Not sure what to say


New Member
Hi all. I am new today pretty much. I decided to try growing my own (and my husband, and my grown children). So far I have I beautiful unknown girl growing very well. I speak to her a bit all day long. I just got a couple little ones popping up :) So while this endeavor is going well enough I am also getting great peace and relaxation playing with them :)
Re: Not sure what to say :)

:welcome: to :420: Ceine!

Tell us about your grow.
Pull up a journal and keep it green. :thumb:
Be careful Ceine, you'll catch the bug before you know it. Grow fever is being reported all over the continent and across the oceans too, symptoms include neurotically playing with the baby stems. Then it progresses to signing and talking them up in the mornings... Before you know it, you're elbows deep in soiless mix stirring up some super soil for your ladies. That's when you know your hooked:cheer: welcome to the grow family Ceine

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Ps. Is pronounced like scene or like sign? Curiosity...
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