Omega Garden's Volksgarden Rotary Garden

WheeloFortune- From what i have read i think i am going with the 1- 600 MH and 1 600 HPS.

I seen those Enhanced Hortilux bulbs- but don't think at this time i need those as for what i am trying to do for my first set up. I might try those later on just to see the differences they provide.

Being they are Enhanced would it still be a good idea to do both MH and HPS at he same time?

Sorry i know this is off topic, but has anyone tried those seeds from this advertisment 100 seeds and the 50 seeds? Are they safe, secure, quality good?

i guess its personal opinion,

personally, i would use one of each, MH & HPS.

I think i would change to two hps's (if you have quantums this is super easy) after 4 weeks. the stretching would be done by then and the plants will be focusing on flower production only. I read that a lot of pro's like to use MH/HPS combo throughout the entire flower.

I leave that last part for you to decide, but i would suggest mixing for at least the first 4 weeks of flower.

hope that helps.
WheeloFortune- Thank You for awnsering my questions.

I do have 2 600watt Quantum Dimmables coming, and i did end up yesterday buying a 600HPS Enhanced Hortilux. I couldn't find a 600watt MH Enhanced. Do you know if they make the Enhanced MH?

Do you know the reason for the Pro's using the MH/HPS throughout the whole flower stage?

I think i will stay with 2 HPS during the flowering stage, but i am curious to why they still use both spectrums for flowering?
IMO, the reason for using both is to enhance the spectrum as much as possible. I don't belive there is an enhanced spectrum MH, being as it's primary use is vegetation light. The only thing that makes anybody a "pro" at anything, is being paid for doing it, not necessarily even well. There are many techniques used successfully by many different growers in varieties of environments. You have to find what works best for you. Learn the basics, read a book on hydroponics, don't jump into it blind. Otherwise you may spend lot's of money with little to no success whilst building frustration galore. READ, READ, READ, I read five books on marijuana horticulture by different authors. I found they all had the basic principles the same, just different techniques. It really depends on what your goals are as to how you will go about doing things. How much time you have, and how much energy you can devote to maintenance. Best of luck.
Hi CanbisMxmus- I see, Thanks for the info. I have read many hydro books and watched a couple of dvd's one guy put out. They were very helpfull though i am finding this group to be more helpfull in my way of learning as the questions i have asked the awnsers are coming streight forward.

When i first started growing i did indeed do it blind, luckily as my family calls it i have a green thumb and so far i have done well but oviously have made quite a few mistakes. I am now just starting to truly understand different bulbs, ballast, techniques ect.

I truly Appreciate everyone that is awnsering my questions and helping me.
I guess you could use MH for the first week then rest HPS but everyone i seen even in other sites usaly go just hps... Sorry been gone for a while hmmm had some problems wont be able to post much but here soon i should be able to agin:(
i agree enhanced bulbs are the way to go if you are growing with only one light.

im not sure if its so important if you're mixing.

the enhanced bulbs, for example a 400w HPS bulb, is actually like 430 or 440 watts, with an extra 30-40 filament that puts out more blue.

mh bulbs put out lots of blue anyways so the extra 40w isn't super important compared to the 400 watts of mh spectrum. imo.

i think enhanced bulbs are extremely useful if you can only run one bulb. I have a hortilux hps in my wheel right now, but i am still supplementing with some floro because why not?





This is the end of week 7. about one more week to go.

So a word of caution about the bloombastic. While i like the
results it can overload the girls on P. (I heard reports of this
from other growers too. You can learn a lot chatting at the local
hydro store). So the next time I will use one third of the tiny
bottle each rez change instead of half the bottle. The results are
some of the leaves being yellowed a little early.

However, the plants are getting huge. This strain can really pack
on the weight, and I am finally seeing more resin production. I
can't stress how valuable ChaChing is!

For this week I gave them a very light CNS dose, with a lot of
molases and strong ChaChing.

The MVTF is getting huge too. This harvest will break the 2 elbow
mark, I am fairly certain. woo hoo!

MAxx what seed bank is ur mazar from? ive got to order some Thanks !!!

I don't know what seed bank this strain came from, I know I got it
as a clone at a club for ten bux. I turned it into a mom and
presto changeo 50 babies were born.

A little something about this strain - at first I wrote it off as a
mediocre cash crop. Now I have to upgrade my opinion. This flower
is looking great. Hard, crystal covered, and really large. These
plants are big and dense. And they grow great for this wheel.
They stay short and get fat, and the lower buds are looking nice as
well, very little scraggle. I also think OG would be a really good
cross with this strain. It already smells like lemon, so you won't
lose the OG smell, like with many other OG crosses and I like the
short height and the 8 week finishing time. If you grow out
enough seeds you could get a short, faster OG that yields heavy.
Just a thought.

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