Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

The one jar is definitely rhizopus @Blazinjones , a pinning mold, and more than likely Black mold aka aspergillus. Please dump all those outside and DO not open them. Clean your jars and leave them in the sun to dry and kill off anything remaining.

Oyster Prints are white or sometimes off white with a greyish hue. I'm not sure why you went backwards to BRF, but we make choices and we live with them.

I would stick with oats, or Popcorn is pretty easy as well, I finally finished up my WBS so I'm moving on. I like the small seeds for inoculation points, but they get everywhere and are messy. I like millet, but seeds are too small IMO, I would prefer Red Sorghum, but it's expensive, OATS it is for 15 bucks for 50 lbs.

Yea i was jus trying different methods seeing what works best for me i do got the oats incase nuthn else worked out lol but yea i like the popcorn way it was pretty easy for me n i dont over boil them like i was doing with the oats lol. No matter what i was doing the oats wud always mash up n get tons of moisture in the jars an i jus cudnt get them to work idk what the deal was but like only 2 out of 10 jars wud ever be gud n i jus got tired of having to dump 30 40 lbs of the grains cuz only a few jars ended up good but the corn way went ok i jus have to fine tune a few things an ill prolly jus stick with the corn.
Yea i was jus trying different methods seeing what works best for me i do got the oats incase nuthn else worked out lol but yea i like the popcorn way it was pretty easy for me n i dont over boil them like i was doing with the oats lol. No matter what i was doing the oats wud always mash up n get tons of moisture in the jars an i jus cudnt get them to work idk what the deal was but like only 2 out of 10 jars wud ever be gud n i jus got tired of having to dump 30 40 lbs of the grains cuz only a few jars ended up good but the corn way went ok i jus have to fine tune a few things an ill prolly jus stick with the corn.

The jars you were or are using look to be half gallon(in size), you want quart jars, or bigger jars have to be put on a slant. they can go anaerobic in the center and don't off gas well. I would stick with quart jars, bigger jars aren't faster and more likely to contaminate on you. Try to find popcorn in bulk(if that's what you decide), I've seen it for under 25 buck a pound, but shipping that is heavy. If you can find bulk locally that would be the ticket.
The jars you were or are using look to be half gallon(in size), you want quart jars, or bigger jars have to be put on a slant. they can go anaerobic in the center and don't off gas well. I would stick with quart jars, bigger jars aren't faster and more likely to contaminate on you. Try to find popcorn in bulk(if that's what you decide), I've seen it for under 25 buck a pound, but shipping that is heavy. If you can find bulk locally that would be the ticket.

Ok ill try tht thanx man.

Ok so what shud i do to fruit this again. Do i do the same thing like the monotub where i jus soaked the block for like 2 to 3 hours or sumthn like tht then dained n fanned for awhile. Or is there sumthn else i need to do since its an oyster strain?

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It should start the second flush in a week, just leave it in the tub and let it rest for a few days. Don't let it dry out, but it won't need to be misted and fanned as much while resting as they need in full fruiting(I would exchange the air twice a day) I do this with Mono's, let them rest 3 or 4 days in between flushes(do nothing) and start the misting all over again. Your Oyster fruits were nice size, you were doing something right... Nice Job.

EDIT* Previous Post: Under $25 for 50 lbs of Popcorn(shipping is the concern)
Oh hey about the oyster block when u say i shud let it sit shud it be in the dark or shud i leave the lights on the 12/12 schedule still?
Brother... if you can grow oysters..... which require a ton of fresh air, you can easily grow Lions Mane, they aren't picky on Air exchange and love the humidity. I had baby quarter size pins in 2 days throwin' the blocks in the FC. They are a FAST fruiting strain once colonized, in my experience, slow start on bird seed, there not a fan of it, but it still works just takes longer(spawn to sawdust they kill it). All other strains I have growing had or have no issues with WBS(Blue Oyster LC showed growth in less than a day).

I just mean to leave it on 12/12 cycle and don't do much to it while it's re-energizing. More fruits will pop out of the cuts you already have in the bag. You should be GTG.
Nice oysters blazin.. I read to keep 12/12 lighting for all steps of growing mushies... just as they would have in their normal environment.. the sun doesn't stop shining when the mushrooms need a reset after a flush in the wild right? Makes sense to me.

Well my 2nd mono of Golden Teachers had a nice flush of a bunch of little buddies and is now starting to pin again. Neat I got two little totes out of 1 syringe. You guys know what the wart things are on top of some of the mushies? Maybe not enough air flow at first? I did have the polyfil packed too tight for that many mushrooms growing, they needed more FAE I think.

Had another nice wake up this morning and now the Escondido are going wild. That's a bigger tote just full of those suckers. Some decent canopies for a first timer it seems.. I'm really enjoying this. I have so many mushies I have no idea what the hell im going to do with all these lmao! May go to Walmart to see if I can find a decent dehydrator.

That last pic of the weird GT.. the top was growing back into the substrate haha!

Nice oysters blazin.. I read to keep 12/12 lighting for all steps of growing mushies... just as they would have in their normal environment.. the sun doesn't stop shining when the mushrooms need a reset after a flush in the wild right? Makes sense to me.

Well my 2nd mono of Golden Teachers had a nice flush of a bunch of little buddies and is now starting to pin again. Neat I got two little totes out of 1 syringe. You guys know what the wart things are on top of some of the mushies? Maybe not enough air flow at first? I did have the polyfil packed too tight for that many mushrooms growing, they needed more FAE I think.

Had another nice wake up this morning and now the Escondido are going wild. That's a bigger tote just full of those suckers. Some decent canopies for a first timer it seems.. I'm really enjoying this. I have so many mushies I have no idea what the hell im going to do with all these lmao! May go to Walmart to see if I can find a decent dehydrator.

That last pic of the weird GT.. the top was growing back into the substrate haha!

Looking good there Sir... your Pinsets are coming along for a MS shootout. The warts or mutations happen, you will see all kinds of weirdness the more you grow. It almost looks like in one of the pictures(last) a PIN is trying to form from the top of the Cap. I don't think I've seen that before, pretty cool looking. I would say your FAE looks pretty good, it's definitely not too much or caps crack or split, not enough and the fuzzy feet will climb up the stem further. I've also noticed if your early pins or early fruits stems are orangish, too wet of conditions. We all have different environments to dial in(part of the fun for me), but Mono's DO what they DO(adding misting and fanning really helps the initial Pinset). Now that it's Winter and humidity isn't so dry here, I would barely mist, and probably not much for the first flush. Unusually dry fall here and I feel like the moisture content could of been better initially(Coco/Verm). Tough to say, but I'm not against exchanging the air twice a day and misting once when the light comes on. Doesn't require enough time to add up to anything really. I like to look at them for a minute anyway(instead of through a foggy lid or side of the tub), a Win Win. Beautiful fruits, and I can tell you are going to be like me, WAY too much fun for One person. :rofl:
He's a cool fella.. nice and fat, I get the name lol. Thanks guys I really appreciate your kind words.. definitely too much for one person if I want to keep my sanity lol. I didnt realize I could get so much with just a few totes but so happy and grateful to have done so. Awesome advice Johnnie, you and Phantom have helped me to do so well. :high-five:

Those warts were definitely pins though.. I remember there was one that had a cap starting to form when I harvested them. Just wasn't sure if it was something I did to make it happen. Mushieception! Super crazy stuff love it.:love:
Nice oysters blazin.. I read to keep 12/12 lighting for all steps of growing mushies... just as they would have in their normal environment.. the sun doesn't stop shining when the mushrooms need a reset after a flush in the wild right? Makes sense to me.

Well my 2nd mono of Golden Teachers had a nice flush of a bunch of little buddies and is now starting to pin again. Neat I got two little totes out of 1 syringe. You guys know what the wart things are on top of some of the mushies? Maybe not enough air flow at first? I did have the polyfil packed too tight for that many mushrooms growing, they needed more FAE I think.

Had another nice wake up this morning and now the Escondido are going wild. That's a bigger tote just full of those suckers. Some decent canopies for a first timer it seems.. I'm really enjoying this. I have so many mushies I have no idea what the hell im going to do with all these lmao! May go to Walmart to see if I can find a decent dehydrator.

That last pic of the weird GT.. the top was growing back into the substrate haha!

Dam brother tht looks great. Im guna be getting some popcorn ready to jar up so hopefully i can inoculate acouple jars 2nite n then figured id give the grains another shot since i got both lol. 50lbs of oat grains and 4 to 6 lbs of popcorn an a few quart jars so hopefully i can get tht all to work out lol. I cant wait for some of the jars i already got of my Golden Teacher spores i did a few agar to brf an agar to poppingcorn of the G-T. An if i can get them to even look close to tht tub ill be happy. But yea man nice job looks great.

View media item 1808860I named it KINGPIN... I hope it doesn't Abort(doubt it, enviro is dialed, but not all Pins grow Up to finish). :volcano-smiley:

Haha kingpin. Am dam tht looks great already preety big for only a pin jeez lol. But yea thanx for the help on the oyster block. I actually got a few things im hoping some one mite be able 2 chime in help me out with. I ordered a 6 head ultrasonic mister so i could turn my tent into a walk in martha tent. An i was wondering is tht guna be big enuf for the tent or will i need a bigger one? I also wana have some shelves or racks tht i cud stack up an jus have rows of shelves n put the mushrooms on each row/shelf. But what im wondering is can i do like shiitake and morels an ones like tht tht need logs could i jus get a fresh cut log of the right type of wood an jus bring into martha tent?
I know the vomiting is considered part of the cleansing by some cultures, but I myself simply can't do it. I have a massive ventral hernia and sustained vomiting is one of the things that can send me to the hospital for emergency surgery. The last time they "fixed it" I spent 10 weeks in the hospital with 3 of those in the ICU where I almost bought it. The whole thing failed after 2 months back home and blew back out. They have tried to fix it twice with similar results. I'm NOT in a hurry to do that again, so I will go with the skins thanks.
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