OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Hi My Friend Yep, that's all it is, different objectives. :) Planing my next grow. When the ones I'm growing now finish. I think I'll start a new journal this one's getting kinda long now. Also will take a couple of weeks off, just to rest. It will be what we've talked about, kind of perpetual.

Germing a bunch right now. I just had 4 plants just up an die on me, small 6"
ones, so gonna look for the reason that happened. Bad bag of soil? Don't know. Gonna clean everything with bleach and try again. The mysteries of growing
. :) Hope your clones go well. :grinjoint:

Please keep us updated. There could be a million suspects. Possibly they got in contact with a herbicide some how, like you say, in the soil you purchased somewhere down the line.

It has been fun getting to know you and watch you grow. I always think about Island living when I see your thread come up. I would love to spend a part of my life living there but the move over sounds like a pain in the ass. My buddy lives with an awesome view of Diamond Head and says they were talking about using his house for the TV Show Hawaii 5-0. Anyway, when he had to come back here to work he had to either ship his car over or buy another one. I would have to make a choice like that if I went there.
Aloha OMM! I have a great idea, I'll come live in your shed out back and do all the manual labor for your grows. Well the watering anyhow.

Whatcha think? You'll hardly know I'm there.
Please keep us updated. There could be a million suspects. Possibly they got in contact with a herbicide some how, like you say, in the soil you purchased somewhere down the line.

It has been fun getting to know you and watch you grow. I always think about Island living when I see your thread come up. I would love to spend a part of my life living there but the move over sounds like a pain in the ass. My buddy lives with an awesome view of Diamond Head and says they were talking about using his house for the TV Show Hawaii 5-0. Anyway, when he had to come back here to work he had to either ship his car over or buy another one. I would have to make a choice like that if I went there.

Hi G-Dog :)

The plants/soil/bag of soil all gone! No chances from anything more from that batch. Better safe than sorry! :grinjoint: Bleached the pots too.

It is a pain to move over here, however most people stay once here.
Your friend lives elevated no doubt. That side of the island has great views.
I like it out here in country. That's what the locals call it. Town of 40,000.:)

I've enjoyed meeting you too, my friend! :blunt:
Aloha OMM! I have a great idea, I'll come live in your shed out back and do all the manual labor for your grows. Well the watering anyhow.

Whatcha think? You'll hardly know I'm there.

Hey Blue! :)

If you will carry the water and plants, you have a deal! Come on over! :)
Hi G-Dog :)

The plants/soil/bag of soil all gone! No chances from anything more from that batch. Better safe than sorry! :grinjoint: Bleached the pots too.

It is a pain to move over here, however most people stay once here.
Your friend lives elevated no doubt. That side of the island has great views.
I like it out here in country. That's what the locals call it. Town of 40,000.:)

I've enjoyed meeting you too, my friend! :blunt:

Elevated? As in Above sea level? He lives near the Zoo and Golf Course, very close to Waikiki beach. I guess he just has a fairly unobstructed view of Diamond head and was one of the few in his neighborhood that would put up with the nonsense for a few bucks. Always tells me I have a place to stay in Hawaii, any time. He has been all over the place lately with his work and not so in touch. I read his facebook and stuff and there is no mention of the TV show playing at his house. He really wanted that. Funny thing about this guy... he travel A Lot. I can never get him to hit a joint, but he is a still a totally cool guy. His addictions are booze, high stakes gambling and women. But he told me when he was in Amsterdam he smoked some weed and had a great time. I asked him, "You never smoke with me, but you go there and smoke with strangers." He said, "But it's legal there." That blows me away... This guy's only reason for not smoking with me is because it is illegal in the states. Imagine how many people out there that don't smoke purely because it isn't legal. I know a lady cop in Texas too, and she told me she would smoke pot if it weren't illegal.

Here I go rambling again..
Day 50 of Bloom

Been raining for a few days, including today, as you will see from the plants. My camera is not water proof so.......

Group Shot

Group Shot from the left

One of the Fems

One of the Skunk #1s

A Skunk#1 Bud

Violator Kush

Violator Kush Bud

Another Violator Kush Bud

They all doing good, except the on going war with leaf miners. I still say I'll going to beat those buggers yet! :cheer:
Most impressive. Your garden is taking on a Japanese garden appearance, the neatly defined lined rows of carefully trimmed plants brings much harmony to your backyard Grasshopper:) Whoa am I baked.

Great shots of some great meds. I'd be proud as punch:slide:

Beginning to worry here. 60 days into flower, and only a few cloudy trich's on both plants. I know my CFL's have degraded (4 grows on 'em) over the past 3 years, and thought that was cause for the slow development, but the other plant is under brand new CFL's so that blows that idea. One things for sure, I'm replacing all my old CFL's after this harvest.

Stay mello....LMAO, can you believe we actually smoked banana leaves years ago?

Plants look amazing, as usual. I hope you get those little buggers. They should know the MJ is off limits.... Great job....
wow, couldnt see where i had commented so here goes....those are great plants....really look healthy....im really tired tonight, think i'll go do chores and just pass out.....hope youre enjoying all the goodies...proud of you....did good.....sometimes the seeds just do that, they damp off or rot on the stem somewhere....so do clones....up until the last yr, i had better luck with clones than seeds....but not now....will try to get some pics up tomorrow...
oh, oh, oh, i sent you an email..later, L
Hoo-Hoo... those girls are so hot when they're all wet. Who wouldn't want to live in those leaves?

They are hot when they are wet! Dripping goodness! :grinjoint:

Unfortunately leaf miners love to live in there.:smokin:

Thanks Sisco! :)
Most impressive. Your garden is taking on a Japanese garden appearance, the neatly defined lined rows of carefully trimmed plants brings much harmony to your backyard Grasshopper:) Whoa am I baked.

Great shots of some great meds. I'd be proud as punch:slide:

Beginning to worry here. 60 days into flower, and only a few cloudy trich's on both plants. I know my CFL's have degraded (4 grows on 'em) over the past 3 years, and thought that was cause for the slow development, but the other plant is under brand new CFL's so that blows that idea. One things for sure, I'm replacing all my old CFL's after this harvest.

Stay mello....LMAO, can you believe we actually smoked banana leaves years ago?


Ah So Wise OldSkoool :)
I think going to prep school in my youth and many years in the service have made me a all things must be straight and aligned right, kinda guy. :grinjoint:
You should see my clothes closet!:popcorn:

Baked is good! :tokin:

Sounds like this time your girls are toeing the line. No short cuts, for those girls this time. They are going to finish right. New CFLs ? Why not?
Two days ago one of my neighbors gave me a case of CFLs. All small wattage,
but what the hell? :)

Bananas? How about Cat Nip? :thedoubletake::thedoubletake:
Plants look amazing, as usual. I hope you get those little buggers. They should know the MJ is off limits.... Great job....

Hi sonzor! I bought some stuff yesterday that I am afraid to use, it's has so many warnings on it! :grinjoint: Face mask, gloves and breathing through a shield. If I don't post any more.......you'll know what happened! :smokin:
Excellent journal OMM! I've been following for a while but never posted. Just wanted to congratulate you on your success this time around. Its people like you that inspire us newbies not to falter when we face problems. Thanks for staying true to your journals, and following through with the progress.

Peace be with ya :peace:
wow, couldnt see where i had commented so here goes....those are great plants....really look healthy....im really tired tonight, think i'll go do chores and just pass out.....hope youre enjoying all the goodies...proud of you....did good.....sometimes the seeds just do that, they damp off or rot on the stem somewhere....so do clones....up until the last yr, i had better luck with clones than seeds....but not now....will try to get some pics up tomorrow...
oh, oh, oh, i sent you an email..later, L

Hi Lady Lavendar! :)
That's for the compliments and good words. :)
I do hope you can get some sleep, sure would help you. With all the crazy weather you had this year it had to effect your clones. At least you do have seeds.
I'll be looking for the pictures.....no hurry. Got the email! :)
Excellent journal OMM! I've been following for a while but never posted. Just wanted to congratulate you on your success this time around. Its people like you that inspire us newbies not to falter when we face problems. Thanks for staying true to your journals, and following through with the progress.

Peace be with ya :peace:

Hello dank86! Welcome to the grow! Thank you very much. I try to keep it simple and explain thing as I go. I was new only last year and remember what it was like. I love to encourage people to try it for themselves. Thanks again, my new Friend! :cheer:
Just out cruising brother, sleep seems not to be my friend tonight, but I have been napping on an off all day so no wonder. When my allergies get this bad, I have NO energy...and on a completely different note...I re-potted my Cheese in Bloom tonight...she is so happy to be under the new light...she got the last of my soil mix. I finally am at feel ok stage...so I might be a bit here and there...will try not to...:slide:

You know the craziest thing brother, Babs still refuses to show sign...every time she puts out a node below a top it turns into a new branch....she devours lower foliage...she completely deprives her lower foliage of light and then eats it....gobble. I am confident that she is a she but I have been known to be wrong...She smells really good, like some older pot I smoked a long time ago...can't place it though. Will know more later.

OR maybe it is this Cheese hash on Super Lemon Haze...:tokin:

Your harvest photo's were great brother and your new girls are really getting looking great. :cheer: I didn't realize how mature they were already, after them especially you should be in supplies for a good long time! The quality looks fabulous, true Hawaiian kind bud.

How far along are your new babies? You still have several seasons to take advantage of!!! J/K Brother, you take it at whatever pace doesn't make you feel bad...:ganjamon: This is suppose to be fun too!
I tried the battery on my scale and no go, it is borked...:smokin: I will go mechanical next time...buy smart, buy once, but since I am not quite that bright buy twice (maybe three times, you just never know)....:)

:peace: and much Aloha OMM.
Elevated? As in Above sea level? He lives near the Zoo and Golf Course, very close to Waikiki beach. I guess he just has a fairly unobstructed view of Diamond head and was one of the few in his neighborhood that would put up with the nonsense for a few bucks. Always tells me I have a place to stay in Hawaii, any time. He has been all over the place lately with his work and not so in touch. I read his facebook and stuff and there is no mention of the TV show playing at his house. He really wanted that. Funny thing about this guy... he travel A Lot. I can never get him to hit a joint, but he is a still a totally cool guy. His addictions are booze, high stakes gambling and women. But he told me when he was in Amsterdam he smoked some weed and had a great time. I asked him, "You never smoke with me, but you go there and smoke with strangers." He said, "But it's legal there." That blows me away... This guy's only reason for not smoking with me is because it is illegal in the states. Imagine how many people out there that don't smoke purely because it isn't legal. I know a lady cop in Texas too, and she told me she would smoke pot if it weren't illegal.

Here I go rambling again..

G-Dog my apologies to you I missed this post some how.....stoned is how. :) Your friend is having a ball it sounds like. Yep, above sea level, as in High Rise or on the side of a mountain.
There are great views if you like looking at the city and beaches. Hell, you know that, I don't have to tell you! :)
So your friend likes the High Life. Any one of those could do him in. :laughtwo:
What a rush, he does all that an won't smoke a joint? Logic is screwed up there somewhere. :smokin:

I did give it up for a few years when I made enough rank in the Army to take it seriously and a retirement forever. Glad I did, all the medical problems I've had, I would be in debt forever. Come to think of it, I am any way! :rofl:

Maybe that's why we have allot of Old Timers on here.....they all waited until
they retired before smoking. :blunt:
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