OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

12 cigs today?!

Holy carp OMM, that is such a huge reduction... Crazy! Good job buddy!

Hope you enjoy your guest! You know I'm enjoying my little guest to the islands! :)
Only six more days with her... Loving every one of them! Going to the beach tomorrow. If the weather is nicer that is ;)

Feel better, I will probably be MIA til the end of next week..

Hey THsea ! :love:
Buddy it's a fight.....smoking the vape cigs mostly. My Guest will, sit down, have a toke and sleep through everything. He has some serious heart and hip problems. He's still big as a mountain. Hate to see him like this....welcome to the golden years! :smokin::smokin:

I am so happy this is happening for you Buddy......so happy!:high-five:
Nice to have you alive again! I will see you next week end...can't wait to talk story! :Namaste:
Love the foreshadowing in the story OMM. It gives just enough hints to be able to make assumptions and predictions and look forward to the next chapter. Keeping positive vibes sent your way, I'll steal some from my son to send your way he has way too much can't wait till he is one.:Namaste:

That's so cool teiji. young vibes! :thanks:

Glad you like the story....yeah...I tease a bit. I'm enjoying reliving this part for sure.......a good time in my life and one I never expected. Tony was one of the best things that ever happened to me. A Lady. :love:
Hey there OMM
I love visitors too! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it and I know it is tough for you these days. I am very proud of you to have cut back so far so soon, but keep it up!

Sounds like a strain rib cage, but hopefully nothing else. If it is then there is not much you can do about it and it will take care of itself in a couple weeks. I hope that is all it is.

old age.... with out that we wouldn't have your stories...

Have a great weekend and enjoy!

How are the outdoor ladies coming? I know they are still inside, but they should be growing pretty good now and hitting that true veg stage.


Hey MS, Good to see you ! My pleasure my friend. I really want to quit, so I have to cut down more.

It could be a strain....I picked a full airpot the other day. :cheesygrinsmiley: Probably be OK by the time I see the Doc.

Well, yes, old age does give us the need to talk story allot.

I've been raising the lights almost daily on the veg girls. I hope to get some pics up soon. Can't wait until THsea is back helping me.

Take care Brother! :Namaste:
:circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:Hey Granny Girl!:circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

Jo and I just help each other all the time. I have a new problem with my lungs....the right side of my ribs are killing me. No marks or bruises....just a bunch of pain...that I can see any reason for. I'll see the Doctor next week about it.

Jo and I don't go anywhere now. We walk out front, look around and say "Yep, Still Pretty" and go back inside.:high-five:

Love ya Girl! :love::love:


:hug:Not to be ordering you around ... but ... GET TO THE DOC!!! Seriously. Don't mess around - and keep us informed, honey. :love::hug:

I laughed my ass off :rofl: about you and Jo walkin' out and then in... still pretty! :rofl:

:circle-of-love:HEALING LUVIES TO OMM!!!:circle-of-love:



I am taking pointers... and my hacking sure does tell me I should... so I'm watchin' the progress in the hopes it inspires me!!!!

Maybe you pulled the muscles around the ribs from coughing so hard, it happens. I make my own smokes, so if I want one, I gotta get up and MAKE one! LoL It is hard, but we are gonna get it done!

No Kidding BAS!.....you know me pretty well.....cough cough! :love:



I am taking pointers... and my hacking sure does tell me I should... so I'm watchin' the progress in the hopes it inspires me!!!!


Hi Granny Girl! :love:

This whole thing started about two weeks ago when my Doctor told me in a year I would be on an oxygen tank or dead! That will get your attention! :circle-of-love:
Damnit, OMM, more med issues now? ;)

You better be taking care of yourself mister. We need to get healthy! I'm proud of you cutting down the smoking so much... Maybe you can do something like 12 one day, 11 the next, 10 after that... you get the idea...? Just a thought!

Coughing or lifting airpots both sound like likely culprits on the pain in your side. Maybe you cracked a rib? I've known people who've done that from coughing hard. Sure hope you start feeling better. Hang in there bud, and thanks for all the well wishes with my ailments. I'll be sending you positive vibes regarding your side pain and your health in general. Take care my friend. :)

It could be a strain....I picked a full airpot the other day. :cheesygrinsmiley: Probably be OK by the time I see the Doc.

**mental image of Montgomery Burns and a single flower in a 3in pot
not pleurisy is it?
fingers crossed:goodluck::wood:
Hi Granny Girl! :love:

This whole thing started about two weeks ago when my Doctor told me in a year I would be on an oxygen tank or dead! That will get your attention! :circle-of-love:

Hey There OMM!! 8 days now without a smoke!:love:

Those two weeks got your attention all right. Thank you for sharing your news with us. It got alot of other peoples attention too!!:circle-of-love:

You are the Best!!! :thumb:
Damnit, OMM, more med issues now? ;)

You better be taking care of yourself mister. We need to get healthy! I'm proud of you cutting down the smoking so much... Maybe you can do something like 12 one day, 11 the next, 10 after that... you get the idea...? Just a thought!

Coughing or lifting airpots both sound like likely culprits on the pain in your side. Maybe you cracked a rib? I've known people who've done that from coughing hard. Sure hope you start feeling better. Hang in there bud, and thanks for all the well wishes with my ailments. I'll be sending you positive vibes regarding your side pain and your health in general. Take care my friend. :)

My Sentiments Exactly xlr8, more med issues !
Quiting smoking is very depressing actually, but I have to do it.
Don't think it's a cracked rib, had one those before. Probably just a strain.
I'll take those positive vibes Buddy, Thanks. I hope we both start feeling better my friend.
Found a small nug tonight, where it shouldn't have been. After smoking it, I'm searching for more of it! :thanks:
I don't say this very often, but I used to be an EMT, one of my dreams was to work as one in Hawaii to become a lifeguard at one of Hawaii's many beautiful beaches... I went to school for EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)
and finished top of the class and I was the ONLY female. Go figure right. Nothing new in my life. ha! I am actually way more comfortable around a bunch of men, then I am around a bunch of women. I grew up with my 2 older brothers and all their close friends. Anyway, coughing to hard can result in pulled muscles that protect your ribs. If they are cracked for any reason, it can be dangerous because they can puncture your lungs. Either way, going to the doctor is your best bet at this point my friend.

I talked to my mama the other day about moving to Hawaii. She misses it I think almost as much as I do. Anyhow, she retires in 6 years I believe and I am goingto be the one that takes care of her as she reaches her elderly ages. But she wouldn't mind retiring and moving there. That would mean, Me and my family would move there as well. I would love being there! I would come visit you and your plants often. I would help you take care of them too! I could be your care giver as well. We could talk and laugh all day! Love you dad! Talk to you soon! :love:

Your so Cool ! Bas!:love: Your always surprising me. I figured that you were more comfortable around men, one of the guys. For sure about the doctor.

I would absolutely love for you to take care of me in my old age. We would have a ball! If we weren't couch locked .:circle-of-love:
Found a small nug tonight, where it shouldn't have been. After smoking it, I'm searching for more of it! :thanks:

HA!! I am picturing you on the floor now with a magnifying glass!:laugh:

It could be a strain....I picked a full airpot the other day. :cheesygrinsmiley: Probably be OK by the time I see the Doc.

**mental image of Montgomery Burns and a single flower in a 3in pot
not pleurisy is it?
fingers crossed:goodluck::wood:

That was funny Chopper...3" pot! But true! :high-five:

For God's Sake Man...it's not pleurisy!

Thanks, Chopper! :thanks:

It could be a strain....I picked a full airpot the other day. :cheesygrinsmiley: Probably be OK by the time I see the Doc.

**mental image of Montgomery Burns and a single flower in a 3in pot
not pleurisy is it?
fingers crossed:goodluck::wood:

Nice one Chopper, I can picture that perfectly:

"Smithers find out who made this damn thing so heavy and release the hounds on them - post haste! I haven't seen a potted plant this heavy since those mop-top young teens played on the ooooold Sullivan show..."

"Right away, Sir"


Yeah, we need OMM to take care of himself, huh?! Hope you are feeling better buddy!
HA!! I am picturing you on the floor now with a magnifying glass!:laugh:

No Joke CF !:high-five:

THsea and I find nugs all the time around here! We both agree, that we have no idea how they got there. :thumb: Whatever it was it sure cured well!:bravo:
My Sentiments Exactly xlr8, more med issues !
Quiting smoking is very depressing actually, but I have to do it.
Don't think it's a cracked rib, had one those before. Probably just a strain.
I'll take those positive vibes Buddy, Thanks. I hope we both start feeling better my friend.
Found a small nug tonight, where it shouldn't have been. After smoking it, I'm searching for more of it! :thanks:

Hah! I just had a similar experience. I found a small plastic bag with some nugs in it. Funny part is, the wife and I can't remember putting ANY nugs in a small baggie, at least recently. I'm vaping some up now, and it doesn't have a flavor of anything I grew recently... Hmm. I found it in a plastic bin we keep wrapping paper in!? It's pretty harsh, but still packs a punch - pretty dry. I'm thinking it was some nugs I quick dried just prior to or during a harvest last fall maybe?

Who knows, maybe in a moment of complete stoniness I put it there as a pleasant surprise for myself the next time I needed to wrap gifts? I've done stuff like that before - stuck a couple of nugs in an empty medicine bottle and put it in a winter coat pocket (during the summer) as a surprise gift to myself or wife when winter comes around. I'm usually really baked when I have these 'brilliant' ideas... You may have deduced, we don't live in Hawaii! ;)

Congrats on the surprise nug - hope you find more! :thumb:

EDIT - just recognized the nuggets I found from the flavor -- Nirvana K2 (discontinued now, but a great indoor yielder). Yay, I didn't think I'd EVER have more of that. :)
Hah! I just had a similar experience. I found a small plastic bag with some nugs in it. Funny part is, the wife and I can't remember putting ANY nugs in a small baggie, at least recently. I'm vaping some up now, and it doesn't have a flavor of anything I grew recently... Hmm. I found it in a plastic bin we keep wrapping paper in!? It's pretty harsh, but still packs a punch - pretty dry. I'm thinking it was some nugs I quick dried just prior to or during a harvest last fall maybe?

Who knows, maybe in a moment of complete stoniness I put it there as a pleasant surprise for myself the next time I needed to wrap gifts? I've done stuff like that before - stuck a couple of nugs in an empty medicine bottle and put it in a winter coat pocket (during the summer) as a surprise gift to myself or wife when winter comes around. I'm usually really baked when I have these 'brilliant' ideas... You may have deduced, we don't live in Hawaii! ;)

Congrats on the surprise nug - hope you find more! :thumb:

EDIT - just recognized the nuggets I found from the flavor -- Nirvana K2 (discontinued now, but a great indoor yielder). Yay, I didn't think I'd EVER have more of that. :)

Hi Xlr8 :high-five:
I still think were long lost brothers. I do the same thing, hide stiff in clothes all the time. Nice to find them sometimes. Cool on finding K2 !
Friend will be here any minute.....stoned again.....is coming up!
Take care ! :thumb:
Hey OMM and X, you guys have totally inspired me to start shashing nuggs around the house! I really like X's idea of hiding them in the winter clothing, during the summer. Since winter is fast approaching though, I think I'll hide some in my summer shorts pockets!
Hey OMM and X, you guys have totally inspired me to start shashing nuggs around the house! I really like X's idea of hiding them in the winter clothing, during the summer. Since winter is fast approaching though, I think I'll hide some in my summer shorts pockets!

Been doing it for years.......hiding nugs........after you hide them, forget you ever saw them...much better surprise when you find them! As a stoner...you will forget!:circle-of-love:
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