Pineapple Chunk - 45W CFL Grow - 400W Flower

Damn it. PC has something weird going on with her leaves. I'll post a pic shortly. Maybe someone can help me. Please don't let it be Mites. Hopefully just a deficiency.
Oh SHIT. Devastated. Doesn't look good.



Anyone got any idea what I should do?
Another 3 leaves. So hard to see. Trying to get a magnified picture but bit hard.



Just seem to have appeared in three days that I've noticed but it's everywhere.
Do I rip it out and start again? Are all my other plants going to be screwed? Do I do a complete defol and then spray her? Feel like taking a flame thrower to it right now! .
Looks like mites to me mate, should be early enough in flower to treat her, id remove as much of the damaged leaf as possible and give it a good spray, both sides of the leaves with a good mite treatment, wouldn't hurt to give the other plants a hit in the other tents to stop any other breakouts ;)
The way I got rid of my mites after two years of war was with a product called Mite-rid. Totally eradicated them. I had to order it all the way from Australia though..:)
That sucks, spider mites are the worst and A Bit*h to get rid of. I would almost say get rid of it and start over. I battled them for 2 months my 2nd grow with Neem Oil. Rubbing alcohol water. No pest strips but all any of them did was slow them down. I was in there like everyday wiping down leaves for hours it seemed like just to go back the next day and find more aghhhh.
Thanks guys. Yeah it's going to be near impossible to spray all the leaves. I stripped off a tonne today but it's nearly futile. More worried about the future grows. I'll take a look tomorrow again but think it's going to be a hard battle. Was starting to look good too. Really bummed me out today when i noticed it.
With a systemic pesticide like MR (which is derived from neem) you don't need to spray all the leaves- just hit most of them and the plant will absorb it and become toxic to the bugs.
5 weeks 12/12. Will get a mass defol and cleanup tonight and hit her with neem oil and see if I can save something. Hasn't affected any other plants yet but they will get a spray too i think. See what happens over the next few weeks.
Won't be much left of her after I start chopping out. I can see exactly where it started now down the front corner. All that will have to go. Going to be brutal.
Yeah even if I can just keep some of those top buds it's better than nothing. I have an idea they probably came from soil I used. I am banning soil from my cupboard from now on. Even think i will chop all the soil seedlings up into clones in rockwool and ditch the pots as a precaution. Didn't really need a major delay in my grow again but chin up and forward I go.
TBH I don't understand the pessimism or all the chopping. I mean I understand the worry- because mites suck- but they are solvable- just took me a long time to find the right cure. I would spray with a systemic, repeat in two or three weeks, and that should take care of it as long as you're not getting reinfested from outside sources.
Maybe I'm just freaking out Weasel but I've seen what they can do on friends grow once. I'm a bit remote so getting sprays is a bit hard for me. I will see what I can find locally for now and will see if I can order some of that mite-rid online. Thanks.
The neem will keep them under control if you keep reapplying, while you wait for some MR or something similar. It took me months to get here from Australia so should be a little faster for you.
Yeah don't freak out. Actually mites are pretty easy to keep a lid on so they don't do serious damage. Almost any kind of spray will do that- dish soap and water- whatever- probably even plain water. But the goal if possible is to get rid of them completely because it sucks having them around. For that you need a systemic. It's totally solvable. Good luck. :thumb:
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