Please help young plants leaves drooping

Hi, those are the same cubes that I use in an NFT hydro tank, I would check they are not draining too quickly too. If you are not intending them for hydro I would consider replanting in soil, it can be very forgiving.

Replanting may be bad advice as there is a grave risk of finishing the poor thing off, others may chime in? Good move lowering the light, do you mean Mineral water as in Bottled drinking water? If so, you will have caused them absolutely no harm, it is far healthier than some tap

All the best :thumb:
Hi, those are the same cubes that I use in an NFT hydro tank, I would check they are not draining too quickly too. If you are not intending them for hydro I would consider replanting in soil, it can be very forgiving.

Replanting may be bad advice as there is a grave risk of finishing the poor thing off, others may chime in? Good move lowering the light, do you mean Mineral water as in Bottled drinking water? If so, you will have caused them absolutely no harm, it is far healthier than some tap

All the best :thumb:

Thanks for the advice and yes bottled mineral drinking water I did have these cubes in a propagator for 24 hours after planted the seed I couldn't believe how fast they cracked from seed to poking out the coco 12 hours! Literally from planting the germinated seed it sprouted in 12 hours so I toke them out and put them under the light after 24 hours,

I really hope I don't have to replant I'm planning on just planting the rockwool cube in Cana coco once there's roots coming from the bottom.
Thanks for the advice and yes bottled mineral drinking water I did have these cubes in a propagator for 24 hours after planted the seed I couldn't believe how fast they cracked from seed to poking out the coco 12 hours! Literally from planting the germinated seed it sprouted in 12 hours so I toke them out and put them under the light after 24 hours,

I really hope I don't have to replant I'm planning on just planting the rockwool cube in Cana coco once there's roots coming from the bottom.

Is it possible to stand the cube on an up turned saucer? It would drain freely avoiding standing in water, then soak the cube (water from above) thoroughly every day, or as often as you would water the coco? I am sure they will be OK without transplanting!
I have them standing on an upside down ice cube maker tray will this be allow good drainage? Also when I dipped them in mineral water earlier today I only dipped the bottom half 3 seconds each cube, So water from above in future ok thanks ajagunle
I have them standing on an upside down ice cube maker tray will this be allow good drainage? Also when I dipped them in mineral water earlier today I only dipped the bottom half 3 seconds each cube, So water from above in future ok thanks ajagunle
Water slowly from the top, moving the pourer all over the top of the cube until you get a little run off
Found my problem! Embarrassingly checked the calibration of my ph meter and it's out by 2.0! So me thinking my ph was 6.1 was actually 4.1 will my plants be ok? Will I be best to flush in out with some ph 6.1-6.2 water?

Thanks again!
Do not use mineral water for plants, mineral water contains too much sodium that is toxic to plants. I recommend you place your Compact Florescent Lights 5-6 inches from your plants with a 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness lighting schedule. Flush your plants with pH 5.8 adjusted water. You want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.
Found my problem! Embarrassingly checked the calibration of my ph meter and it's out by 2.0! So me thinking my ph was 6.1 was actually 4.1 will my plants be ok? Will I be best to flush in out with some ph 6.1-6.2 water?

Thanks again!
That's great that you found your problem with PH! And I'm happy to see KingJohnC has given an answer on using mineral water. Now I know too!
You will be fine, and your plants will be fine. These plants can take a lot of temporary problems, so you have plenty of time to correct any issues.
Skunk my man I am sorry I am late to the party. Planned on trying to get to you yesterday, but had some stuff come up. I grow in rockwool cubes and I will give ya the lowdown on how I do it.

I fill my bathtub with water and PH the bathtub water to 5.5. I soak my RW cubes for 30 minutes or so while checking the PH of the bathtub water. If you are using a smaller amount of RW cubes a bucket will work fine. I start my seeds in the mini rockwool blocks and then once they sprout I plug them into the bigger blocks. Stays clean this way way. From the look of your pictures your seedlings look fine from what I can tell. They look just like mine do. When I am working with my seedlings I just use regular old tap water until they get bigger when I start using nutrients w/ RO water. Make sure your tap water is acceptable mine runs around 140-200ppm. thoe Make sure that your water is in the 5.5-5.8 range PH wise for optimal conditions if your doing drain to waste. If you hook these up to a table and rez while you are vegging them out the rez ph can swing up a bit to around 6.2.

Rockwool has a high starting PH caused by lime that is why we have to soak it with a 5.5 solution to help stabilize it and clean it out.

After my big RW cubes have soaked for 30 minutes and let them drain off really well. I transplant my seedling into the big rockwool cube and hold off on watering it for 3 to 4 days or so. These rockwool cubes hold a ton of water and you will have no worries with them drying out with a plant that small. This allows the plants roots to grow down into the cube The good thing about Rockwool is that you can never really over water because when the cube drains the water out it sucks air in and it looks like you got the drainage part covered.

After the 3 or 4 day wait I I start watering my cubes w/ a once a day flood for 30 minutes. If you are hand watering that is fine and you could even water every 3 days or so while they are young. Just check the weight of the cube. A cube full of water will be really heavy compared to a light one. and just water when it feels lighter, but make sure the cube does not dry out.

Once you have a bunch of healthy roots popping out the bottom of your cube you can transplant that rockwool cube into coco easily just make sure that you take the plastic off and it is ready to go.

If you have any other questions I would be glad to help as I am sure I forgot something along the way.

Keep up the good work and I agree that you should make a journal so we can follow along!!
Thanks for the fantastic advice backpackin420 some really helpfull tips there I could use, But before I ask this is day 5 under the lights for my auto bombs bearing in mind these plants are supposed to be ready to harvest after 65 days from seed

Today after flushing the rockwool with tap ph 5.8 water (my tap water was 6.9 from the tap I added ph down to get the 5.8 reading)




Room temp 24 c leaves seem to be curling under now :(
Skunk, I would give those seeds another week or so before I started to worry, If the rockwool is heavy i.e. full of water just wait a few days before watering again to allow the rockwool to dry out a bit (Dont completely dry). Seedlings start off pretty slow because their main priority right now is growing roots. In another week or so you will see some growth and everything will even out. They might be kind of droopy if there is an overabundance of water in the rockwool because they are so small.

You do not want to put the seedlings under domes just leave them the way they are right now. Once thoes seedlings have established a good root system you will be amazed at how fast the plant can grow. My plants that I have right now in veg have almost tripled in size in a week 1/2, but took a couple of weeks while seedlings before I really saw any fast growth.

Hold the water for a couple of days until the cubes get light then water again and repeat this process. What nutrients are you planning on using?
Ok great thanks Il hold off on the humidity dome idea, Guess I just needed reassuring :thumb:

Cana A+B and Cana boost
Which was one of my main questions about nutes I'm using a 5 litre water container how much a+b do I add to 5 litres? And at what stage? I've heard 1 or 2 horror stories about to much nutrients I was going to add

20ml Cana A
20ml Cana B
And 10ml boost to 5 litres of 5.8 ph tap water does this sound a good amount?
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