NewBGrower420's Grow Journal

just did 1 ml of grow a&b of advanced nutrients I'm sure I should have did this days ago but i really want to do my plan A this is a good looking girl and i want to kill her or just put her aside and go forth with plan A but I'm scared i cant mess this up and with promix hp cc and advanced nutes and autoflowers...this is a whole different monster..what do you think blaze another try at it? this one looks better than any of my 5 previous grows
you know what I'm in now I'm terrified of these autos their soooooooooo sensitive..should i just grow this one out? and then go with plan A?
Definitely grow this girl out bud. You can't kill her now. She is trying for you!

She looks good. No deficiencies. Maybe slightly overwatered, but nothing to be concerned about.

Excellent bud!

Have some reps.
Something went wrong..and this is whats been happening with all my girls im posting pics now it had its first feeding and not to long after this happens...what do you think blaze?
Move the light back to where it was. I think you said 21 inches.

Do not feed or water for a while. Let your pot dry out a bit.

Keep posting pics on a regular basis, so that we can see if there is improvement or if it gets worse. Let's see if we can bring it back to good health. It's not about to die just yet.
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