New member Noob grower

Old fella, (young at heart) seeks clue when to comes to growing and the warm and fuzzies of an online community

1st grow on my own
GDP Blast (auto): soil under Mars ii 900
Northern Lights Blue Glue (auto): coco under Mars ii 900

I am that grower who needs to sit on my hands so as not to fiddle!
You sound like me!!! Except im young with an old heart.... still a f***ing child at the best of times though :D any questions just @ me. If you use that symbol and the name of the person it will tag them and notify them. Like this. Hey @Preston9mm what you saying cuz!!!?
You sound like me!!! Except im young with an old heart.... still a f***ing child at the best of times though :D any questions just @ me. If you use that symbol and the name of the person it will tag them and notify them. Like this. Hey @Preston9mm what you saying cuz!!!?
Whaddup Bilbo! What it do!?
I am that grower who needs to sit on my hands so as not to fiddle!
Welcome,Norris,to the best learning forum on the internet!
Yes, it is possible to "Love 'em to Death",so "limited fiddling" is usually the best approach to growing our favorite weed...
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