmat88 .
He had a nitrogen problem.
But let's see what the op says is going on now .

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey bill good morning 👋.

Yes I used an untreated new 2x4 and shaved my own chips in a previous grow to try to get nitrogen levels down. It seemed to have helped a little bit.

After the grow finished and I was able to do a little more research on why wood chips can help lower nitrogen levels in soil. From what I understand the reason for wood chips "lowering nitrogen levels" is that it actually just uses available nitrogen in the soil for composition purposes. So it doesn't remove it or lower it, but actually just ties it up in a different place so that the plants roots can't intake so much.

I'm thinking the reason it only helped me out a little is the fact that I only mixed it in the top of the soil (I was growing in a 2 gallon pots, so not much space for more than I used) instead of the whole pot. Maybe if I made finer pieces of wood chips and mixed thoroughly through soil it would have worked more efficient and maybe clean saw dust would be the best route for semi immediate results.

I hope this helps a bit...sorry I'm not to technical and scientific about the process 😅 I just spend a few hours reading through this that and the third fourth fifth articles and then make a personal plan that takes elements from each to fit what I'm trying to do.
So a few updates - I know that this thread is slowly moving away from the actual problem I had & finally fixed, but I don't wanna open an extra thread just for another problem, I hope this is fine!

My old plant in biobizz substrate seems to be fine again. I did lots of LST once again, defoliated heavily, and she's already back to growing into a fat bush. Strange for an autoflower, not even preflowering, no pistils on the stems, nothing. She's just pumping foliage. This is a WIDE 14L pot, so she ain't small at all. Is it the Megacrop I'm feeding her, rather than Biobizz? Who knows, but god damn this thing is pumping out growth without stopping! I flushed her out once & fed Megacrop afterwards, there are still some leaves hanging here and there, but otherwise the slight N toxicity seems to slowly go away.



But now, back to my recent problem - My autoflowers in their silly final pots with coco/perlite (Yes, once again, I'm stupid). I watered daily, yet I'm still following a very weird problem. These plants seem to droop down 50% of the 24 hour cycle. PPFD set to 300 now, rather low. They perk up for the other 50% of the day and seem 100% healthy, but as soon as I go to bed and check the next morning, they're all droopy, sad looking, and I feel like they might be losing color every time. They seem "neon green", rather than a healthy green.


They all keep looking just like that for 12 hours every day. Leaves hanging down, new growth hanging down. This happened after I didn't water for 3 days, now I've been watering daily, and they still do it for some reason. Remember that I run a 24/0 cycle with low PPFD, so there's no droopy "night leaf" cycle. My last feeding was 350PPM of a nutrient solution (RO Water + Calmag + A+B + Rhizotonic), around 500ml for each plant, sprinkled around the whole top to the edges of the pot, at 5.8PH.

I borrowed a CO2 PPM Reader from a friend (high-end reader), and the average ambient PPM is at around 450PPM CO2, which seems fine. It's nice to know!

Why are they acting up so weirdly? Growth also seems to be slower than expected, my Biobizz plants were double the size of these at day 8 :(

But now, back to my recent problem - My autoflowers in their silly final pots with coco/perlite (Yes, once again, I'm stupid). I watered daily, yet I'm still following a very weird problem. These plants seem to droop down 50% of the 24 hour cycle. PPFD set to 300 now, rather low. They perk up for the other 50% of the day and seem 100% healthy, but as soon as I go to bed and check the next morning, they're all droopy, sad looking, and I feel like they might be losing color every time. They seem "neon green", rather than a healthy green.

they'll take a little while to green up when they are young. as long as the yellow is from the inside with the tips being greener. it's more a problem when it becomes the opposite unless things are extreme, and i don't see that.

Remember that I run a 24/0 cycle with low PPFD, so there's no droopy "night leaf" cycle.

there's always a droopy cycle. you just don't know about how the plant works. they always shut down on getting enough ppfd for the day whether you like it or not. happens in daylight even.
overlighting them past that point is only asking for hermies and all sorts of other growth issues later on.

My last feeding was 350PPM of a nutrient solution (RO Water + Calmag + A+B + Rhizotonic), around 500ml for each plant, sprinkled around the whole top to the edges of the pot, at 5.8PH.

sounds about right for the size. the auto pots can be an absolute disaster to get working correctly. once you have it figured out it'll run great.

I borrowed a CO2 PPM Reader from a friend (high-end reader), and the average ambient PPM is at around 450PPM CO2, which seems fine. It's nice to know!

doubt you can make proper use of it but it likely won't cause any harm.

Why are they acting up so weirdly? Growth also seems to be slower than expected, my Biobizz plants were double the size of these at day 8

they haven't hooked up yet to the res if you are running the auto pots. will take time and then will take off.
they'll take a little while to green up when they are young. as long as the yellow is from the inside with the tips being greener. it's more a problem when it becomes the opposite unless things are extreme, and i don't see that.

there's always a droopy cycle. you just don't know about how the plant works. they always shut down on getting enough ppfd for the day whether you like it or not. happens in daylight even.
overlighting them past that point is only asking for hermies and all sorts of other growth issues later on.

sounds about right for the size. the auto pots can be an absolute disaster to get working correctly. once you have it figured out it'll run great.

doubt you can make proper use of it but it likely won't cause any harm.

they haven't hooked up yet to the res if you are running the auto pots. will take time and then will take off.
The CO2 reader was just to check the ambient CO2, I didn't add any. Just normal CO2 in the air, as I was generally interested in how high the CO2 PPM in the tent is. Don't worry, no CO2 stuff, I'm way too stupid for that.

The autopots aren't hooked up yet, they're 100% ready though. I'd just have to fill the res & turn it on, but they're too tiny for now, people say around day 14 is where I should maybe enable them, if the growth seems fine. I'm just watering by hand at the moment, which is always the problematic part for me.

The 24/0 cycle should be fine, or not? I heard autos enjoy as much light as possible, and it always worked out with my other plants (which had other severe issues as we all know). I imagine I just have to get used to coco
The CO2 reader was just to check the ambient CO2, I didn't add any. Just normal CO2 in the air, as I was generally interested in how high the CO2 PPM in the tent is. Don't worry, no CO2 stuff, I'm way too stupid for that.

wow your c02 numbers are bigger than i've seen over folk supplementing with bags or other natural passive systems.

The autopots aren't hooked up yet, they're 100% ready though. I'd just have to fill the res & turn it on, but they're too tiny for now, people say around day 14 is where I should maybe enable them, if the growth seems fine. I'm just watering by hand at the moment, which is always the problematic part for me.

just be patient. they look ok.

hand watering in a big hard sided coco pot sucks balls. you're not doing bad. keep it moist and happy. feed often in slow circles around the outside of the plant increasing in diameter as you go, and the plant gets a little bigger.

in the future you could start in a smaller pot and transplant into the autopots starting veg size. the plants will get larger faster and hook up in the autopots sooner when transplanted.

once they get 2 - 3 nodes on them they'll be close enough to the res to bottom water. you can try doing both about node 2 to quicken things up a touch.

The 24/0 cycle should be fine, or not? I heard autos enjoy as much light as possible, and it always worked out with my other plants (which had other severe issues as we all know). I imagine I just have to get used to coco

you can run autos 24/0. that's the only thing i would contemplate doing so. even autos do better for the most part on 20/4 or under down to the standard 18/6.

think of it this way - you can sleep all the time with all the lights on in your bedroom, but unless you are terrified of the bogeyman - you will sleep better with even just a few hours of dark.

probably sleep better even if terrified of the bogeyman lol :laughtwo:

edit : need to add you are trying to keep plants in different media at different development levels all happy. it's hard to jump through all those hoops unless you've had a few grows.

nothing is blowing up shitty so i'd have a hoot or two and give your head a break from it all. if they're gonna take a crap they will let you know. for now just hold course.

be ready for a normal nute bump on the small ones soon.

no idea where you are at on the biobizz plant as far as what you are doing for flowering.
Quick question - Any ideas? This plant looked like this yesterday, pot was rather light after the last watering ~4 days ago. I watered as usual with Biobizz, 6.5PH, Grow, Algamic, Activera, nothing out the ordinary.

Today, it still looks like this. Severely droopy leaves, top growth turning a shade of yellow. Temps are 24°C, humidity around 55-60%, around 500PPFD. Enough air exchange, everything is working as usual. This just suddenly happened out of nowhere. Pot is heavy now, it's watered just fine, but it didn't fix the problem at all

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