Please help young plants leaves drooping


New Member
Can someone help me here with my first grow auto bomb, my plants sprouted 3 days ago they have been under light for 2 days now using x2 cfl 45w but the leafs are starting to droop is this normal? I haven't added any more water to the rockwool still damp on the bottom



Re: Please help young plants leafs drooping

:welcome: skunkpunk!
How close are your lights to your seedlings and what light schedule do you have them on? Are they on 24 hours or off at any point?
Also, it looks like roots scattered around the seedlings?...if those are roots were they at the top? Damaged root systems can become a problem. I can't really tell for sure if that's what it is, but they look to have been partially dug up.
And what kind of water are you using? Is it ph adjusted?
CFL's can be quite close to plants, I use them within a couple of inches on seedlings now.
It looks like there is plenty of moisture there, but I am not sure what's going on with those scattered root pieces?
A little more info and we can try to get you fixed right up! :thumb:
Re: Please help young plants leafs drooping

I have to agree with Canna.... What is all the little root looking things? Your stem looks very healthy to me but I am just not sure of the medium around it. Not to be redundant but need to know what light you are using and are you using tap water and if so have you checked the ph? If all things are being done I would repot in good soil and go from there but I'm sure you will get much better growers than I am passing thru giving you tried and tested advice.....:goodluck:
Re: Please help young plants leafs drooping

:welcome: skunkpunk!
How close are your lights to your seedlings and what light schedule do you have them on? Are they on 24 hours or off at any point?
Also, it looks like roots scattered around the seedlings?...if those are roots were they at the top? Damaged root systems can become a problem. I can't really tell for sure if that's what it is.
And what kind of water are you using? Is it ph adjusted?
CFL's can be quite close to plants, I use them within a couple of inches on seedlings now.
It looks like there is plenty of moisture there, but I am not sure what's going on with those scattered root pieces?
A little more info and we can try to get you fixed right up! :thumb:

Hi cannafan thank you for your help, there not scattered roots I used canna coco to fill the hole on the rockwool so I think it's just that, my lights are about 8" from the plants on a 18/6 schedule I used mineral water soaked for 24 hours at a ph of 6.2 before seeding just dipped the rockwool cubes in mineral water at 6.1 ph tonight for 3 seconds as I though it could be that,

Is mineral water ok to use? I've adjusted the cfl to around 3" of the plant now, room temperature is 22c small fan blowing air in and a 6" oscillating fan circulating air

Thank again!
Re: Please help young plants leafs drooping

Hmmmm. I don't think that is roots, just fibers from the rockwool. More information about the holes in the cubes would be usefull. It looks like maybe you hollowed out a hole in the cube and there is something else in there too? I'm not familiar with rockwool. We need a rockwool guru, damit!

Both overwatering and underwatering can cause the droop, for sure, but due to my lack of experience with the medium I can't offer any sound advice.
Re: Please help young plants leafs drooping

LOL! You answered one of my questions while I was writing my last post. I would avoid mineral water on a baby. Hard water is not a good thing. Reverse Osmosis water readily available at the store would be a better choice. At this early stage, the babies don't need anything "extra" besides water at a reasonable pH.
Okay, whew! I thought the roots had been dug up. LOL
I don't think they look bad, but they do have a little droop going on. I like how they didn't stretch too much.

I'm not really sure on the mineral water, I have never used it. I'll check around a bit and see what reports are on that. Someone will probably pop in during the meantime.
Did they start to droop right after doing the dipping in the mineral water?
Thanks guys

They started drooping today before watering I've noticed the stem has gone a darked red/brown colour yesterday it was very light coloured is this normal? Maybe just this strain I'm not sure

Yeah, I saw that. I'm not familiar with growing in coco or rockwool. I just grow in dirt :) I think that the advice about not using mineral water is probably good, but I've never seen this technique before. I assume that skunkpunk saw this somewhere and decided to go with it. It's a unique method but commenting on it is dangerous for those not familiar with it.
Re: Please help young plants leafs drooping

I have to agree with Canna.... What is all the little root looking things? Your stem looks very healthy to me but I am just not sure of the medium around it. Not to be redundant but need to know what light you are using and are you using tap water and if so have you checked the ph? If all things are being done I would repot in good soil and go from there but I'm sure you will get much better growers than I am passing thru giving you tried and tested advice.....:goodluck:

Missed this thanks Dennise
Thanks guys

They started drooping today before watering I've noticed the stem has gone a darked red/brown colour yesterday it was very light coloured is this normal? Maybe just this strain I'm not sure

Okay, I'm not familiar with the medium either. Hopefully someone will pop in that uses coco and offer some insight.
If they were drooping before you dipped the rockwool, then maybe give them some time to perk back up. At least overnight and see how they are tomorrow.
Yeah, I saw that. I'm not familiar with growing in coco or rockwool. I just grow in dirt :) I think that the advice about not using mineral water is probably good, but I've never seen this technique before. I assume that skunkpunk saw this somewhere and decided to go with it. It's a unique method but commenting on it is dangerous for those not familiar with it.

Thanks so Il dry them out for a few days and try tap water
I hope things go well for you skunk! I'm of the opinion, after reading a bazillion journals by new growers, that the best bet on a first outing is to grow in a good soil. Help and advice are readily available. It is more forgiving than hydro, coco, hempy, etc. Grow in soil first and then ramp up to more complex and innovative techniques later. I'm trying to remember who has a rockwool grow going. There is a nice thread and the grower has crazy roots going out the bottom of the cubes. It's cool! I'll see if I can find the journal and ask the grower to pop in here.
I hope things go well for you skunk! I'm of the opinion, after reading a bazillion journals by new growers, that the best bet on a first outing is to grow in a good soil. Help and advice are readily available. It is more forgiving than hydro, coco, hempy, etc. Grow in soil first and then ramp up to more complex and innovative techniques later. I'm trying to remember who has a rockwool grow going. There is a nice thread and the grower has crazy roots going out the bottom of the cubes. It's cool! I'll see if I can find the journal and ask the grower to pop in here.

Thanks a bunch peejay my first play about grow in a 20" high area I fryed my plants using a 600w sun master lol
Glad to help. The grower is Backpackin'420. I left a note in his current grow and a link to this. If you want to check out what he does, here is a link to his ( I think ) first rockwool grow.

Backpackin's Cherry Pie (Yummy) 2nd Grow!
One more Q for ya skunkpunk,
what are the temps and humidity levels in the grow area? Just to have that out there for thought. :)

Oops, cancel on the room temp. I see you posted that and it is in a decent range.

Hmm not sure on the humidity one, The temp did get up to 26c hence me fitting two laptop fans bringing it down to 22c grow area is 4ft high closet grow with the ability to adjust height to 6ft if needed 28" long 24" wide apparently these auto bomb plants grow between 30 and 85cm

Hmm not sure on the humidity one, The temp did get up to 26c hence me fitting two laptop fans bringing it down to 22c grow area is 4ft high closet grow with the ability to adjust height to 6ft if needed 28" long 24" wide apparently these auto bomb plants grow between 30 and 85cm

Okay, you should pick up a temp/RH combo unit when it's convenient or just something to check humidity. They are fairly inexpensive at Lowes and wally world or you can find one at your local hydro store. You will need to watch that Relative Humidity during the grow.
Sorry to read about your misfortune on the previous plants! I would have been sick.
And I see Peejay found someone that may be able to help on the rockwool/coco question. YEY!
Also, Skunk, the best way to get help on this site is to start a grow journal in the journals in progress forum. The bulk of the traffic on this site takes place there and more people will see and respond to your questions. There is a sticky at the top of the page "how to start a grow journal" that will tell you what information to include when you start it. Here is a link:

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