ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

Let's play Guess Which One Is Heavy G!
Told you monster in the near future! Her name is holding true. HEAVY G!

By the way she’s probably the biggest one of the lot bottom :slide::rofl::slide:right! :rofl:
Yep you win! AngryBird has your prize, I don't know what it is. however, the northern lights is catching up! She looks real healthy too :surf:
I don't know why I did the surfing emoji there Dutch but I did and it shall remain unedited!! Now. We move on to the gang. Firstly all are well. There's been nothing of any concern happen over the last 24 hours. They all look very healthy and I'm putting that down to Angrybirds.....powers, oh and Dutch's skunky love wafting. They won't need any feed for a while but I will be topping up their pots with extra soil which will give them some more food and room for those roots to grow. Well here is the gang and what they look like now. Happy growing all :)
Hey 420! The nutes have arrived today, yay. I bought a try pack to see how far through the grow I could get before having to purchase more. The fish mix will certainly last the entire grow. Well, they're growing fast now. By the end of this I think that there'll be a few surprises. Happy growing all :)
Hey 420! The girls are doing great. So far I've just watered them with tap water and watch them do their thing. I've not been adjusting the PH because apparently the micro-organisms do it for you. Plus I don't have any organic ph adjusters. Purple Chem and Double Stuffed Sorbet have both decided to get a bit of a lean on. At first they looked like they were top heavy then I saw that they had actually grow as if the light was across from them instead of above them so I've put them in the middle under the light and not at the sides. I think I'll put the other light in because they're pretty cheap and I don't trust them lol. I may give them a (very) light feed soon because the pots are small and I intend to keep the ladies in them for at least another 4 weeks. If need be I can put them in their final pot earlier but I'd rather not. The reason for this is because I want them to be in fresh soil for the beginning of the flowering stretch. Well hope you're all doing great and tripping the life fantastic! Loves you all! :)
Hey 420! The nutes have arrived today, yay. I bought a try pack to see how far through the grow I could get before having to purchase more. The fish mix will certainly last the entire grow. Well, they're growing fast now. By the end of this I think that there'll be a few surprises. Happy growing all :)
I wanna see how those nutes work out. is your schedule similar to theirs?
I wanna see how those nutes work out. is your schedule similar to theirs?
Almost. There is a lot of talk about wether you should add nutes to every feed or not. Biobizz say to water every time with nutes but I do every other or only once a week. If my pots dry out during the week I'll water them with plain water then with nutrients on the weekend. It not an exact science though :)
Party with the cool kids! Alright! Definitely alot of soaking up to do, I'll headbang myself in with a little Metallica if that's ok. :goodluck:
Lol, indeed it is. I'm imagining "Sad but true" but I'm wondering which song it actually is? Welcome my friend :)

Loooool, hidden in the sofa.. Full of drool here though.... Dutchman1990, jeeeezzzz your dog knows how to drooooool...
She’s a drool monster but a cuddly bear! Her light and subtle frame of 120lbs keeps you warm and cozy when she’s all snuggled in lol !

Almost. There is a lot of talk about wether you should add nutes to every feed or not. Biobizz say to water every time with nutes but I do every other or only once a week. If my pots dry out during the week I'll water them with plain water then with nutrients on the weekend. It not an exact science though :)

Hey prof! Have you tried the FFFW method? Some people feed 3 times then water on the 4th.

I feed everytime in promix hp and haven’t run into any problems, if they aren’t getting any nute burn feed them girls !
No, Dutch's choice is just ugly ;)
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