NewBGrower420's Grow Journal

heres 4 more pics blaze of the critical today when the lights came on the leaves are looking more worst than yesterday. I did nothing more to it no water no feed just left it under the light!
To be honest if it wasnt for you and light I wouldn't have been so confident thanks alot! My wife was saying do a test run on basil but with 5 failed attempts i feel that those were enough of a learning and really think I will get it this time! :)..if not try try try until I get it right! I had a saying before all this it was "id rather die than fail" it changed and I got humbled very quickly my new saying is "id rather die than give up" ;)
Friend, That was before you came to 420 grow journals. Forget growing basil, grow your medicine. I forget what yr. I became a member here, but let me assure you that if these folks currently helping you, can't get you on the right track, then someone always here, will. I used to be an addict when it came to reading all these grow journals. Anyhow I got to go ccatch up to page 14, see you there
Focus on the new growth, so the top 2 leaves. They are still looking ok. A little hungry looking though. Your medium is still looking very damp though, so hold off on feeding right now. How does the weight of the pot feel? Still heavy and full of water?
Ok cool, I just went and feel the pot its not that heavy since its a little pot but im thinking by tomm it should be dry , it feels alittle mosit cold and dryish
Yea I feel pretty safe here that these guys are the best on any forums..and same here man I was addicted to reading and learning and re-learning things I had to or had learned wrong.. all night reading until 5am the next morning. ..going to work with 2 hrs and still I catch myself doing it but try to cut back because without my propper rest im edgey!
To be honest im glad this happened to the plant but in a good way..this happened the 5 previous grows and I did not know what to do oyher than kill them start over , im glad it happened again so if I do run into this promblem again witch I know I will I would know what measures to take to handle the situation! More pics coming tonight. . :)
To be honest im glad this happened to the plant but in a good way..this happened the 5 previous grows and I did not know what to do oyher than kill them start over , im glad it happened again so if I do run into this promblem again witch I know I will I would know what measures to take to handle the situation! More pics coming tonight. . :)
I also use pro mix, but the BX/mycorrhizae, and I add 25% perlite by volume. Good thing is, this wont hurt your grow and will sorta take you back to where you last fertilized. I tried the hp that you're using, but it wouldn't drain fast enough for me. And I'm using fox farms for ferts.. I think you should flush the system with ph 7 water, and then reapply ferts at 1/2 or 1/4 of whatever you used last time. This will stunt your growth for a few days, but I think you'll be ok now. Good luck with the grow?? And I'll be hiding in the background, watching & learning.
Here my two cents from 2 minutes of reading. Soiless is more tricky. I've followed a few grows where first timers using soiless are not succeeding. Infact, they abandonded their journals. I encourage you to keep at it, but if this soiless isnt working out for you, try some premixed soil. My first time has been a breeze, and theye looking good. Im using Roots Organics soil. First its PH balanced. Second, It has tons of stuff to keep your plants happy. Then you dont have to worry about under/over feeding, especially with young plants.You just keep the soil moist. Thirdly, It has perlite and vermiculite to keep the soil aerated, helping prevent damage for overwatering.

All I'm saying is that its very forgiving for someone just starting out. Good luck, Ill be here with you. :thumb:
This is blaze's grow blaze the ball is in your court! Dont feel bad if this goes wrong..I have more seeds to play with if this goes not as planned..I trust you! :)
Blazingbigbuds not you..I was talking to my friend theblaze :) but feel free to check in on my thread! But right following theblaze on this grow if anything goes wrong its on him to figure what went wrong and a solution and I trust him..I know every grower is diffrent and when no one was helping me theblaze and lights were their to help. (I trust them)..I believe in blaze and if anything does go wrong fine its ok..i want to learn from my mistakes and the only way to do it is to make the mistakes!.I have more seeds im not worried about this dying im sure theblaze will figure out what and where im going wrong!
From 5 failed grows looking at 6 I want someone to figure this out..what do I have to change or buy? Blaze ..I hope we can fix it. Im thinking its the medium or nutes with my tap water..or wrong ec for seedling growth..only 3 things
Blaze im telling you bro I should kill it..last 5 grows was a waste of nutes ..the roots didn't even grow through rockwool and it was 2 months old and not even 2 inches...but this is your call im will to start over if you want
Blaze..if you want me change anything let me know..I will buy whatever you say to..I already spent over 2500 on this so I dont mind a few dollars more
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